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Alright, so LAST week was supposed to be Matthew's review of a penis toy and then THIS week would be another installment of Ask a Porn Star (which you saw the layout for yesterday), but then I had to post a guest comic last week instead. I figured we'd just do the Porn Star comic next and the the penis toy after that, but Matt said that'd throw off the balance of the rest of our schedule, so we're doing penis comic next week and then Porn Star after. 

So here's the edited script Matt sent me, which I hacked down even shorter as I was copy-pasting his words into my comic page templates. 

An OJST fan asked me to sign his Anal Safety Snails shirt if he provided me with all the supplies and a return shipping label, so obviously I said yes. Heehee, I haven't played with glow-in-the-dark fabric paints since the early 90s :3 

I did other running-a-business things today too. Tax stuff. Tax stuff will never end. We hire a tax preparer, but he still needs to get all his info from me and I still haven't figured out the most efficient way of keeping track of all my expenses and receipts. Sorry, this is probably super boring to you, but it's what consumes my mind. I don't mind paying taxes, I just hate the preparation and organization they require. Haroo! 

I got to tell the claims adjuster dude (representing the insurance company of the dude who hit me in a crosswalk with his car a few months ago) that my job is reviewing sex toys, so that was p. funny. 

Last year I super, super, super burnt myself out/made myself sick with anxiety/had a complete breakdown that incapacitated me for a couple months and I lost a scary amount of weight and it was just generally a really bad scene. I did this by over-committing myself to too man panels and conventions and teaching classes and lecturing at events and interviews and basically giving everyone who wanted my time a piece of me. 

This year I resolved to say NO. I'm doing three conventions and two speaking gigs (You can see which ones here! http://erikamoen.com/events) and declining almost every request for interviews and events that come my way. Except for the ones I really, really wanna do, of course. 

Like going on my friend Leia's A Happy Go Lucky podcast! Which is what I did over the weekend. I love this lady and I had a blast chatting with her and Jesse and Bobby for an hour about the comics industry and feminism and apologizing and whatever else. You can hear it here! http://ahappygoluckyscamp.com/2014/02/17/episode-047-a-girl-walks-into-a-comic-shop/ 

Alright, good night friends. It's past midnight and I just got home from a three hour pole dance rehearsal :P This B needs some sleep.



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