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Here we are the final episode. Mike Flanagan ties up all the loose ends in this one. Some of our answers we had early on were answered. Some of the characters got what they deserved. Some others... probably not. Just a wild series and very well done. Dare we say this might be a slightly better than Hill House? Better than Bly? It's all subjective to the viewer. This was pretty good for us. Definitely competes with Haunting of Hill House. 

When considering the series as a whole, it remains a powerful show led by a creator who possesses a deep understanding of tone and atmosphere. Flanagan successfully introduces compelling characters and establishes an enthralling environment in Midnight Mass. We highly recommend this to anyone who hasn't seen it. It is worth the time investment.

What was your reaction to the finale?

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

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First watch: All

Watched on: Netflix

Midnight Mass watch options here

Thank you and hope you enjoy!


Midnight Mass 1X7 FULL REACTIONS


Stephanie Bedworth

OMG. I didn't realize you were gonna drop both. Is it my birtday?! It's my birthday, isn't it!?


Normally I have a pretty good sense on how a show will end a season but I gotto say this one totally threw me for loop. One of the best endings to a season I’ve ever seen. Not sure why s3 was most people least fav but it’s one of my absolute fav. Great reaction am so ready for s4💕👏🏽


dropping both the same day 😫 what did we do to deserve this

Shirlene Wright

Everything about Bev Keane was so yummy and twisted! I think the kids went back to normal cuz they never died. The Doctor said that she put the blood in the sun and the pathogen burns away leaving NORMAL BLOOD behind. The sun comes up & Leeza says she can't feel her legs. Also, no one got their regular portion of the "magic elixir" that keeps them in that reversal state..... The immortal question? Not Immortal.. however, maybe a few hundred very health/productive years.. I am glad this is over.. I'M TIRED OF CRYING MY EYES OUT! But I am gonna rewatch it a few times, it is just so good. Thanks for suggesting that I not chicken out!

Jen Garcia

Great question, Oak - this deserves more discussion. To me, in the context of a very religious community, vampires for them is fiction, angel for them are closer to being real. (Angels described in the Bible are scaaary) The script lifts so much from the Bible and actual holy mass so having this take is so refreshing. I’m so happy with this reaction! You guys were confused, surprised, discussed so much longer, I’ve never seen Diamond Dave look so animated! As for Leeza and the boy (blanking out on the name right now), since the “miracle” isn’t working on her legs safe to assume they won’t have immortality moving forward. Also, it’s a little reference to Adam and Eve, a new world again, don’t you think. Loved the journey, boys! Thank you!


I'm so glad that I don't have to wait til next week for the final episode. THANK YOU! 😁 Also, everytime I hear the people sing before they get set on fire by the sun I can't help but think of "Titanic" because that's the last song the band played before the ship sank.


Yeah, there’s no plot hole about them not finding a way out of the island. The only person who wanted to spread the word to the wider world was Bev. Everyone else on the island lost someone, by their own hands or by someone else’s and saw the devastation they caused. The only end was death for them. For me, the “can’t feel my legs” seals the fate of the “angel”, which is why they were both happy on the boat. Even though they didn’t mention vampire, I do believe that it works the same way as in traditional media. If you’re just drinking the blood of another supernatural being, you’ll reap the benefits while you’re still actively drinking. Once you stop, the effects will progressively wear off since it’s not part of your blood. So I believe the two kids would have had the effects worn off after a while. The fact that Lisa lost her legs so suddenly means that he’s dead. To answer DD, hell no. Life is only interesting because you know you have a finite amount of time on earth. You make the best of it, for yourself and the world, then you peace out haha. It would also be so frustrating to see the stupidness of the world, repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

Alyssa Dyson

Bev is the real villain of this show. 🤮


Thank you for the love and praise for this series! The writing in particular is a huge testament to Mike Flanagan’s understanding of how to make something truly horrifying without relying on conventional horror tropes. In my opinion, something notable Flanagan achieved with this series was walking the delicate line between various religious beliefs while showing respect to all of them. The show never proclaimed one to be better than the other, and features the best sides of each argument fairly. For something to watch next: The Midnight Club might not be as popular as the three Flanagan series, but it features a good amount of returning cast. The different format also spotlights various kinds of storytelling and introspection. There’s not many reactions of it out there, so it would be really nice to see more people give it a chance.

Alyssa Dyson

Dave "not trying to ruin the moment..." ruins the moment. lmao 💜


As soon as you started Hill House I knew you guys would love this one too


The ash raining down was the "king vampire".


I love that Riley experienced his death as Erin imagined it and Erin experienced her death as Riley imagined it. He went out without pain, taken to heaven by the girl he killed, being at peace, and Erin going through her memories, with one of her last memories being Riley. Beautiful.

