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This is a post where I very respectfully ask that you DO NOT COMMENT. I explain why below and I really appreciate you honoring my request :)


Thank you so, so much to everyone who left me a kind message on my last essay about getting naked for the internet and the photo Allan Amato took of me for his next book project, Seraph. To be honest, I'm a bit overwhelmed by the response that post got? I keep trying to explain my reaction, but when I read my words back it doesn't really make sense so I'll just say that I feel really humbled and appreciative and a bunch of other stuff that gets weird and complicated.

My photoshoot with Allan did produce more than just that one picture, though! I'm not intending to turn this Patreon into a vehicle for putting my boobs in your face, but, uh, I guess that's what it is for the moment? Sorry??? Don't scroll down if you don't want to see stuff you don't want to see????????

But if that is stuff you do want to see, I also have several years worth of photos posing for Visioluxous over on my old Flickr account. You've gotta be logged in and have set your preferences to show adult content if you wanna see the starkers pictures, otherwise Flickr'll just show you the clothed ones. Like, it doesn't even give you a heads up that you're missing anything, it just shows you the clothed photos as if that's all there is-- and there are more starkers pictures than there are clothed ones, so you're missing the majority of photos if you're not logged in and have adjusted the default settings accordingly. 

Oh, and I also drew a few comics about this, way back in the day for my old autobiographical series! Life Model, Life Drawing Jerks, and Modeling for Visioluxous. Haha, lookit my decade-old artwork. 

Ok. So. I'm gunna share the rest of the Allan Amato photoshoot here and I'm gunna ask you guys to PLEASE NOT COMMENT on this post because... because I have complicated feelings? Because these are JUST pictures of me, it's not my writing, so all you have to comment on is my appearance and physical performance in them? And I have complicated feelings about that? Sorry, I know that may feel like a bizarre request and runs counter to how the internet operates (that sharing media on the internet means you are inviting commentary on it), but that is the appeal I am making. So just lemme post these and you can look at them if you want to and you can experience your reaction on your own and then we just won't talk about it here, ok? You can talk about it elsewhere on the internet, of course! These photos are publicly viewable on other sites and you are more than welcome to discuss them there :) Just not here, where I can see it, please.

Wow, that's a lot of build-up for a handful of pictures. I hope this isn't too much of an anti-climax.

¯ \_(ツ)_/¯




And to cap it off, here's a  photo of a photo of me on Allan's camera, immediately after the shoot.




Alright! That is the last of the I AM NAKED posts on here for a while! I promise! Back to just... drawing pictures of other people being naked :D It's the circle of naked life.


Once again, I very respectfully request that you DO NOT COMMENT on this post for the reasons I listed above! Thank you so, so much for NOT COMMENTING, I really appreciate it :)


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