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How to Train Your Dragon 2 is an phenomenal sequel that exceeds all expectations. This film takes everything that was great about the first movie and expands upon it with even more stunning visuals, thrilling action, and heartwarming emotion. The animation in "How to Train Your Dragon 2" has vivid colors, intricate details, and dynamic camera work that immerses the viewer in the world of Berk. But what truly sets "How to Train Your Dragon 2" apart is its EMOTIONAL resonance. The film deals with mature themes of loss, grief, and self-discovery, all while maintaining a sense of humor and lightheartedness. The final act of the film is particularly powerful, with an emotional climax that just left us in awe! Loved it! 

What was your reaction?

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

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First watch: ALL

Watched on: Amazon Prime

How to Train you Dragon 2 watch options here 

Hope you enjoy!


How To Train You Dragon 2 FULL REACTION


Shane Kolaga

Took a mental health day at work today, good day for the upload! Haha

Brianna Boucher

I just wanna say I appreciate y’all so much you STAY giving us content daily (& your my comfort channel❤️) so thank you for all y’all’s hard work & dedication!!!


been waiting for this all day 🫶🏼🥹

Sam Harris

well worth the subscription with how much they do. even if i dont watch everything.


YAY! Gonna watch now! My favorite in the franchise!


so frkn excited to sit down n watch this in a mo!!


If y’all didn’t realize, Kit Harington (Jon Snow) is Eret. Universal did this hilarious video with he & Toothless I think you’d like - https://youtu.be/pXCpc2Bcirs

Marco Gutierrez

I wasnt expecting this one at all! What a pleasant surprise!

Culper (Lukas)

Ahhh, you beat me to it. They had mentioned Kit's name in the last movie, but I was waiting until this one. That skit is hilarious and it comes across my YT 1-2 times a year.


Well said Marco! Gift on the 5th*

Hayley K

Man this movie is amazing. I've seen it so many times but seeing Oak cry during Stoicks death made me cry! I don't know if ya'll noticed but when the two huge alphas were fighting they were mirroring Stoick and Drago fighting- the two alphas basically. The friendly alpha died and then so did Stoick. I am so excited for number 3!


I still keep expecting an surprise ending that Stoick didn't actually die, the death just a "retirement" so he can spend his days with his love, no matter how much I rewatch, I was super shocked in theatre that first time. Also the poor nice Alpha Dragon, didn't expect it, and those two deaths right after each other, after a heartwarming reunion, and shortlived planned futures. The movies just keep elevating


This movie was amazing. I think I might like better than the first one 🤩 I also really liked the discussion between the three of you after you each gave your individual reviews, you should do that more often !


absolutely amazing reaction as always!!! u guys seriously made my day w this.. even thou it had me bawling lol,, but not once have i watched this movie and not bawled my eyes out so-


I was so excited for this one because I knew this movie would surpass your expectations as a sequel after you loved the first one so much! I can't wait to see your reaction to the third movie, somehow it's just as good or better than this one. The complete story arc, emotional arc and overall themes of this series are some of the most well constructed in any movie or movie series.


Ahh. This movie gets me every time no matter how many times I watch it. It was beautiful to see you react to each scene and especially the heavier bits cause they always make me cry too. Really enjoyed your review talk. I just think this movie series has one of the most masterful storytelling in any movie I've seen, and it's so enjoyable to see you guys react to it and love it just as much. Excited for the last one, as always.


Yay!So glad I was able to 2atch it shortly after the upload. As always, I cry during this moviend. And ofc I laughed and cheered with you guys 😁 Can't waiiit for the 3rd one~ Thanks for another great reaction 😊👌🏻

Marco Gutierrez

Just finished watching. As I said after you guys watched the first one, I love this series because of the brave decisions that it makes. Watching something made for children that actually AGES their characters is a really bold decision in my opinion. It's crazy seeing the transformation between kid Hiccup and rider Hiccup, and the transformation to chief Hiccup in the third movie is just as wild. Beyond just the aging, the choice in this movie to have Stoick die is a brave one too. It isn't often that kid's movies will kill a character off, or even just show or acknowledge death. This one did all of that and more, and I think it should be applauded for that. I don't think it's a subject that kids should be isolated from. These days, they're not even 6 years old before they're playing games like Call of Duty and seeing death left and right. A movie like this opens up a good opportunity to discuss the weight of what death really means beyond a kid just seeing it on the screen.


