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Legend of Korra 4x3 FULL REACTION



You're gonna see pretty quick, but yes, the spirit vines are nuclear energy

Marco Gutierrez

I wouldn't quite go as far as 30s-40s Germany from what we've seen yet, but we've seen this behavior previously in universe. This is essentially what the Fire Nation was like at the beginning of the 100 years war. Very militaristic, very hard line, aggressive, maybe not necessarily expansionist but certainly Kuvira believes that her tactics and way of governing leads to better results than what the prince and monarchy would have been able to produce which justifies her coup in her eyes. What you guys are noticing now though is that essentially each of the villains in this series are all about one form of political ideology or another. Amon was representing communism/socialism, Unalaq represented a theocracy, and Zaheer and the Red Lotus were trying to establish anarchy. Now we're facing what seems to be a dictatorship with Kuvira at its head, and I wouldn't necessarily call the stakes low considering the Fire Nation set a pretty good example of what might happen if this goes unresolved. As for Korra, I'm always going to be of the opinion that she's the source of all of her problems. In the early seasons she walks around with the mentality that she's the avatar which means she can do no wrong and whatever she chooses is the right path, and because she's the avatar she just has an instant win button. I really don't see a difference between that kind of thinking and the thinking of so many royals that think they have the mandate of heaven simply because their parents were kings and queens before them. Then in the later seasons she's just so frustrated and aggravated at having her worldview proven wrong time and time again that she never listens to anyone unless they appeal to her nature and stroke her ego. She could have avoided so many problems by simply displaying humility and having a service mindset, but instead she's arrogant and thinks the whole world just exists to follow her.