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Blonde Ahri is legit so brokenly OP 🤯

Yo yo people, 

Quick KDA All Out Ahri sketches I did today, gonna colour these in later properly but I MAINLY wanted to try out a new pinup format for just coloured sketches.

Usually when I do a frontal sketch pinup some folks ask for pics of the booty+ and vice versa, so I figured I'd find a way to combine the two into a sheet containing both (already seen some hentai artists do this on Twitter and got inspired😎). Let me know what you guys think of this sketch format, or if you'd prefer them separate!

Till then, enjoy brahs 🥳




If this is the way u draw booty then..........DO IT MORE OFTEN BRU. <3


This is probably the greatest idea in the history of man thank you Shinda