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Auuggghhhh, the dreaded UTI! 

This week's comic was a not-so-subtle excuse to share with you the story of how I peed my pants this one time. Hey, I'm a TMI autobio cartoonist at heart ;) 

Also! I'm FUCKING DELIGHTED to announce that the Kickstarter to produce Oh Joy Sex Toy: Volume TWO funded in roughly 16 hours! I'm not sure of the exact time, because it had funded after I went to bed. BUT. The point is: Less than 24 hours and you folks made it happen. That's a pretty humbling feeling, to have a couple hundred people trust you with their money to make a thing you're passionate about. 

So thanks for that. 

If you haven't gotten your pre-order for volume two in, you can do it riiiiiight this'a way!



UTI: Urinary Tract Infection

UTIs are the woooooorst! And that is hardly my only story about peeing my pants from having a UTI, remind me to tell you about the time I was on an international flight from visiting Matthew in England on my way back to the US... >:| Anyway!



Correction: Cranberry juice does not outright *kill* bacteria. What it does is interfere with the mechanism by which the bacteria glue themselves to each other or the urinary tract wall. Once their biofilm is dissolved, they get flushed out. <a href="http://www.webmd.com/women/news/20100823/cranberry-juice-fights-urinary-tract-infection-quickly" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.webmd.com/women/news/20100823/cranberry-juice-fights-urinary-tract-infection-quickly</a> [R]esearchers discovered that in petri dishes, cranberry metabolites in the juice prevented E. coli from sticking to other bacteria, limiting its ability to grow and multiply. If E. coli is able to connect with other bacteria, such as the bacteria found in the urinary tract, it forms a layer or "biofilm." This allows the bacteria to multiply and produce an infection. Also, I'm not sure whether the active compound is actually an acid, or some other kind of metabolically-active compound. For comparison: I grapefruit has a couple compounds in it that interact with pharmaceuticals in ways that inhibit their effectiveness. They're not acids; I think mostly they're polyphenols that gum up some enzymes that would normally help metabolize compounds that are shelf-stable as pills into compounds that actually achieve the desired effect in the body. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grapefruit" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grapefruit</a>#Drug_interactions


It is worth noting that cranberry juice is only effective as a PREVENTATIVE, maybe, in SOME vulva-havers. It does nothing for penis-havers and doesn't work at TREATING an active UTI. The only thing cranberry juice does for an active UTI is provide hydration. It's a very common myth!


That is super interesting! I was going off of Planned Parenthood's site, I think?