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This week Matt gets anal as he walks you through how to prepare your cave of wonder for a plunder. 


ONE WEEK LEFT before the Kickstarter to fund our Drawn To Sex book launches! May 1st, my dearest chums. We're finally producing a volume dedicated exclusively to our sex education comics as a one stop shop for the basics on doin' it and doin' it well (IE: safely and consensually)




"Good luck and bottoms up!" *giggles* I love you guys! Great and safe advice as usual~!


I loved the comic! However, I do have a concern about one of the links below it - the one linking to Laci Green. She has done some pretty uncool things to trans women, and OJST is generally super trans-inclusive, so it seems odd that she'd be linked on your page. Idk if you know much about her, but it may be worth some research to see if she is the kind of person you'd like to link from OJST. Thanks for the consideration!