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OK, So - As usual, we have a pretty stacked schedule this coming month - Our goal is really just to get a firm grasp of the fundamentals for how the system works. So, we're probably not going to be "mastering" anything, but that doesn't mean we can't make some cool stuff with what we find lol -

I'm also almost done rigging the Military Tactical Knight in order for us to test and use these special effects with, and my primary goals this coming month are to start the Community Discord and also start live-streaming on a schedule - So... there's a lot to do, but I think it's doable as long as we stay on track - Thanks again for being here and for all the support, I'll see ya in the next video-!!

All the best,





Excellent! Now, are you going to cover from button press-to-character animation-to-VFX effect? For instance, when a player presses their "attack" button, this button press will trigger both the VFX effect with the character animation, in unison. Greatly looking forward to this UE5, visual effects series.


Yes, that's exactly what we're gonna try and build systems for - We'll have a library of effects that should be triggered depending on character animations - Towards the end of the month, I'd also like to have this system applied to camera and lens affects and slow-mo too. So, it will probably take a bit to setup, but I think once it's running, it will save a lot of time :)