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Hello friends! If you are in Orlando, FL and are attending MEGACON right now/this weekend... Give Oak a high five! Oh.... Yeah this just happened.... Harry Potter alum, Neville Longbottom! 🪄😁🤘




No wayyy!!!! So cooolll!!!


Wow so cool! I hope it will be an amazing weekend!!


ahh! happy for oak!!


Long lost twins 🪄

Chatlie Moore

Ohhhhhhh wow!!!!! Oak meeting Neville. This is the best ever ❤️🪄⚡️


So cool!!!


Omg Oak! So happy for you!

Ron Banks


Greg Z



so happy for Oak !!!

Keyuana Gray

That's so cool ! Since I watch those movies all the time sometimes I forget they're all grown up lol


Oak looking like a little kid with a big cheesey grin lol 😁😁


Woooow how did you run into him Oak? 👌


I don’t know who I’m more jealous of!


Omg! This is so cooool! Oak’s big smile 🤣♥️ i feeel it

Rey's Got Plans

😝😝😝😝😝 sooo cool!!! Wish I was in Florida 😫


Jesus, the Oak is ripped!


This is so iconic


Look at Oaks cheese face! That’s so awesome!

Jeff K

It is positively *wild* how much Neville looks like Clive Owen now.


Oak looks so happy

Amanda P

Omg thats amazing!!


I would love to give Oak a high ten!! I'll do it via patreon: 🙌🏻 This is so awesome! So happy for you that you were able to get a photo, Oak! Have loads of fun at the con 😁🎉



Mike Bridges

💙💙💙💙 I still remember when Oak said "Longbottom came thru with the sword of Gryffindor" lol

Mariah Lovegood

OMG! Oak looks like he is fanning out as much as I did when I got my own picture with Matthew Lewis at a convention. 😍 I love it so much. I really wish I was there to give Oak a high five and ask how his reading is going?

Ahmad Zain

This is so beautiful

Ahmad Zain

Neville longbottom an unsung hero of HP Series


Aw that’s awesome 😁 neville fr the low key hero of the HP franchise

Justine Lovetro

Amazing! From reluctant viewer to unlikely super fan to character meet and greets. What a ride haha

Caroline Price

I’m just picturing Matthew Lewis meeting Oak as a fan! Up walks this guy who looks like he could crush your head and he is fan boying it out!🤣


NO WAYYYY go Oak!!! This picture is awesome, do tell us how it went and if you guys were able to talk about anything!

Leslie reynero

Oak, this is wonderfull. Just have fun 🥰


I am loving it for Oak!


Oak you have to go to hogsmeade and diagon alley for at least a day if you’re in orlando 😭

Whitney Ulerio Duverna

No wayyyy, so happy he got to meet him! I need to know the story of this in a live video or something.


Ahhh that's so cool! I love how you can see how genuinely excited Oak is from his smile.


I too, want to meet Neville and Oak one day 😭


Oak that’s awesome!!! Have a great time!

Rhea H Pelotto

🥰🥹🥰🥹🥰 WHAT?!?!?! It would feel a little wrong to say this is my "favorite post ever" from Badd Medicine since Quinn, Answer, and Dimond Dave aren't there BUT, I'm sure they are just as happy AND jealous for Oak as we all are!!!!!!!! THIS IS INCREDIBLE!! Can't wait, can't wait, CAN'T WAIT to hear about this experience and their convo from Oak. Matthew Lewis's smile looks just as GENUINE as Oaks!! So freakin happy right now!! WOW!!

Dustee Lodholtz

That smile though lol he's in such glee meeting Neville Longbottom😅🖤


Hahaha oak is such a fanboy here hahaha

Matthew Whitham

hahah this picture is awesome! Have a good time oak.


Neville!!!! Lucky!

Love10 ❤️

I know Oak was loving that...... He loves Neville ❤️ 😁😁🫡🫡


Super cool! I barely recognized the actor who played Neville, he has grown up so much!

Ashton D

That is the Law of Attraction at work, my friends. Oak showed massive love to the HP universe, and the universe has provided haha 😊


omg, I am happy as if I met him , it's sooo cool !


That's pretty cool! <3

TinCan Cosmanaut

Lol is the oak flexing for this picture?

Alanna Meyers

This man went from not getting the Harry Potter hype to being the biggest Potterhead..and then meets Neville. The character development of Oak is amazing!


Can I get a virtual high five?😭😩

Jill I

Lucky......just a few months ago you didn't even know he existed, let alone anything about HP!


I see oak’s low-key flexing the triceps there 👀💪


Such a great photo! Have a wonderful time there! (Neville looks great also!!)


Aaawww man, I'll be in Orlando next weekend!!! I'd have loved to meet The Oak!

Jonah Bertorelli

My man's triceps are bigger than his head! lol


Gonna have to report Oak on this one guys..... pretty sure guns aren't allowed at conventions 😉

Victoria Davis

If i were anywhere close I would! Ugh come to Canada haha


I wish I could, have fun Oak!