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As the second episode unfolds, the narrative takes significant steps forward, with Starlight's evolving character being the highlight. Watching her assert herself and confront The Seven on their own terms is captivating. This transformation comes at the expense of ethical compromises and morally ambiguous shortcuts. The utilization of blackmail showcases her growing expertise in this area, creating a potentially slippery slope toward darker decisions.

The situation involving Butcher is also escalating, raising the possibility that the challenges faced by Hughie and Butcher might lead to destructive outcomes. The reappearance of A-Train adds tension to the mix, but it's Stormfront who truly shines. Her vibrant personality and carefree demeanor make her a standout presence.

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

**Copyright laws. We do not own this movie property nor can we afford the rights to distribute**

First watch: All

Watched on: Amazon Prime

The Boys watch options here 

Thank you and hope you enjoy!




Sam Harris

i know a few bits of sign language, what kimiko was doing isnt that, perhaps thats why she didnt try with the boys?


😭 i cant wait for your reactions to the third episode, im sure you guys will be surprised. the episodes just get better n better with this show!


Without any spoilers, I laughed at some parts of your discussion because you guys are in for lots of surprises by the end of this season haha Also, I love that Annie is taking control and asserting herself more thanks to Stormfront

Marco Gutierrez

To address Oak, I would say that the quality of writers for this show is absolutely higher than the quality of the writers you find in marvel and DC, and even most other movies these days. I'm not saying that they're perfect, but they're definitely in tune with their audience more than most others, and you see this happen in a few other select quality series and movies too. It isn't about tv versus movie. After all, Christopher Nolan and his writers can produce a coherent and high quality movie that lasts 2.5 hours, but you have people doing entire series like Loki, Secret Wars, the Witcher, or Shadow and Bone, and they can't make anything good to save their lives. What I've seen consistently between the good media and the bad media is that the writers and show runners for the good media actually focus on making a good product, while the writers for the bad media focus on themselves. It's a vanity project for them, or it's about politics, or their ideology, or something else along those lines. They get these jobs through sheer nepotism. Take two recent movies as an example: when asked about Oppenheimer, Christopher Nolan talks about the movie, and tells you some of his process or why you want to go watch it. When asked about the movie, the director of Blue Beetle can only talk about how you should see the movie simply because it has Latino characters, he stated he's proud that he only cast one white person in the movie, and that if you don't go to watch the movie then you're racist. You can tell by the difference between their comments that one is focused on delivering a good product, while the other is only focused on furthering their politics. The latter is the kind of person that you find all across Hollywood these days. The writers, the directors, the actors, it doesn't matter who but so many of them are being hired simply because they have the right politics and not because they'll deliver the best product. That's what actually sets apart the good media from the bad these days. You can always tell what's going to be good or bad by the way the people working on it behave on social media.