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WOW!!!! What an impactful and chilling first episode. 

The episode begins with the catastrophic explosion at Reactor 4, unfolding in real-time. The chaos, confusion, and the palpable fear among the plant workers draw viewers into the immediate aftermath. The storytelling is intense and gripping, keeping us on the edge of our seats as the true scale of the disaster becomes apparent

Craig Mazin and crew did a fantastic job with this first episode. The emotional weight of the episode is undeniable. The fear, confusion, and desperation of the characters are palpable, creating a visceral connection. 

If you haven't seen this, we highly recommend giving it a shot.

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

**Copyright laws. We do not own this movie property nor can we afford rights to distribute**

First watch: Answer, Diamond Dave, & Mason Quinn

Watched on: HBO MAX


Chernobyl episode 1 FULL REACTION



Am I crazy or did I keep hearing a phone vibrating throughout this video? Lol


This series hit really, really close to home for me because of my Father's stories. He was born in Pripyat and was one of the very few who read the writing on the wall, grabbed my Mother and ran before the committees were able to seal the city off. They stayed with one of the farmers on the outskirts and posed as visiting family so, when they did evacuate eventually, they were able to go with way less radiation exposure. Although less, however, both ended up passing due to leukemia that the doctors here in the US were fairly sure could be linked to Chernobyl's disaster. Though its like my fifth time watching this series, looking forward to watching the entire thing with you guys! Love the reactions!


If you enjoy this series I HIGHLY recommend "The Days" on Netflix about the Fukushima nuclear accident.


Watching this with you and it's making me angry again D: