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I LOVE getting to have these annual chats with the That Thing You Like boys, when we get to dive deep into a story. In the past we've discussed the book Station Eleven and the movie Lilo and Stitch, and I just... I just love the conversations we have. As excited fans, as critics analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of a story, as friends who relate our intimate, personal experiences and relationships over the course of analyzing modern media. 

Coraline holds a special place in my heart as also being my first Grown Up Job (as a Production Assistant) out of college, so both the story itself and my relationship to its production are very intertwined in my brain with the themes of maturing and learning to navigate the adult world. 

Also, I share some Very Special BEHIND-THE-SCENES Production Assistant Exclusive factoids about the movie's creation! Like which pin-up model from a soft-core nudie girl site was used as hair inspiration for Coraline!  TRUE STORY. 

That Thing You Like: Coraline (Episode 206) 


That Thing You Like by Chris Baxter and Brian Shirlaw on Apple Podcasts

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That's a cool film to have been involved in, even in a small way! Will have to listen to this one.

Chris Crowther

I'm just going to think of you every time I re-watch that now...ok that sounds far creepier than I mean it to.