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The film follows the extraordinary journey of Desmond Doss, a conscientious objector who becomes a hero during World War II, and showcases the power of faith, courage, and unwavering determination. The movie begins by establishing Desmond Doss's character, played flawlessly by Andrew Garfield. Doss is a young man with deep religious convictions who refuses to carry a weapon or take a life due to his pacifist beliefs. The first act introduces us to his humble background and provides essential context for understanding his motivations and the challenges he will face as he enlists in the military as a medic.

The film excels in its portrayal of the brutal realities of war. The battle sequences are brutal and unflinching. Mel Gibson's direction brings an authentic and visceral feel to the combat scenes, depicting the horrors faced by soldiers on the battleground of Okinawa.

Hacksaw Ridge is not only a war film but also a profound exploration of human values and the strength of one's convictions. This dives into the inner conflicts faced by Doss as he stands his ground against prejudice and adversity. The showcasing of Doss's transformation from a misunderstood outsider to a symbol of unwavering bravery and compassion was fantastic.

The supporting cast delivers stellar performances, with standout portrayals by Teresa Palmer as Dorothy Schutte, Doss's love interest, and Vince Vaughn as Sergeant Howell, who brings a perfect blend of humor and authority to the screen. Sam Worthington does an outstanding job as well. One of the film's greatest strengths is its ability to evoke a range of emotions. It elicits genuine empathy and admiration for the characters.

What was your reaction?

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

**Copyright laws. We do not own this movie property nor can we afford rights to distribute**

First watch: Diamond Dave, Answer, Mason Quinn

Watched on: Amazon Prime

Hacksaw Ridge watch options here

Hope you enjoy!




Curtis Rice

Can't wait to watch you react to this. Love the reactions.


Can’t wait to get home and watch this, one of my all time favorites!

ElmSt Reactions

Cant wait to see the YT cut for this, epic movie


I remember skipping class to go see this with my friend. It was so powerful. I remember just being in disbelief the whole time. You guys should check out Band of Brothers. There's a reason why they are called "The greatest Generation"


Hi, I think you meant Sam Worthington in the description. I love this film. 😊

Alyssa Dyson

Mel gibson always makes bangers. This movie is incredible and an amazing performance by Andrew 💜

Culper (Lukas)

Wow, forgot it was Friday, lol.

Andrew Hansen

One of my all-time favorite movies. One of the best period. The craziest part is that they had to tone down his real story. This is one of those movies I didn't feel right eating popcorn while watching. I've watched it a dozen times and at least 30 different reactions and i still cry at Smitty's death, at the "help me get one more" and the real life footage at the end. I respect Doss immensely, but do think he's understanding the bible wrongly. The best translation is "thou shall not murder", not "thou shall not kill". Yet, the bible is also clear not to force someone to go against their convictions (unless their convictions are sinful) so if i were a pastor i would have privately counseled him to consider that he's wrong and pray over it, but still stand with him.

Marco Gutierrez

I think he understood it perfectly. I don't think he believes that killing itself is wrong, especially if it's in defense of other people. After all, if he did think that then he wouldn't have entered the war in the first place, since doing so is an act of support for it. He also never tried to tell other people that what they were doing was wrong. He simply knows that for him, killing would be a sin since he would be doing it in anger and hatred. There are many times where the same action can be a sin in one circumstance, but be completely fine and honoring God in a different circumstance.

Marco Gutierrez

I've been so excited to see you guys react to this one after seeing it in the July lineup. I never would have thought this would be on your radar due to the heavy Christian themes. With this in mind now, I'd like to put The Sound of Freedom on your radar now that I know you guys don't mind tackling some fo these heavier movies. I know the subject matter might be a little controversial, especially when you get around to the YouTube cut, but if you guys do decide that it can be done I think it would be great. It's a subject that needs to be spread around the world to raise as much awareness as possible. Even if you aren't able to do it for the channel, I recommend you guys go watch the movie in theaters now. There's thousands of donation set up to provide free tickets to everyone that wants them because they really want to get this information out there to save as many children as possible.

