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Airbender was fantastic and here we are with Korra! Let's goooooo!!!

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Legend of Korra 1x1 FULL REACTION




James Ventola

No way!! its here. Just don't have your expectations high and youll enjoy it. If you go in expecting Airbender you'll be disappointed, but you should enjoy the series.

Angie H.

this is such a special series, i’m sure ya’ll with fall in love with it too‼️

Angie H.

oh my god i can’t wait for them to see the amazing fighting sequences with the new animation style 🤭


Grew up with both ATLA and Korra (literally the same age of each protagonist as they were airing), and while Korra has more ups and downs than ATLA, I truly love this show and hope you guys enjoy the ride!


Zuko Mom story is found in the graphic novel called the search. A great read as are all the comics of ATLA. There's omnibuses and library editions you can find with them instead of getting just single individual comics and a reading order online if you guys would be interested.


It's not mentioned in the show, but due to the time in the iceberg Aang died early at 66.

Stephanie Hundley

Loved watching all your ATLA reactions, I knew it would grow on all of you! While I will miss the ‘I know some crazy awesome shit is about to go down’ looks from Answer, I’m actually glad he hasn’t seen this one! I was skeptical going in, but Korra blew me away, it’s so much better than I thought it would be! Seasons 3 and 4 are the best IMO, but seasons 1 and 2 have some of my favorite episodes EVER, and sooo many great characters in this show too!

Anna Du

Will it be 1 ep per week or will you start reacting to 3 eps per week next week like you did for The Last Airbender?

Badd Medicine

It's likely to be one mostly. There will probably be weeks that 2 drop. But mostly likely never more than 2. Currently, we are dropping some kind of content everyday. More of a stacked schedule then we had during our run for Airbender. 🤙


And another amazing adventure begins! The journey all of the characters you're about to meet go on has incredible challenges and beautiful moments of growth like ATLA, *amazing* world-building, and some really interesting antagonist motivations. There are more ups and downs in the storytelling than Avatar for sure, but the pure essence of the original show is there throughout and I think it'll be a great time for all of you!


Also it's 4 seasons, 52 total episodes. I think the breakdown is 12, 14, 13 and 13 across the 4 seasons.

Amy Petty

Oh, I'm so stoked for this one. Overall, series against series, I think ATLA is the superior one, but there are certain storylines within Korra that personally I found more compelling in certain respects. Moreover, the central question, asking what the relevance is of an Avatar in the modern world, makes for an entirely different kind of conflict to address than Aang's classic hero's journey from the previous series.

Oulianor Timothee

Boy the excitement when I say this post!! For once I'm gonna keep my opinions to myself, I'm just happy for the ride! This was a great reaction, can't wait for more. 😀

Amy Petty

Oh, I agree. The story between Seasons 3 and 4 is some of the best writing across both Avatar series.

Charles Grimes

Love that you guys are getting into Korea now. Oak was quick to pick up on the difference between Aang and Korra in terms of having access to people that can train them. I believe I read that it was Aang made a point later in his life of making all the arrangements with the White Lotus to protect and train the next avatar after he was gone.

Raquel Perodin

Oh sweet we are at Korra!!!! So excited for this journey yeah Aang and Korra are opposites in personality. With Aang people wanted him but he wasn’t there for some time. With Korra shes there but people dont really want her. So its a new set of challenges. Korra hard always had people taking care of her so she never needed any money. Toph created a school to teach people metal bending and she created the police academy and was in charge of that. Thats why her statue is there. There’s a new villain each season because they weren’t sure if it would be picked up for a following season. Aang died early because he was frozen in the ice for so long and it took a toll on his body While he did not feel the effects for many years, after he entered middle age in his 50s, the strain of this exertion increasingly weighed upon his body. Ultimately, it resulted in Aang dying at the relatively young biological age of 66 (since he was in the ice for 100 years, in 153 AG) appa died shortly because of his bond with aang (spiritual connection) and the same affects of being stuck in the ice plus the grief of losing aang.

TinCan Cosmanaut

I thought Attack on Titan was next? what made you switch. Was it to much gore with boys so you need something light hearted to balance. I think its a good idea But Titan will get your channel alot of views. Check out other channels for reference.. its big.


Really excited for this reaction! It’s hard not to compare LOK to ATLA but as its own show it’s very good. Can’t wait for you to meet the rest of the characters! There was some drama behind the scenes with the production and Nickelodeon. Initially LOK was suppose to be one season but Nick requested a second season while they were finishing working on season one. During production of season two the studio went back and forth saying season two would be the last then asking for one or two more seasons. I think season three aired on tv but season four only aired on Nick’s website. The first two seasons each are pretty self contained story-wise (due to not knowing if there would be another season). Seasons three and four tell a continuous story and in my opinion are the strongest seasons of the show. Despite all the studio drama you guys are still in for a super fun ride!


Personally, I really hate how they ruined a lot of what Legend of Aang stands for. Maybe you guys will like the series. It just ruins a lot of the life lessons that TLOA. Stuff like you're not born with everything in your hands and have to work extremely hard to achieve a status in life. TLOK straight from the bat is ruined with Korra as she's the most perfect girl ever to be born and is such a genius. Despite that somehow behaves in the worst manners, and makes terribly dumb mistakes during the show. This show feels like it was made for the modern edgy teen, whilst TLOA can be enjoyed by everyone. But... I guess it's just a cartoon at the end of the day.


All of us out here did not love it. I loved Last Airbender. This series I thought started out ok, but I feel it greatly misses the charm of Airbender. And this series really ticked me off in season 2 which made me give up the series and not keep watching it.




Show isn't bad by any means but there is a reason some sequel shows get praise and some get backlash from amazing originals. ATLA is a 10/10 and a 7.5-8/10 solid sequel just doesn't compare

Kevin Austin Webb

Yesss, this is why I’m a Patreon subscriber to you guys!


So very excited for you do to go on this journey!!!


Very excited, love TLOK! Super excited for you guys to see all the absolutely bonkers fights and the new subtypes of bending!


Yes, I agree that it's not as "dire" compared to Aangs story. Aangs story was centered around a time of war essentially. With war it affects the progression of society and puts everything into a state of turmoil and they've been in that state for the past 100 years since he disappeared. Now with the war over, society can heal and turn towards a time of progress again and innovation like I guess the industrial revolution. Korra's journey comes into dealing with aiding the world into a new age and the challenges that come with it. I think it's a great contrast and realistic. I think these stories stand alone and are its own thing even with all the callbacks.


I’m soooo excited to be back in the avatar universe ☺️☺️🥳 Korra gets a lot of shit but she’s a different human being than Aang. Different personality, different mentality, different approach, different trauma etc... in a different era, culture, and environment. I think that’s what people need to understand. She’s not Aang 2.0 and that’s ok. I love LoK bc LoK touches on heavier topics than ATLA. The ptsd, the healing journey, the self development… there’s a lot more complex character development. Season 3 & 4 are phenomenal.

Samantha Blagec

I personally am so stoked for y'all to watch this. I have the highest of hopes that y'all will be among us in the minority that love this show just as much if not more than ATLA. It is a different show and y'all know that by now. I can't wait to see what y'all think about all the changes and storylines they decide to go with.