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Alright, It's been a while since I found the time to make one of these announcements - A lot of my time has been spent going back and fourth with the Unreal Marketplace making sure that my stuff is aligned with all their requirements. There's a lot of double checking with them as to what's allowed and what's not. I'll probably end up making a little mini series called "How To Upload To Unreal Marketplace" just because there's no way you would figure this out on your own - Still, progress has been steady despite it being arduous lol.

All the drama with Unreal Market aside, we've completed the Landscape Mode tutorial series, and we'll be diving into Foliage Mode next! I'm gathering my notes and thoughts a bit before I execute the next video because the intro vid to a new mode is almost always the most complicated -

I'll keep you guys posted as we make more progress into figuring out the new Engine, but in the meanwhile, hope you all have a Fantastic Day, and I'll see ya in the next vid :)




VR AnimeTed

Wow, pretty interesting topic! I made a half-ass attempt to get into the Unity market several years ago and gave up when I didn't get a clear answer on what was wrong. I doubt I'll be trying to put anything into the market, but knowing how ir works will be good info for working with assets from the market.