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1000% need her to crush my skull between those thighs like a Watermelon FR bros 💪🤯🍉❗❗

Yo YOOO people,

First Commission's down, ripped through the MuscleMommy Samus Comm (thanks M 😏👌) and she turned out FANTASTIC 🥳.

Like I said in the WIP post prior, this was more about highlighting Samus' legit strength so less thick THICC = more muscle THICC and w/ lots of sweat running down her body post-workout🤤.

Included the Gym-Gear Clothed Base + the Nude Alt, so lemme know how she turned out and as always ENJOY BRAHS!  💪🥰



Norman A. Letterman

Classic colors 👌 beautiful job lad, she looks ace

Elijah Guerrero

Sarah Fortune's idol, hot damn you do her justice

Gurvir Shinda

Thanks Norman! Yeah for this one the colours and getting them right were SOO critical since they're also so iconic/recognizable 😏👌