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Well, this "WHOLE" episode was interesting. Gen V episode 4 fantastically woven multiple subplots, concealing a web of secrets along with characters. This episode introduces a compelling new character, Tek from Vought. Tek operates with motives that starkly oppose the established order, creating a fresh dynamic in the interpersonal relationships of the characters. This, in turn, propels the storyline forward, unveiling new layers of complexity.

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

**Copyright laws. We do not own this movie property nor can we afford rights to distribute**

First watch: All

Watched on: Amazon Prime

Gen V watch options here

Thank you and hope you enjoy!




Mac Z

ehm....that whole "i run away to fix things" ? just stop it ? then he already knows about all it.............yea no

Leah B

This is one of my favorite episodes. If you rewatch you can tell that Jordan was feeling Marie since episode one, but I didn’t notice Marie think of Jordan that way until the hallway scene after the cocksplosion. Marie’s blood bending power is crazy, Rufus had that coming. Sam and Emma fell for each very quickly, but they’re cute. I also think Sam is too unstable to root for a romance just yet though. Jordan v Sam was a great fight that I wanted more of.