Andrew Hansen

Two WWII movies you have to see if you havent: Flags of Our Fathers, and Letters from Iwo Jima. Flags of Our Fathers is based on a book of a guy who after his father died discovered his father was one of the soldiers raising the flag on the top of Iwo Jima in the iconic photo of the flag raising. The movie is his and the other people's story. Letters from Iwo Jima is a derivative of that, a desire to learn the story of the Japanese soldiers from the battle and tells their stories using letters they wrote home. If you have a strong stomach James Bradley, who wrote Flags of Our Fathers, wrote another book called Fly Boys. It tells the gruesome fate of a group of naval aviators that was so horrific that it was classified top secret until the 90s. A legal observer from the war crimes trial heard the documents were declassified, got them and contacted James Bradley to see if he'd write their story. The airmen were shot down captured, and cannibalized for Japanese officers' feasts. There was only one survivor from the squadron, and you may have heard of him, George HW Bush, who was shot down over the ocean and rescued by submarine


The movie still holds up on rewatch ! The other guys should watch All quiet on the western front if they have time ☺️

Marco Gutierrez

Just commenting again after watching the reaction to address Dave at the end since I didn't see another comment doing so. Usually Hollywood does embellish these stories, but believe it or not Gibson actually toned down all of Doss's feats because he thought that people would find the true story too unbelievable. For starters, by the time that his unit went up to Hacksaw Ridge, they had already been fighting for a while and Doss's status was legendary. It wasn't the first time that he had saved enormous amounts of people under similar circumstances, and in regards to Hacksaw, the number of soldiers saved was tallied at over 150. Doss himself couldn't believe that and said that it couldn't have been more than 50, so they compromised at settled on 75. There was one time that Doss was seriously injured on his leg, kinda like at the end of the movie, but when he saw another injured soldier he simply got out of the stretcher and offered it to the other soldier while he walked. As we saw in the movie Doss was a vegetarian, and at the time army rations were mostly consisting of canned meat and maybe some crackers. That means that he was doing all of these feats living off of a few crackers and water a day for weeks at a time. He was supposedly extremely malnourished due to this. He was shot in the arm with a bullet from a sniper which broke his arm, and after kicking a grenade away to save some soldiers he ended up with 17 pieces of shrapnel in him. Despite these severe injuries, he just kept on going after recovering enough to keep working. There were also frequent reports of the soldiers refusing to go into battle until Doss had prayed for them, and whenever he did their crusties and injuries were low while the enemy suffered greatly. In the one battle where Doss didn't pray for them, the US lost and suffered heavy casualties. There are so many unbelievable stories just like these. Though I know I didn't get all the details right, I hope this can paint a picture of just how blessed by God he was.

Mckenzie Poehler

I've wanted to watch this movie since it came out but never got around to it so I was glad to have done it now. One war movie I did watch at the theaters that I think would be great for you guys to watch is called Unbroken. It's a true story based on a soldier named Louie Zamperini that I think you guys would enjoy. It's fantastic and I've had such a connection to this movie since I first saw it. Hope you guys check it out.


I miss the old set up 😭 it was like a man cave and the dim lighting was perfect . This new one , the led lights are too bright for my eyes 😓 I always have to cover the top of my screen with a cloth.


YAY! All four of you are here! 🙌 I know I said this before but if you guys enjoyed this then you definitely should check out The Water Diviner with Russell Crowe. :) About to start this now can't wait to watch along. 🍿😁

Adrianna Marie Aka AD

I LOVED this movie and so glad I watched along with you. I had no idea the story of Desmond Doss. Such an incredible story. I appreciated that they SHOWED us the consequences of war. Every shot was perfect. Every actor crushed it. Mel did a fantastic job at the direction.


i would love for you guys to react to bridgewater horizon! it's another incredible true story and i think you guys would love it.

Eric Wallace

The craziest thing they left out of the movie After the grenade left him with 17 pieces of shrapnel stuck in him, Desmond waited for five hours until fellow soldier Ralph Baker was able to reach him. Baker, along with a few other men, carried Desmond on a litter (stretcher) through an intense enemy tank attack. As they were carrying him, he saw a guy on the ground badly wounded. Desmond rolled off the stretcher and crawled over to patch the man up. Desmond gave up his stretcher to the man, but while waiting for help to come back, he was wounded again, this time by a sniper's bullet that shattered his left arm. He fashioned a splint out of a rifle stock and crawled the remaining 300 yards under fire, eventually reaching the safety of an aid station


I would LOVE to see you guys watch the actual Documentary with the actual man interviewed called The Conscientious Objector. Please consider doing that movie!!!!!

important nobody

Deepwater horizons? If that's what you meant that was a good one. Another good based on true story is Only the Brave


I hope they react to Band of Brothers/The Pacific/Masters of the Air

Donna Castellano

"Thou shalt not kill" covers a wide range of actions. Self-offing falls under it. Or any action that leads to the purposeful death of another or yourself. Starving yourself or preventing someone else from getting food. Denying yourself or others life saving medical treatment. Etc and so on. If by doing or not doing something, you know death can very much be a result, that's under "Thou shalt not kill".