TinCan Cosmanaut

Fantastic series. It’s my favorite from Flanagan. But holy Shit next week The Boys!!

cateyia felis

Midnight Club is the most recent Flanagan show to come out.....HIGHLY under-rated....I loved me a good Flannagan slow burn. I'd love to see you guys check it out


ok so Bev did not poison father paul. Flannagan confirmed it on twitter here https://twitter.com/flanaganfilm/status/1445821831470977027 you guys shouldnt feel bad misintrepretting it since alot of the fans did as well so mike had to clear it up. i think the mistake the show runners made was showing bev putting that bottle of poison back on the shelf during that montage of the church revival in the earlier episode, which was not suppose to suggest her poisoning paul but instead forshadow the mass suicide. he died beucase while the vamp blood gives youth and health initially, enough of it over long enough time would cause the body to eventually die so it could come back as a full vamp

MJ Eid

So one thing i found interesting about the "vamp" is hes alll animal...theres actually no cognitive thought other than to feed and spread its contagion. Its a very interesting depiction of of a vampire. Its just pure survival instinct.


Ahhhhhh does this mean The Boys is up next?!?!!?!?!!?!?

MJ Eid

Side note i love this shows depiction of life after death. It never claims to be right. It explains multiple different possibilities and all seem like they allow people to make up your own mind. In the end the lesson is the same. We should all live a honorable life and strive to be a good human. So we can one day be at peace when its our time to leave this world.

Samuel Bruce

Midnight club would be cool to explore sometime later this year, with Mike Flanagans next series coming out this fall, The fall of the House of Usher. Also a good Mike Flanagan movie is Hush, and it stars Katie Seigal, very cool unique short movie! The writing is so amazing in these shows by Flanagan!


You should definitely check out the movie "Pan's Labyrinth"


When the question comes up about immortality, I always think back to Christian Walker from the comicbook "Powers". In the “Forever” arc, which flashes back to Christian Walker’s life before the start of the series when he was still the superhero Diamond, Triphammer shows him the “drainer” invention which can take away a person’s superpowers temporarily. This arc had revealed that Christian is essentially immortal -- living since before the evolution of modern humanity -- and when he sees that there’s a way for his powers to be removed he asks if it can be done permanently so it can all finally end. Triphammer ask if he wants to die, since that’s functionally what he’s asking for, but Christian denies that and says that he doesn’t want to die. He wants to finally live. "I just want what everybody else has. I don’t want to die, but...but when it’s my turn, let it be my turn." He just wants to exist on the same playing field as everybody else. Not that he wants death at this moment, but that he doesn’t want to know death is never coming.

Steven K

Off topic from Midnight Mass but will yall be checking out Secret Invasion? Just wanting to know if i should hold off on watching or not.

Michael Riley

To me nothing will beat Hill House. But this and Bly are great too!


The next movie from Flanagan - "The life of Chuck" - is set to start filming in October this year. A release date is not released yet.

Alex Boatman

The Fall of the House of Usher is set to release this fall on Netflix, it's a mini series by Flanagan that's based on the short story by Edgar Allan Poe of the same name.


I'm so glad you guys loved this! Hill House and Bly are great too, but this one gets me emotionally at the end in a way the others don't. The image of the sheriff and his son praying on the beach as the sun starts to rise, both knowing they're going to die, always makes me teary-eyed. Just knowing how much they loved each other and tried to protect one another.


When you remember Erin’s story to Riley when she talks about her mom clipping the wings of birds, and then she does the same to the ‘Angel’, saving humanity. 🤯

Tom Ekstrand

Good call on the Titanic reference. The hymn they were singing was (according to legend) the hymn the Titanic string quartet (or quintet?) played as the ship sank.


unfortunately Midnight Club is incomplete since Netflix cancelled it after S1 :(


I also loved the choice textually since after that night and what happened, Annie Flynn starts singing a worship song, still believing despite the horror. I also loved the choice to not let them finish, but let the song end incomplete


Such a good series. I was really hoping the show would get some Emmy nominations for writing and acting for Hamish Linklater and Samantha Sloyan.


The "angel" did die. Lisa saying she can't feel her legs means the "spell is broken, the monster is gone." In other lore, vampire blood only stays in your system for 24 hours, so Lisa managed to not be turned during that time. The reveal that Pruitt was Sara's dad was a big surprise. Ali and his dad praying, when Bev loses faith was the perfect ending for them and Bev. What an incredible parallel showing what real faith looks like. Erin's monologue always gets me too--just so well written. The intention of not calling the vampire a vampire, really let the monstrosity of humanity and religious zealots be the center of the story. It means it really doesn't matter that we don't get the clear confirmation as to what the vampire was. Mike really redefines the horror genre. Super excited for the House of Usher. Really appreciate how ya'll recognize the strength of the acting and writing--that's the reason this anthology is so strong. If ya'll haven't seen Doctor Sleep, highly recommend. That was also a Mike project. It's long but 100% a Mike production.