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Yo yo people, 

So on Twitter right now I'm currently doing the "Strip Game/Strip The Character" trend, and I decided to use Miss Fortune for the meme (and cause I've only ever drawn her of ALL League waifus once😂). For those that don't have Twitter here are the original second and first rounds with some bonus textless variants 😎

Right now I'm on Round 2/3 and if its successful I'll post the last round here as well, same with the bonus versions if it REALLY takes off 🥳🥳

For now, ENJOY GUYS 😄




I really love the pose of nude pic. Great job!


My head canon is that she lost a game of strip poker intentionally xD

Gurvir Shinda

Thanks Mario, bro ngl that pose was hell to get right enough cause my perfection complex was NOT letting me off the hook with this xD