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Scream 5, the latest installment in the beloved horror franchise, breathes new life into the iconic Ghostface killer while paying homage to its roots. The film opens with a clever blend of nostalgia and modernity, seamlessly integrating the familiar faces of Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell), Gale Weathers (Courteney Cox), and Dewey Riley (David Arquette) with a new generation of characters. As a series of gruesome murders unfolds in the town of Woodsboro, a relentless game of cat-and-mouse ensues, where the line between friend and foe becomes increasingly blurred.

What sets Scream 5 apart is its ability to subvert expectations and kept us guessing until the very end. The smart and self-aware script delivers a blend of suspense, mystery, and a healthy dose of meta-humor that fans of the franchise will appreciate. The filmmakers skillfully balance thrilling chase sequences with moments of tension-breaking levity, creating an engaging rollercoaster ride of emotions.

While Scream 5 pays homage to the franchise's roots, it also embraces the contemporary landscape of horror films, incorporating timely themes and social commentary. It tackles the ever-evolving nature of horror in the digital age, exploring the dangers of online anonymity and the power of social media in fueling real-life horror. These elements add depth to the narrative and elevate the film beyond being a mere slasher flick.

Overall, Scream 5 successfully resurrects the spirit of the franchise, delivering a thrilling and entertaining experience for both die-hard fans and newcomers. With its clever writing, impressive performances, and a healthy dose of nostalgia, this latest installment is a worthy addition to the Scream legacy. 

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

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First watch: All

Watched on: Paramount +

Scream 5 watch options here 

Hope you enjoy!




Dustee Lodholtz

Lets Go!!!!! Syncing up now, be back after! 🖤🤘🏻

Daniel Silva

Lets goo!! Btw guys if you're interested in adding more horror movies i fully recommend the spanish movie REC, is really really good, just try to watch it with subtitles instead of the dubbed version.


The Scream franchise just never misses.


So is it time for Scary Movie yet?


Incase you’re wondering, the reason nobody was on that floor in the hospital is because it was private, and only Tara and police officers were there.

Alyssa Dyson

I liked this one only thing i didn't like was the killer reveals and the reasoning behind them. and obviously the fact that they killed dewey off by a 110 lb girl 🤷🏼‍♀️


There was a line of Richie talking about the movies even though “he’d never seen them” where I figured it out pretty quick lol Awesome reaction, guys! 🔥


I agree, this probably was the weakest of the franchise thus far, but trust that Scream 6 brings it right back up there! This is still an enjoyable movie, and Dewey biting it really got me haha! Honestly, I understand why Neve Campbell didn’t come back for 6 with the pay issue but personally I don’t think she was really missed massively because the new characters are pretty great! I also feel like Sidney returns because it’s Woodsboro and 6 taking place in New York kind of makes sense for her not to? Idk, either way, 6 is I want to say my second favourite out of them all and looking forward to watching it again with you guys!

Alyssa Dyson

I think the 6th one is probably one of the weakest (dont want to list why because of spoilers) but everyone has their own ranking.


That’s completely fair enough! I can understand why some people wouldn’t enjoy it, I just like the story and feel like the motive is pretty solid (without giving too much away haha)

keara king

FUN FACT: y’all missed it but they talk about sydney’s husband “mark” a few times which is Patrick Dempsey’s character Detective Mark Kinkaid from Scream 3 ;)

keara king

i would love for y’all to watch the scream series on netflix. so many hate on it, but i low key love it and have watched it many times. it’s called scream but it’s not ghostface. just a similar serial killer show with vibes and motives that are related to the scream movie franchise

Alyssa Dyson

omg i was just going to comment this. I loved the show. Dont feel it gets enough recognition at all 💜

keara king

same. sure it’s not actually scream and it’s not what i think most people were expecting it to be, which is why i think people hate on it. i think if you just look at it as a stand alone show without the title of scream, it’s pretty dang good


so unbelievably excited for 6


Scream 6 is my second fave.


Yeah, it actually would've made more sense to keep her on regular floor then an isolated floor.


This is my least favorite of the franchise. It's was a mix of the new characters I didn't care about and the characters being too meta. The constant movie references kept taking me out of the movie and I couldn't feel scare for anyone besides Dewey.


It's funny, that you didn't recognise Mikey Madison, who played Amber. She was in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, doing the same thing she did in this movie - getting set on fire and screaming like a maniac.😄


This movie is the only one in the franchise that I don't like. I only saw it once before and only watched it again because of you guys. I didn't rember the reasons why they were killing all the people, so I agree with Mason Quinn that the motives of the two killers were pretty thin.

