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Dang, my dudes. "Yes, Roya" is one of my all time favorite graphic novels. Like. Not even "favorite erotic graphic novels". I mean, "favorite graphic novels. Ever." It's just good comics. 

Here's the synopsis, then go check out my review for some further analysis!

 Yes, Roya is a graphic novel about an inexperienced young artist, Wylie, trying to break into the competitive field of drawing magazine cartoons during the 60s. Wylie sets out to get his portfolio critiqued at his idol Joe's home, and instead inadvertently meets Joe’s wife, the formidable and intoxicating Roya. A whirlwind three-way-femdom relationship blossoms between them, as Roya and Joe’s kinky life absorbs the inexperienced and infatuated Wiley.




Such an amazing book.


Excellent writeup. I noticed you used a few different spellings for Wylie/Wiley though; I assume one of them is a typo?