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When we were high schoolers in Seattle, Dylan Meconis and I made a few trips down to Portland. We’d take the train to stay with some comics friends we’d made over the internet (still a new and novel [and risky] thing in the late 90s/early 00s! Especially for a pair of teenage girls) and I remember once they gave us a booklet of bus tickets so we could get around town on our own. My memory says that back then the bus cost under a dollar, maybe even .75 cents, but that could be me looking at the past with my “Things were so much CHEAPER then!!1!” goggles on. It was definitely nowhere near the $2.50 for 2.5 hours it is now. 

I used to be a daily bike rider for the first half decade I lived here because I couldn’t afford to ride the bus twice (or more) times a day, every day, but the last half decade I’ve gotten so much more tired than I ever thought I could and my income became much more stable (✨THANKS FOR BEING A PATRON✨) and now I find myself a daily bus commuter, using Trimet’s app to buy weeks’ worth of All Day Passes ($5) at a time. 

I sketch the other riders, I eavesdrop on conversations, I dick on my phone, I have interesting discussions with strangers, I get sexually harassed, I embroider, I make friends, I cry, I rest, I see my city on the bus. 

Yesterday I was freezing cold from waiting at the stop to go to work after getting my hair cut. A moment after I sat down at my seat, the heater turned on and it was one of the most physically pleasurable experiences I’ve ever had, like being rolled up in a hot, fluffy blanket that was also a hug. A big warm hug from my bus, from my city. 

(A draft of this was originally posted on Instagram)






Omg, Erica! I've been so spoiled by the transit in PDX! This week I'm up in the U-Dristrict and commuting to Bellevue. All the trip planners want to have me transfer between Metro and Sound Transit busses, but the fair doesn't transfer. Aargh! What gives? Having Vancouver busses honor Trimet fairs is so much nicer