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Scream 4 brings the beloved horror franchise roaring back to life with a fresh dose of suspense, self-aware humor, and a captivating new cast.  Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell) returns to her hometown on the anniversary of the original Ghostface killings. As a new wave of gruesome murders rocks the community, a group of tech-savvy high school students become the primary targets of the Ghostface killer's deadly game. Sidney, along with the help of Dewey Riley (David Arquette) and Gale Weathers (Courteney Cox), must unravel the mystery behind the mask and confront the new generation of horror.

What sets Scream 4 apart from its predecessors is its clever take on the horror genre's evolution in the age of social media and remakes. The movie brilliantly satirizes the conventions of horror sequels and the voyeuristic nature of our digital age, delivering witty dialogue and unexpected twists that keep audiences engaged.

The performances are solid across the board, with Neve Campbell reprising her iconic role as Sidney Prescott with strength and vulnerability. The new cast members, including Emma Roberts, Hayden Panettiere, and Rory Culkin, bring a fresh energy and relevance to the story, effortlessly blending with the returning cast members who effortlessly slip back into their roles.

While Scream 4 successfully captures the spirit of the original films, it does rely on familiar tropes and formula to a certain extent, which may be expected from a franchise known for its self-referential nature. However, this doesn't detract from the overall enjoyment of the film.

Scream 4 breathes new life and delivers a smart and entertaining entry that both honors its roots and explores fresh territory. With its clever commentary, strong performances, and suspenseful direction, it is a worthy addition to the Scream franchise Can't wait for Scream 5

What was your reaction?

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First watch: Mason Quinn and Oak

Watched on: Amazon Prime

Scream 4 watch options here 

Hope you enjoy and thank you all for your support.




Leah Mcginnis

in regards to the killer when you see jill and kirby looking out the window jill has her phone which is something that I always saw as hint since i think kirby had the phone orginially. I may be wrong though

Leah Mcginnis

another thing is that kill and charlie only got calls in groups not alone like others.


So basically this movie was to kickstart a brand new Scream trilogy, with some of the new cast leading it. The original ending had Sidney’s fate unknown, and it ended with every one thinking Jill was innocent. Scream 5 was supposed to be Jill at college and Sidney had amnesia from all her trauma. There was supposed to be a new ghost face targeting Jill etc. However there was alot of studio interference, and it didn’t work out. The way they advertised this was that Jill was supposed to be the “new Sidney” and I think that’s why everyone at the time was so shocked when the killer was revealed to be her.

Alyssa Dyson

This one has the best killer reveal imo. If you go back and rewatch there are a ton of hints that Jill was the killer but you still never suspect her. This is one of my favs from the franchise.


Ahhhh this is my favorite one. This was my generation of the it stars kinda. I'm a millennial and gen z 😂

Derek Jolstead

When this movie came out, I thought it was pretty solid, and definitely better than 3 for me, but there were elements of it that didn’t quite click with me. I wasn’t crazy about some of the Dewey scenes, at times I thought they made him a little too incompetent, even for his character. There’s also a super ugly filter in place of actual color grading slapped over this whole movie, and I wish they’d re-release it with colors closer to what it looked like on set, and that matched the other movies better. Like you guys were saying though, as time has gone on and we move further into the era of influencers and internet fame, I have really come to appreciate this one and it’s almost incredible how prescient Williamson’s screenplay has turned out to be. Likewise, seeing how the landscape of horror has progressed in terms of remakes/reboots acting as sequels with legacy characters, this movie also got a ton right in sending up things that wouldn’t even quite become commonplace or tired for years afterward. I think part of it’s lackluster critical and audience response was really just it’s being ahead of it’s time in many ways, and as we saw from the box office, the world was much more ready for more Scream in 2022. Finally, it has to sadly be acknowledged that this was Wes Craven’s last ever directed film. If you have a chance do yourself a favor and watch some interviews with him, the man was genuinely brilliant, and thoughtful in ways you might not expect. I greatly miss his influence in the genre and his presence in film. All in all, nowadays I’d rank 4 either tied with or just below 2 as the second best ones of the franchise. Glad you guys enjoyed this, loved the reaction, and can’t wait for next week!

MJ Eid

I guessed the first killer the second i saw them...., SPOILER ALERT for those who havent watcht the reaction. Both scream 2 3 and 4 had the creepy male sidekick first to pop up on screen be the killer. I did not come close to guessing the second one but looking back at the movie im but looking back you can see that hints.


Can you guys please watch the first scary movie after you finish the series?


totally agree that this movie was before it's time


This movie feels like a little time capsule for me. 2011 was the year I graduated high school so for me seeing Lucy Hale = Pretty Little Liars, Anna Paquin = True Blood, Hayden Panettiere = Heroes, Shenae Grimes = Degrassi, Emma Roberts = Unfabulous, etc. lol. I don’t even think I watched this until later, but at the time I did, I thought the cousin thing was silly after having the brother in the last one, and the motive wasn’t enough for me. But rewatching this year I definitely appreciate it more, I feel y’all when you say it was ahead of its time because it really was. There’s definitely some crazy clout chasers out there lol. Between the four after the first Scream, this is my second favorite. I don’t know where I’d put the last two yet, I was surprised how good they were and everything felt ramped up. I can’t wait to rewatch with y’all, it definitely doesn’t fall off.

