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Sup guys, just a semi-quick pinup sketch of Tianna Crownguard, Garen and Lux's hot military aunt from Legends of Runeterra, in greyscale 😎

Mostly just a shading/rendering test and to see how much i can do when i don't have colour to assist me.

Lemme know how I did, ENJOY BRAHS, included a variant w/ and w/o pubes 😄

(PS, I'll colour this later :)) 




monkaS, she going to break someone, nice job so far


The muscles really turned out nicely this time. Great job


Dommy Aunty Mommy

Gurvir Shinda

She needs to break me bro 😒 But thanks Mario appreciate it (also coloured vers is up enjoy man 😎🍻😎)

Gurvir Shinda

Thanks Kory! For female muscles I've been realizing that reducing the straight up hardlines and instead expressing the abs via shading/rendering is WAYYY more effective 😄