Alyssa Dyson

motives were terrible lol this one and 6 were the weakest of them all imo. I really dont like 3 and i still think its miles better then the new ones.

Whiskey Hotel

Glad I’m not the only one who didn’t enjoy this one as much as 1-4, and the same goes for 6 in my opinion but that’s just me. Great reaction as always though.


i personally loved 5 and 6, but i get why some dont.

Derek Jolstead

I’m pretty surprised this is the one you guys nailed the killer guesses on so early. I suspected Amber, but I thought Ritchie was the most likable character in the movie, so I was hoping it wasn’t him. They were also kind of playing with the idea of the movie being a remake of 1, so it was a good way to make you wonder if they’d actually repeat with making it the boyfriend or not. On that note, while I think the execution of the reveal scene should have been rewritten a little better, I disagree with anyone who would say that this isn’t a good motive. The series motives have always tied into some level of social commentary in addition to the personal stakes. It’s a good way to keep things interesting instead of the the killer always just being someone’s family or always after Sidney (and the soap opera reveal of 3 is just not great). It’s also totally believable with how nuts fanbases on the internet are now and how far they’ll take things, and totally fits the meta themes of this entire movie. (It’s also leagues ahead of the motives from 6 which I guessed in the first twenty minutes and is the absolute worst ending in the series, but we’ll get to that next week.) This movie certainly has its flaws, some of which were due to COVID shooting restrictions it seems. It’s missing a great chase scene, they took the callousness of the teen characters up a notch too high at times, and it definitely has a different feel without Wes and Kevin Williamson, with the script not quite as tight. There’s also a lot of ground that 4 already tread that this one repeats due to trying to start a new trilogy another time (but I thought most of the new characters were much more likable than in 4). But overall, I really enjoy it and I think it’s a worthy entry to the franchise, pretty much in the middle in terms of ranking for me.


I started this one last year while at my dad's. We had to pause it for something and never finished it. Literally like 5 minutes in. 😆 And so I've never seen it yet! Ima watchalong with you guys. Lol

Derek Jolstead

Definitely second this, REC is one of my favorite horror movies, and possibly the best of any in its particular subgenre.


Losing Dewey hit me harder than it should have lol. I know eventually with one of them it was probable but damn! He should have gone out better than that considering imo. I loved seeing the next generation via the original though, and the twist that Billy had a child, and liked Jenna's character. I thought it was a good callback full stop, not as good as 1 or 3 imho, but not awful either. I just enjoyed it for what it was, personally. So far? My ranks with them top to bottom? 1-3-4-2-5 last. May be controversial but I enjoyed 3 a lot. 3-4 may even be tied. Agree with you guys completely regarding this one, great reaction as always, thank you :)

Mariah Lovegood

I really enjoyed this one. Like Answer, I watched the originals in theater as a tween. This one reminded me what I loved about it 25 years later. It got me very excited for this requel trilogy. That's right there will be a Scream 7 next year. 6 is really good in my opinion and I hope all 3 of you throw out some great guesses while you watch. Can't wait to hear Answer finally get to guess.


Omg, y’all talked over the comment Gale made about never doing her bangs like in Scream 3 ever again 🥹 I personally love the new franchise because I love Jenna Ortega. I think those new movies do what they can with a concept that is a bit tired imo. It’s hard to innovate but the new movies manage quite well to keep you on your toes.

Marco Gutierrez

Well this one was definitely a step down, but it was still pretty fun. I like these Scream movies for the same reason that I like Final Destination: I don't need them to reinvent the wheel. Just keep giving me the same stuff and out a new coat of paint on it to make it fun. I also enjoy the meta commentary deepening as the series goes on. I liked the commentary here about true fans not wanting the franchises that they love getting ruined by greedy executives or by political activists. As someone that used to be a big fan of superhero stuff and many other franchises, I feel that one deeply. Can't wait to get all caught up with Scream 6.

MJ Eid

I really want scream 6 to catch me off guard. cause i once again guessed first time i saw the killer on screen. -.- Come on scream 6 i know you can do it! Like i said last movie. its usually a goofy guy "friend"


Ngl after having seen scream 6 this one is easily the better movie and less boring, But scream 6 had better action set pieces imo.