Kathryn Murders

I was shocked when it was Jill my first time, but watching over it now, it was hinted at a lot. Main tells would be Jill's reaction everytime Sidney got her friends/ex boyfriends attention (which was everytime she walked into the room). Also when Jill tells Sidney to jump off the balcony but Sidney noted it was 2 stories high. The biggest tell for me was her odd "interview" of Sidney dealing with attention, when that was just to get Sidney's answers for when Jill was asked those questions - she asked as if she were a journalist instead of someone actually in that situation. Being that I graduated high school in 2011, this one has become my favorite for both the script and nostalgia. The next two are awesome and follow close behind though. Looking forward to it!


So, I know this one is beloved, some even saying it's the best but honestly I think it's the weakest in the franchise. I much prefer 3 more then this one. I do like it, I think some of the kills are well done such as Olivia's, her death was brutal and Kirby was the best character, her moment when she names off all the horror remakes was so good, probably one of my favorite moments in the entire franchise and the OG cast are great as usual. But other then that it falls quite flat for me. I think it has the weakest opener, just seemed like an excuse to bring in some familiar faces. I think the characters are quite forgettable except for a few and Kirby's death was the only one that I cared about. And last I think this one has the worst ghostfaces, I know Jill is very beloved, quite a few saying she's their favorite but I thought her motive was tired and boring and she just wasn't intimidating, I like Emma Roberts but I just thought she didn't pull it off, the only scene I did think she did very well is when she beats herself up, that was very well done. But I also suspected her pretty quickly when I first saw it. They were trying way too hard to make her the new Sydney but she was nowhere near as likable, she was just whiny the whole time, I honestly couldn't stand her from the beginning and I saw right through what they were trying to do, I didn't buy it. Charlie was a let down too but I will say I don't think his motive is the best but I do think it's possibly the most realistic, how many people have killed for a lover? Sadly it happens all the time. I just didn't by that either of them could have taken on Sydney. I also thought it was dumb when she killed him before finishing off Sydney, they do this trope a lot, they did the same thing with Nancy killing Mickey, why kill them before the job is done? It doesn't make any sense and is always their downfall. Again I do like it but I just think the others are better.


Yeah, I wasn't shocked when Jill unmasked, I suspected her pretty quickly. They were trying too hard to make her the new Sydney but she just came off so unlikable and whiny to me, I didn't like her from the start, lol.

August Rose Priv

All the motives throughout Scream 1 to 4 were pointless... like, people cheat all the time, it's not a reason to kill someone over, you get rejected, move on... You don't murder people for that. It gets annoying, and boring, too... when the killers are unmasked, it's like their mojo, that made them be superhuman just disappears, and it shows how pathetic, they truly were from the start.

Marco Gutierrez

I had previously thought that I'd seen this one before as a kid but ahd forgotten it. I couldn't have been more wrong. I was convinced it was Judy the whole time and was blind-sided when Jill revealed herself as one of the two killers. That was very well done. In comment to the whole streaming and fame thing, while it wasn't a phenomenon yet, in 2011 when this movie came out, there was already widespread fame for some YouTube stars in many different areas like gaming(Pewdiepie), fashion(Michelle Phan), and general podcasting or news(Phillip DeFranco). On top of that, at this point in time live streaming was becoming more popular too, mostly in the gaming spheres. There wasn't a whole website dedicated to it like Twitch or anything like that, but YouTube did allow for streaming videos live at the time, something which other sites like Facebook and Instagram would learn from. All of this stuff was still in its infancy, but people with an open mind were seeing how the landscape of media was shifting and they all wanted to get in on the ground floor of the next media boom.

Marco Gutierrez

I kinda wonder if there's a whole meta commentary behind that. I wonder if the idea of Ghostface is more of a supernatural one. It's the idea of someone enacting their own revenge, but once they take the mask off Ghostface leaves them and they're no longer as brave as they thought they were.

August Rose Priv

I also believe once they tell us, or Sydney... Why they kill people, it kinda shows how pathetic they truly are. Hiding behind a mask was supposed to protect them from the world, but then when we knew who they were, or were. It just shows how truly naive and pathetic bullies... who are st*pid enough to kill their killer partner... I also believe Sydney would be scarier as Ghostface because we know all she's doing is protecting herself by killing those sad villains...it sounded better in my head.


I think the biggest issue that this movie faced was it was so ahead of it’s time, and I think you’ll see a lot of more modern reactions to it saying the same. When it first dropped, people thought the reveal of it being “I’d do anything to receive fans” and that mentality was so far fetched (especially considering the original audience were mostly older at this point) but the younger audiences understood and could see it. I was 15 when this movie first dropped and I genuinely loved it! I don’t think it really compares to the first one, but it’s definitely not last as most people would place it. In fact, I’d probably say it was my 3rd favourite out of them all (Scream 6 being my new second favourite, and the og being first)! This movie has my all time favourite moment through the entire franchise too with the “clear” into the “you forgot the first rule of remakes, don’t f*** with the original”. It’s just such a good scene!!