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Really enjoyed talking with Dr. David Ley this morning about using humor to disarm people's defensiveness when it comes to discussing difficult subjects (liiiiiiiiiiike SEX) and why I think comics is a uniquely powerful media for education. Also, check out my home office in the background :D Matt put up those shelves so I could swap different books and prints in and out and keep the visuals in my home workplace fresh.

He's interviewed a ton of other folks in the sex world for this series, all of which you can watch here!


#NoMoreSexShame - Erika Moen

Erika and her husband produce the amazing, funny, educational and shame-reducing comic OhJoy SexToy. Hear how humor and comics offer ways for people to fight sex shame through laughter and love. #NoMoreSexShame


Danielle Corsetto

I always forget that we went through the same transition from fear of sex to fascination with it. :) Re: Chick Tracts, Luke found a less-comic-filled but VERY COMICAL tract while he was mowing my lawn and brought it to me the other day and it was a DELIGHT: <a href="https://twitter.com/dcorsetto/status/880065312649031681" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/dcorsetto/status/880065312649031681</a> This is the equivalent of stopping by a convention booth and excitedly asking what printer an artist used instead of commenting on their work, BUT... WHERE DID MATT FIND THOSE SHELVES, I'm looking for those for the same reason!! Brilliant!


Great interview! First time I'd seen you speak, you come across really well, with the same enthusiasm and sense of fun that's clear from the comic. (And hey, you're a much better artist than Jack Chick!) :)


1) HOLY SHIT THAT SCREEN CAP. :O :O :O Oh my GOD!!!!!!!! 2) The shelves are from Ikea!!! I don't remember what they're called... probably the BörkBörkBörk? They're meant to hold framed photos, I believe?