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YT CUT Scott Pilgrim ep 5 & 6


YT CUT Scott Pilgrim Takes off ep 5 & 6



I really think this series has elevated the comic and the film. Not just by making the film something that's created in this timeline, but by giving backgrounds and fleshing out the "evil" exes. Like most relationships that fall apart, and the fault doesn't always lie with one person. Because the show is taking the time to do so, they've become more than just one dimensional caricatures. And by letting Scott take off, Ramona is given the agency to figure out who she is and what she's looking for, and make "peace?" with her exes insofar as such a thing can be achieved. As a character she's become more than a Manic Pixie Dream Girl for Scott. I think once we reach the end of this show, tracking each character's arc will be interesting, particularly their backstories, motivations, goals, and their life path on each timeline (Comic, Film, and now this series)

Conor Moriarty

Y’all got puss in boots the last wish on the list