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What a film this was! As depicted in the film, the aircraft splintered, losing its wings and tail on impact before it slid down the mountain at incredible speed. Twelve people were killed during the initial crash and five more people died that first night as a result of injury and the deathly cold of the subzero temperatures. Further trauma followed as the remaining passengers did what they needed to do to survive during their 72-day ordeal. This attempt to survive included the passengers’ consumption of their dead comrades.

The performances from all of the actors feel so real, especially in moments that could easily come across as silly with the wrong tone — but it is effective here. The music by the great Michael Giacchino is brilliantly paired with how the film is paced and the overall tone. Well done by all. It is a must-see if you haven't already.

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

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First watch: All

Watched on: Netflix

Society of the Snow watch options here 

Thank you and hope you enjoy


Society of the Snow FULL REACTION



No way!!! I been waiting for this reaction since the movie came out

jenny meresse

Can’t wait to check this out!

Josip Buretic

It is so sad and heartbreaking but also beautiful story about strong people

Josip Buretic

Thank you so much guys for this reaction ❤️

jenny meresse

I’ve never heard of this one, but can’t wait to see it with the guys! I feel like I’m part of the friend group lol


I can't wait to re-watch this movie with Badd Medicine. A tragic but amazing feats of human resilience.

Nicholas Scala

Will get to this right after your guys quarry episode on the arcade channel 🫡

Jeff K

Feel like I really need to check this one out; I have a vivid memory of going to see Alive in the theater when I was a kid, and didn't realize initially this was the same story.


I've never heard of this. Going in blind. I'm guessing it's about a plane crash

Tori Jeri

YES!! This has become one of my favorite movies of all time. It’s very intense, but you could tell so much care went into making it. They had a private screening of this movie for all the survivors and their families and the families of the dead, and when it was over they got a standing ovation. Some families said it felt like having their loved one back. absolutely beautiful.

Tori Jeri

don’t even get me started on the filmmaking part of it or we’ll be here all day lol.

Magda Ch

I haven't seen it yet, but I know the story so I thought it would be something hard to watch, I was waiting for you guys to react to this movie so we could watch it together hehe :')


i’ve literally never been more excited for one of your reactions!!

J Knight

I've never watched this movie, but I've heard the story its based on and have seen multiple reenactments of it on murder show channels, so I'm a bit confused by all the smiling in the thumbnail 😗

Mariun Garcia

So happy to watch this again with you guys. After watching it the first time, I saw several interviews with the survivors, and there is one phrase from Dr. Roberto Canessa that has stayed with me: "We have more than we need, and we do so little with what we have."

Scott Bringel

This story is unbelievable. So much weight in it, it feels like you’re there the whole time.

Fer I

Oh man, i was waiting for this reaction, it's time to rewatch and cry my eyes out again but with you all


Yes!! So excited to watch this with y’all!!

Oriana Lo Presti

Watching it with you guys. I think you're a bit confused about how it's getting warmer and warmer. Their winters are not different. It's just not winter. It's the southern hemisphere. Winter there is when it's summer for us. It's October/November so it's spring for them, heading into summer. If this has been in the winter for them, it would have been way more complicated

J Knight

I just finished watching... Now I'm glad they could smile. That was crazy.


The rabbit hole I went down after watching this movie was crazy, I watched so many interviews with the survivors and it’s just such an incredible story, happy you guys watched it !!!!!

Corey Weiner

I think you had the perfect reaction to this movie! It’s so powerful and beautifully made!! They even had input from the survivors on making the movie, they made sure that everything was 100% accurate; so him not getting into the chopper at the end because of the bag was accurate. Im not sure if you guys were interested but there’s a very interesting video about the making of the movie with the survivors on Netflix as well!

Oriana Lo Presti

Well, finished a rewatch with you guys. I am very glad you guys watched this. Said by the survivors, this is a very accurate representation of what happened. J.A Bayona was already studying the story whilst filming The Impossible like 15 years ago. The survivors were involved, some even made a cameo (Nando, Roberto, Carlos). And yeah Gustavo did take things from the victims to give to the families. Coco's mother said in an interview that she still keeps his letter on her bedside table.

Oriana Lo Presti

I am not sure if you guys have understood that this is the same director of the impossible, because you guys mentioned watching that movie and it was powerful, but yes it was the same director

Alyssa Dyson

This movie was incredible. Foreign films are always great. 💜 Super sad though dont feel like crying tonight lol


After watching this, I know for a fact that if the crash, injuries or elements didn't take me out then the depth of my despair would kill me. I literally said "what's the point?" after a while of watching this and wanted to turn it off. I wouldve given up long before they did. The hell these men went through is unimaginable.


The cinematography and the actors were just immaculate. I rewatched it with you guys and it’s astounding to see the work that is put in each shot You guys should watch the 40min BTS on Netflix about the making of the movie.


This was my first time watching this movie, and I had heard about the story, but the way this went into detail honestly shocked me. I knew some things about this, but the way they had to survive, the way people died, the way it was filmed made this movie what it was. I pray that this will never happen again. I do wonder how the survivors dealt with the survivor guilt of eating their friends to survive, coming home, and being able to live with that knowledge. Coming back from something this traumatic is something I can not even imagine. I think this intensity reminded me of when I read the book Unbroken (the movie is excellent!). Completely different stories and situations, but they both show how you will do anything to survive and live and surprise yourself to the will to survive. I can tell you that I would never be able to live through one of these stories, and I am so glad that these men came back to tell their story so that the 32 or however many it was that were lost and never got back will never be forgotten for the pain they did go through.

Stacy Lymber

I’m old enough to remember Alive and this was so much better. It was so beautifully done. I am so thankful all of you appreciated it. This is a movie you remember forever.


