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What an incredible movie! There's so much to unpack. The performances from every actor were uniformly outstanding. And let's talk about that amazing score – truly fantastic! The film maintains a relentless tension that mirrors the intensity of the game itself. It goes beyond the screen, immersing us so thoroughly that it feels like we're right there in the midst of it all. Honestly, this could have been even longer, and we would have welcomed it with open arms.

In the war-torn dystopian nation of Panem, General Crassus Snow, of the noble Snow family, perishes in the First Rebellion. Thirteen years later, his son Coriolanus, an Academy student, aims to revive the family's fortune by mentoring a tribute in the 10th Annual Hunger Games. Assigned District 12's Lucy Gray Baird, Coriolanus defies expectations, earning her trust and sympathy. Proposing a sponsorship scheme, he faces intrigue, rebellion, and deadly challenges. After a series of events, including a rebel attack and personal betrayals, Coriolanus emerges as a complex figure. The story unfolds with twists, deceit, and a transformative journey, revealing the origins of the Hunger Games and Coriolanus Snow's ascent to power.

Although we haven't delved into the books ourselves, we're intrigued to learn about your experience with them and your impressions of the film. How closely did the movie adhere to the original storyline, and what are your thoughts on the adaptation?

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

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First watch: All

Watched on: Amazon Prime

Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes watch options here 

Thank you and hope you enjoy!


The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes FULL REACTION



Oak is spot on. I'm so impressed!!

Gergana Tsolova

A few points I would make as someone who read the book first: 1. Despite the fact that this was the longest of the movies, SO much was missing in it. In the book Snow and Lucy Gray spend much more time together before the games, and Snow and Sejanus spend lot longer in District 12. The studio could have made the movie in two parts and still not add anything extra. 2. On whether Snow loved Lucy Gray, I saw his feelings to her more like an ownership obsession. In the book he underlines multiple times that she is *his* girl. Almost like he feels entitled to her, because he helped her win the Games. And in the very beginning of the Games, he sees his "bright future", as someone who goes to university, wins admiration and a prestigious career, renovates the Snow estate, and all this with Lucy Gray by his side. So I believe he followed her, because he chased this picture, not out of genuine affection for her specifically. 3. Snows scenes with Dr. Gaul for me showed the difference in their thinking - Gaul is the psycho that loves causing pain and the Games are her way to "prove" that all people are like her, while Snow just doesn't care what happens to people as long as they are not an obstacle for him. He's completely cold and unfeeling. The only thing that motivates him is the hunger for power. Also, a quick correction - Tigris is not Snows sister, she's his cousin. And, I don't know if you remember Mockingjay part 2, but she is the designer that helped Katniss and her crew when they were being chased by Capitol troops.


So fun fact the film's original cut was actually 3 hours and 40 minutes long. I have yet to read the book but I do know by friends, that there were certain things cut out of the story mostly relating to Coriolanus's and Lucy Grays romance and his relationship with the Plinth family and his other classmates. Some other things my friends have told me (well I asked) and i know Oak was speaking about it but Coriolanus is a SNAKE and a manipulative and power-hungry controlling person throughout the entire story however he did love Lucy Gray but it did become a very obsessive controlling love. I was also told that Dr Gaul (Viola Davis) actually erases the tenth hunger games, so while a distrcit 12 winner is remembered, Lucy Gray and the tenth games is forgotten. Though it is interesting that while she was not remembered her songs were. A big part of Lucy Gray that I love is that we do not really know her, everything (book &film) is in Snow's pov. So, she is like her namesake a true mystery. Got to give it to Suzanne Collins for writing a character so powerful and impactful to the story but literally disappears from the world and history like a ghost.Like the song she sang at the lake to Coriolanus about a girl named 'Lucy Gray' who gets lost in the snow. Though all I can think about is what Snow's thoughts were when he saw Katniss and Peeta for the first time. A dark haired girl and blonde boy from district 12 having a love story during the Hunger Games. Then when Katniss sings to Rue and when she sings the hanging tree. I know he had a mini heart attack every time Katniss appeared on screen.