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POV: The Warmother leads you to your impending capital execution, aka the Mating Chambers 🤤☠️💕

Yo yo people,

Todays warmup as I work on the bigger stuff, but I drew Sejuani again 🥳.

This was primarily a MASSIVE effort to test/practice shadows/light so I can rely less and less on hard lines/lines at all doing the heavy lifting (something that I've been wanting to do for a while now, the Mirko pic was also a bit of a test but not as heavy as this one was). Plus it was a chance to draw Sejuani BOOTA too, so naturally I took it 🥰.

Anyway, included an Icy Blue Alt cause it's Sejuani, lemme know how this turned out and as always ENJOY BRAHS! 😎♥️




The greyscale looks really good! Very nice looking shadows ^^


I really love the icy alt. Love the colors and look of it.

Gurvir Shinda

Thanks Aqua I was seriously practicing and flex my shadows with this one and applying new and improved tactics since I wanna rely less on hard lines and more on shadows/lighting, seems to be working so ty 😎🤝😎

Gurvir Shinda

Thanks Director! Even in the coloured version I wanna retain some of that blue/icy hue so hopefully my skills pay off here 😎👍