When you were asking about Gobbers whole 'that and one other thing' they never really come right out and say it, but it is Canon that Gobber is gay. That was the 'one other thing'


I cried right along with y’all 🤧🤧 so excited for the last 🙌🏻


Always on the verge of tears whenever I watch this movie. It breaks my heart that Stoick dies, especially at the hands on toothless. But I appreciate them doing that, it was so harsh but it was perfect for the plot. Barely any animated movie character has both parents lol, let alone even one! The music in this movie too was amazing, sad I didn't hear you guys say anything about that. It definitely was not as powerful as the first movie, but the fishing with mother theme and when he introduces her to astrid, CHILLS! Its because of HTTYD that I fell in love and start to care about the impact music has in films. I especially love how every scene is so great. These movies are much shorter than live-action films and yet every scene manages to bring such depth and continuity to the plot. For example, we see him flying in his suit twice before it actually comes into play. How often they bring up his mother in his scene before and after hiccup meets her. The bond hiccup and toothless have is not just talk, you see it in every. single. scene together!! They truly are best friends, brothers basically. Hiccup and Astrid's relationship too! Most romances in animated films, even ones where romance is the focus, the main couple barely speak to each other, have any moments, have any real value to each other. They are always supporting each other (even her father-in-law D:), following each other, motivating one another, they just make sense! Favourite animated couple! And you guys are right about toothless. Just made to be the most loveable character you've ever seen. All of his mannerisms are so cute, just watching him in the background is so entertaining. I love him so much, I WANT ONE :((( Thanks for watching, can't wait to see what you think of the third!


Oh man that was such an incredible watch 👏 Fantastic job y’all 🔥 No dry eyes here either!! 🤧


I love the "Oak's lessons" part that always comes at the end of your videos:) Have you ever watched cinema therapy on youtube? If not, you guys should check them out if you have the time:) They discuss a lot of the lessons that you guys bring up in these movies and they are really interesting: "Argaorn vs. toxic masculinity", "11 warning signs of gaslighting in tangled", "therapist reacts to how to train your dragon" etc. Looking forward to the last movie and your reaction! :D


AMAZING reactions!! Cried right beside you Oak (And yes I cry every single time although this is the 99th time i've seen this), it just hits close to heart, the most beautiful franchise!


awesome video! you guys should do avatar 1 and 2 reactions!


What a wonderful movie and what a heartfelt and fantastic reaction. Thank you. I saw this at the cinema and basically cried throughout the film -- having lost one parent young, I'm super grateful for the one still here and I have FEELINGS when parent-child relationships are challenged. And I lost my heart to dragons many, many years ago so this trilogy is extra-special to me (right up there with DragonHeart from 1996). Thank you for the great and honest reactions, guys, and I'm looking forward to the nnext one. :)

Oulianor Timothee

I've seen this movie before but it has never resonated with me like it did this watch. I shed a tear this time. Valka and Stoik's reuniting was an interesting scene, I felt like I understood her personality, and her reaction was telling. People say this is one of the best animated trilogys and I'm starting to see why, though I've seen the last one as well I think my thoughts on it may be different this time. I enjoyed this reaction.

Ivan Rasmussen

Man, the Oak tearing up there had me crying too. Really sorry to hear about your dad. Very emotional sequence of events there. This series is definitely up there with some of my favorite trilogies of all time and the ending is lots of fun. Can't wait!


I was already tearing up when Stoic died and when Oak starts legit crying I lost it


I guess we all needed to cry and let it all out today. Crying everytime I watch it. I love seeing Stoick's different side. How he loves her and accepts without any question. He is more gentle near her and ready to do whatever she needs to help. Also, as Hiccup never saw parents together, for him seeing the way they are happy and in general how parents interact is a joy and pure happiness. It is heartbreaking to see Hiccup loosing his father basically from the hands of best friend. How Toothless felt that this is his falt...and Hiccup understanding it is actually not the case and worrying about Toothless even after such tragic moment. Shows how deeply they are connected. Love Hiccup and Astrid's relationship. They are so genuine. Accepting and understanding each other. The way she braides him and he just leaves braides there :) They are like best friends in relationship. Oh, and Toothless's new abilities are amazing, the glow...wow! For Drago, I think by making Toothless kill Stoick he wanted to show that all dragons are bag and they would do whatever alpha commands, basically to proove his opinion that dragons are evil. Which appeared to be not quite correct as we saw Toothless breaking this hipnotic effect of alpha. Thank you for reaction! Whenever I watch something with you I feel like doing it with friends. It feels even more important for me as my best friend lives in different country and we do not have much time and opportunity to spend together watching someting. Happy that I found your channel some time ago :)

Kalie Murray

This was my favorite reaction thus far. When I first saw this I would ask people if they'd seen it, and if not I'd make them watch it with me - no one had bad reviews lol.


Night Furys are so op toothless can take any other dragon in speed, intelligence, raw power, stealth and now as the alpha he is unstoppable

Eric Wallace

Oak, you gotta let you feeling the feels be in the cut. It was the best part of your reaction.


I've watched this movie so many times already that I lost count and Stoick death scene specially in the hands of Toothless still makes me cry no matter. It was just so dark but so well made and the speech. Ugh. It just gut wrenching.