Catholic priests (Including the Pope, I believe) had to publicly pardon them and attest that due to the extreme situation they were in, it was not a sin for them to have done what they did, and that they were not going to go to Hell. Another reason why the they pardoned them was because the public reaction to the cannibalism committed was extremely negative and people said horrible things about them. This is due to Uruguay being an extremely religious country, like most of South America. It's easy to react this way because they didn't understand the torture those boys were living in. Nando Parrado and Carlitos(survivors) both have done TedTalks in which they speak about how some of their friends families (the ones who didn't make it) never forgave them, blaming them for what happened. They said that although it caused them extreme pain, they could respect their choice. They also shared that, with the release of this movie, many of the families of the boys who passed forgave them, and said they understood, after attending a screening together in Montevideo, Uruguay where all the families were invited to watch.


Two of the actual survivor are in the movie! The first is Nando Parrado, who opens the door in the airport for the actor that plays him. The second is Carlitos Paez, who is the man who reads the boys names before they are rescued. He plays the role of his own father, who read their names on the radio.

Elvira Heredia

Excellent reaction! Now maybe something funny like "turning Red" o maybe fiction like Gone girl!


I actually thought they watched this movie because they liked the impossible so much but I guess they didn’t know it was the same guy since they didn’t mention it 🤷🏻‍♀️😅

Hayley K

I think this is one of the quietest reactions ive seen from yall, and its understandable why. This movie is just on another level. Great reaction, I cried all over again.

C. J. Ramirez

I’m 24. Never seen anything about this just whispers but I never looked it up. 70 days is crazy to be stranded. Idk how they survived or how they chose too.

Josip Buretic

And also the real Roberto Canessa is in the movie he can be spotted right behind the actor who plays him in the movie. In this case, he is one of the doctors receiving him at the hospital after the rescue.

Josip Buretic

Yes ans actually eight of the survivors had to spend an additional night on the mountain for several reasons. One of the problems was that the helicopters would have exceeded their weight limit with all the survivors onboard. There was also bad weather during the first rescue flight, preventing them from returning the same day. While the movie depicts them all flying out on the same day, eight of the survivors had to extend their tragedy through another night.

Oriana Lo Presti

They watched it because we spammed so much for them to watch it, but especially in the comments of the impossible so I thought they knew 🤣


I love the way this story is told. There was no compulsion to embellish anything outright or to downplay anything either. The weight of the discussions and concerns they were facing were presented without pushing any particular viewpoint as right vs wrong. I saw some of the survivors' interviews too and the way they answered questions or reflected on the events were really well expressed in this movie. If you're interested, take a look at these: https://youtu.be/5aVI-5oZbDA?si=T-mN9nxExcE-5kf7 and https://youtu.be/2cM0Noskgnw?si=D2W0If6ffFsmxmsu

Barbi Duarte

I’m sure if someone already mentioned it, but in South America, the seasons are the opposite to the northern hemisphere. You guys spend Christmas in winter but for us is summer. Our winter is middle of the year.

mariana asturias

So happy y’all watched this!! The survivors had input in the making of this film which was why it felt so real and emotional. There’s videos on YouTube with the survivors/actors who play them. The suitcase scene was real there’s a clip of the survivor on YouTube taking about it. That’s why this movie deserves the Oscar!!

Linsey Morris

this is one of my favorite movies of all time now. i actually paid for patreon for this reaction because i love this movie so much and just want everyone to watch it lol. i'm actually listening to the audiobook of the society of the snow right now and highly recommend it, all the survivors say that alive (the book) was done right after it happened and it's a lot of the just general facts of what happened given when things were still highly emotional but society of the snow is more true to each person and has way more heart in it. i'm so glad this movie exists, it's so beautifully crafted and i think i keep going back to it because while the world is so horrible right now, it's nice to be reminded of the love and devotion that humans are capable of. the choice to make numa the narrator is such a good and devastating one because it convinces the audience that he's safe which makes his loss such a huge blow and it truly was the catalyst that pushed them to take that last voyage to get them all rescued. the way the men talk about numa in that book is so so so beautiful and i feel like they captured it beautifully here. the survivors even affectionately call enzo (the actor) numa as does his own family members who enzo meets with regularly. just so much love in these people it will never cease to amaze me. i'm so glad ja bayona fought to get this made the way it was intended (in spanish). also how incredible is that sound mixing and score??? and don't even get me started on the acting. this movie deserves way more accolades than they're getting. also highly recommend you watch the making of documentary on netflix on your own time because it's so incredible to watch the whole process. the avalanche scenes were just as hellish to film as you'd think they'd be.


May have been mentioned by others, but they filmed some (not sure if all or how much) at the actual crash site and the actors camped in the mountains during filming to get a small sense of what the survivors went through so they were able to tell their story as authentically as possible. Of the 16 survivors, 14 are still like (two passed of cancer). Roberto Canessa ended up becoming a pediatric cardiologist, another became a lawyer, another built a large architecture firm, etc so most went on to be very successful in whatever field they pursued.


They also get together annually on the day they were rescued (Dec 22) and bring their families so all of their children know each other and grew up knowing each other, so they all continued to stay in each other’s lives after their rescue.


What is the book called that you are reading? I’d love to read it

Miles Henry

Never seen you guys so silent while watching a movie

Ivan Rasmussen

I'm 25 and never knew there was a book or movie before this. I probably wouldn't have ever found this story without this film so I'm so glad they made it and just an incredible story

Brian Albright

Watched this with you guys last night. Like Oak, I read this book in school (high school) when the movie Alive was new and popular, and I loved the book a lot more than the film. But this movie, wow, it made me think of what I felt reading that book. Just gut-wrenching and awe-inspiring. I’ve never seen you guys so silent watching anything, and I’ve seen over 50 of your film reactions, maybe more. Thank you for doing this one.