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Episode 6 of Midnight Mass begins with the aftermath of the previous episode. Erin gets back to the island and finds Sarah which they start putting the pieces together. Meanwhile, Paul is disappointed with Riley's rejection of his "gift," and Bev stirs up trouble by discussing the story of the Apostles. Ed arrives with Riley's letter, but Paul convinces him that Riley has left the island. Erin, aware of the truth, urges Annie to join her that night, but Annie refuses to listen. Everyone in the town goes to the Midnight Mass..... and whoa!!!!!

What was your reaction?

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

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First watch: All

Watched on: Netflix

Midnight Mass watch options here

Thank you and hope you enjoy!


Midnight Mass 1X6 FULL REACTIONS


Josip Buretic

Cannot wait to get tomorrow morning home and watch your reaction guys!! Greetings from Croatia 🤜🏻 🤛🏻

Shirlene Wright

wow! What an episode. My brain is still screaming RUUUN!!! .. okay next episode now.. I will process all of this after I am done.

Maggie Barbour

This episode was like watching Jonestown resurrecting as hungry blood suckers. I also don't know if the concept was "there aren't vampires in this world," so much as them seeing it as an angel, a gift, as they've been conditioned to think. They're not looking at it as malevolent so much as this benevolent being from god. And honestly, there is part of me that questions if Flanagan wrote it to be up for our interpretation as well. As we've seen, every doubt or hesitation can easily be written off by some quote or passage... We the viewers know it's technically bad, but what if the plan worked? It could be interpreted as good, a success, a blessing in the eyes of rhe people of Crockett.

Stephanie Bedworth

I can't get a really good look at it, but it might be an old pump organ, which wouldn't need electricity.

Alyssa Dyson

The end of this episode is bonkers. 🤣


Flanangan also said he purposefully avoided using the word vampire so as to not cheapen the story, Is it a vampire? Yeah, probably. Does it matter? Not really- functionally, Pruitt wields the vampire just like Bev wields bible verses, reinterpreting and using it in a framework that fits his agenda


I've grown up only tangentially christian, and prothestant at that (and in germany) so I don't really hold a lot of memories, neither good nor bad, for religion itself, but I have encountered a couple of Bev's and seen too many cult documentaries and man, I did not expect this massacre that I was honestly expecting to shake me up this bad. Seeing Bev serenly smile at six dozen cups of poison, or Dolly spew blood as she is kneeling and praying and convulsing, all the carnage after... I was really affected after this ep and had to take a break. on a brighter note, I imagine this vampire angel is having the best laugh of its existance, imagine a cow stumbles into your house and you try to eat it,then it starts worshipping you and brings you to its pasture where it makes you wear funny clothes before putting on a gold robe, participating in a ritual while all the cows worship you and get ready to be your banquet for " their salvation" I just imagine it sitting at the vampire bar with a pint of A+ going " Gabe, you won't BELIEVE the month I had"


reposting here incase it gets lost ok so Bev did not poison father paul. Flannagan confirmed it on twitter here https://twitter.com/flanaganfilm/status/1445821831470977027 you guys shouldnt feel bad misintrepretting it since alot of the fans did as well so mike had to clear it up. i think the mistake the show runners made was showing bev putting that bottle of poison back on the shelf during that montage of the church revival in the earlier episode, which was not suppose to suggest her poisoning paul but instead forshadow the mass suicide. he died beucase while the vamp blood gives youth and health initially, enough of it over long enough time would cause the body to eventually die so it could come back as a full vamp


Just got home from work, took a bath, and now I'm relaxing with some snacks. Gonna watch both episodes and then the scream 3 and 4! Lol love watching along to your reactions. I haven't seen the newest scream yet so I may just watch along with you guys when you get there!


rip to all those random extras in the church