Great reaction, personally the last movie is my favourite

Chatlie Moore

This one always gets me in the feels!!! I cried at every one of them!! Seeing Oak (if he was a stage 5 wreck) I was a stage six watching his reaction. It was so authentic. 😭😭😭😭These movies are spectacular. My kids and I love them!!! My daughter and bonus son are just now at the age where they will be able to let me read the books to them. It will be my first read but I have been waiting for this moment. They have the TV series on Netflix if you guys need more toothless/hiccup/ burk content. I would totally watch those reactions too. ❤️😍


I am confused. You had a Universal opening but I watched it on DVD and I had a 20th Century Fox opening. 🧐 Despite having this on DVD, I think I had only seen it once before and I completely forgot everything about it other than remembering his mom was in it. This movie was a lot better than I remember thinking it was. I really like seeing how Hiccup has matured and all the interpersonal relationships between the characters. I think Toothless was even more fun to watch in this movie. He reminds me of my black cat, but more kitten like than my older cat. I saw Oak cry and could tell he was moved deeply by the dialogue in that scene. I had a similar feeling when I watched Les Miserables in the movie theater as at that time my mom had recently passed and my dad was fighting for his life in the hospital. I think Oak hit on it a little, but I never realized until I was an adult just how blessed I was to have my parents. I have met so many people from homes with abusive or neglectful parents and the fact that my parents loved me, made me feel loved, and raised me to be a person of integrity makes me realized I was so blessed. As kids we don’t have that perspective. 💗


Yes this was a kids book series that they made a ton of changes to and this is the only instance that I have ever known that makes it better. Toothless in the books was a tiny dragon and when they went to make the movie Dean and Chris (the co directors of the first one) decided that toothless should be a bigger dragon and more enticing for kids to visual see for them to connect hiccup as a hero. But they decided to make toothless have some domestic animal tendencies and even got a lot of the animators in on how to make the different types of dragons like their own pets. I was 14 when the first one came out and I was around 18/19 when this second one came out and the amount of emotion that this movie made me feel in the theaters I was also a category 5 wreck. It was so powerful to see hiccup go from that child like mentality of a I can change this person to learning that some people won't change like you want them to was an important lesson I learned going into my 20's. I can't wait for next weeks reaction to the final movie. Lots of good laughs to come and an even more powerful lesson. Thanks so much you guys!!


I believe at the time of release dreamworks was still owned by 20th century or that was dreamworks major distributor for their films (I had the same thing happen on my digital version) but since then dreamworks was bought by a foreign company and now I believe that universal owns majority of distributor rights.


This was a great one, thank you! Was right beside you guys feeling the feels :)

Unholy Tater

First time watching the film too. That was beautiful. Shared a lot of the laughs and tears. Great reaction to this guys.


I just love this movie. The parallels!! The two dragon alphas fighting while Stoick and Drago (human alphas) were fighting. Then both the good alphas dying. Then hiccup and toothless challenging and becoming the new alphas/chief. There was even a parallel when both Drago and his alpha were defeated, Dragos missing left arm was exposed, and the alpha's left tusk was taken by toothless. Soo GOOOOD.


i love your guys reaction. i absolutely love this movie and i love how they reprsent the culture of the vikings and turned their own twist into the fantasy land of it. absolutely amazing!


Haven't seen this one and wow, just wow! So glad I got to watch it along with you all, this was a great one.


I'm very sad that Stoik and Valka couldn't enjoy their reunion longer :'(


You guys should react to Big Hero 6 :) :(


HTTYD has always been one of my favorite franchises. Its the movie my younger brother and I always watch together and having grown up on it i must’ve seen it over a dozen times now. Watching it with you guys has brought back so much of its emotion and wonder, thank you! If you’re ever looking for more animated movie recommendations: you have absolutely got to react to Encanto!


Seeing Oak cry to my favorite animated franchise, was something else, like it healed a little part of me. I find these videos healing to my soul. I think it just shows such strength. You all should do the old animated version of Spirit (that horse cartoon with the brian adams soundtrack) after this franchise.

Imnomoon (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-12 08:19:30 Another time commenting to say Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002) while older, was the first animated movie my whole family including my tough dad cried at. The music in this is just outstanding as well, if y'all haven't seen it, please add this to the list <3
2023-04-11 06:21:32 Another time commenting to say Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002) while older, was the first animated movie my whole family including my tough dad cried at. The music in this is just outstanding as well, if y'all haven't seen it, please add this to the list <3

Another time commenting to say Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002) while older, was the first animated movie my whole family including my tough dad cried at. The music in this is just outstanding as well, if y'all haven't seen it, please add this to the list <3


You guys should watch the different tv shows. They dive even deeper into the lore and backstory for the dragons. And the smaller characters are far more important.