As sad as it was to see Dewey go I saw it coming pretty early on, his character was hanging on by a thread and they honestly needed a legacy death. We haven't had one since 3 with Cotton. We needed an emotional death, everyone that died before him I didn't care about. I guess I felt bad for Officer Judy but only because I felt her fear for her son but I didn't really care about her actual death other then surprise because I didn't see that coming but I didn't care about her in 4 or in this really. And it fit the narrative for the rest of the movie, it's what brought Sydney there, it didn't feel like they only did it for shock value. And I liked these killers, they looked like they were having a blast hamming it up but yeah I just couldn't by that Amber could overpower Dewey and men way bigger and stronger then her and I definitely didn't buy her over-powering Sydney or even Gale. And I agree, their motive was a little tired.


I know, I didn't realize that until recently. I hadn't seen 3 in a long time and I totally forgot his first name was Mark, lol


I do really like this one, I much prefer this then 4. The opening scene is better and think these killers are a lot more fun, they looked like they were having a blast hamming it up. There was some brutal kills, like Dewey's and Wes' deaths. And if felt scarier that they were literally killing people in broad daylight and outside. I really like Tara, to me she's the best character besides the legacy ones. I also like see Martha Meeks and seeing how these new characters are connected to the originals. I know a lot of people hated Dewey dying but I saw it coming pretty early on and I definitely knew he was going to die when he went back instead of going with them. But I think they needed an emotional death, we hadn't had one since 3 with Cotton, I didn't care about anyone else who died. And it was needed for the movie, there had to be a reason for Sydney to leave her kids and come back. I also like re-watching this one and seeing the hints that Richie was the killer. If you notice when he and Sam first see Dewey he looks amazed like he just met his hero. And it was SO great to see a cameo with James A. Janisse and if you don't know who he is he's a Youtuber that hosts a show called Dead Meat where he counts kills in horror movies. His channel is really great, if you haven't seen it I highly recommend checking it out. But there are quite a few problems I do have. First the de-aging on Billy, that looked awful. I know they had to since it wouldn't make sense for him to look like he does now but I just couldn't take it seriously, it was hard to tell at first if they really got Skeet back or just put a face over a random person. I thought Sam was pretty flat and dull, she barely showed any emotion. I wish they did even more with her delusions and I didn't buy that she had gotten into a lot of trouble. I like Amber as a killer but I did not buy that she could overpower Dewey and other men that were way bigger and stronger then her, Sydney included. I know a lot of people like the twins but I found them annoying and like you mentioned very insensitive to their own friend that died. And I thought the re-enactment for Randy's scene was very forced, I don't know anyone who reacts that way anymore, especially from someone who has scene the movie a bunch of times and one that her own Uncle was a part of. At least Randy was drunk when he did it, she wasn't. And I don't know why but at the very end it bothers me that Sam's hair is barely out of place, her make-up is perfectly done even though she went through an attack, she doesn't even have a scratch on her face, some blood splatters but that's it. It was like they couldn't let her look unpretty at all.


First watch so these are my thoughts: my least favorite and a one time watch. The acting was subpar by the new cast, so I hope the actresses playing the sisters up their game next movie. Jenna was good as Wednesday but that's the only other thing I know her from. The acting reminded me of the same level as MTV shows like Teen Wolf and Scream the tv series. As soon as they entered the party, I knew exactly where they were, but I've also seen og Scream a million times. Also, I knew who the killers were the moment they were introduced so I wish a bit more effort was put into who was chosen/the reveal. 3 and 4 did a good job with their surprise reveal so I expected more from this movie. I think the term was "requal" and I understand why this was done so that if/when they need a new face for future movies, they can bring in more people. But this felt more like an homage to Wes than setting up a new series, instead of it being both. Personally, I think they should have kept it in the family and either made it Sidney's daughter or make Gale and Dewy parents. Since enough time passed between 4 and 5, they could have made the time jump bigger and one of them have a teen daughter. But I do like how this sets up for a potential killer backstory and make Sam the new Ghostface. Or, an even more brutal final girl. Her seeing her dad seemed more like him encouraging her to protect herself and less like having her continuing his legacy. Like it was the rational part of her brain speaking but because she needed to kill to survive, it manifested as her dad. Despite not liking this movie, I'm excited to see part 6 and what happens with the sisters. That said, the two things I did like about this movie was that they brought back "Red Right Hand" by Nick Cave. It wasn't used last film and I will always associate this franchise with that song. My second favorite thing is that Sidney married or is at least dating Mark who was the detective (Mcdreamy) from 3. I'm glad she is able to have a life despite all of this.


So Dewey's death. Amber didnt pick him up. She stabbed him in the gut, so he hunched over. Then she stabbed him in the back, and cut his abdomen upward, so he stood straight back up. The camera even shows Dewey's feet on the ground to show that he just stood straight up. So Amber didnt lift him up.