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OCTOBER POLL WINNER: Cabin in the Woods is a film of paradoxes, offering both intriguing elements and perplexing choices. The ensemble cast, featuring Kristen Connolly, Chris Hemsworth, and Bradley Whitford, shines in their roles, infusing humor and depth into their characters. The blend of archetypal and subversive characterizations adds complexity and intrigue to the story. 

On the positive side, the film's initial appearance as a standard horror movie is well-executed, drawing us into the seemingly typical story of friends on a remote cabin retreat. However, as it progresses, the narrative takes an unexpected turn, exploring the mechanics of horror storytelling. This unique approach offers a fresh perspective, challenging genre norms. 

However, "Cabin in the Woods" is not without its drawbacks. Some may find the plot overly convoluted, with the constant twists potentially leading to confusion rather than engagement. The film teeters on the edge of chaos, leaving a portion of the audience feeling disoriented. The balancing act between horror, and comedy, leaves some torn between admiration for its ambition and frustration with its complexity.

We would still recommend this to anyone. This is one of those films you will either like it or you won't. What was your reaction to this film? Is there anything we might have overlooked?

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

**Copyright laws. We do not own this movie property nor can we afford rights to distribute**

First watch: All

Watched on: Amazon Prime

Cabin in the woods watch options here

Thank you all and hope you enjoy!


Cabin In The Woods FULL REACTION



i LOVEEEEEEEE LOVE when you guys watch horror


love the idea that these guys were behind everyhorror moviw we have watched :)


wish this wasnt one of billion movies that is region locked and i cant watch it, shame most streaming services are like this. And no, even vpn wont help me here.


The lawsuit was dismissed. The judge acknowledged that the trope of a bunch of teens getting killed in the woods was not enough. This film was a meta examination on horror films.