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Avatar The Last Airbender Book 3 ep 13-15 FULL REACTION (Chap 14/15/16/17)

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

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Watched on: Netflix

First watch: Oak & Mason Quinn

Avatar The Last Airbender watch options here

Hope you all enjoy!


Avatar The Last Airbender Book 3 ep 13-15 FULL REACTION



Katara has a lot of internal guilt in a way that Sokka didn't experience in their mom's passing, but also she saw her burnt body when her and her dad ran back into the house.


Answer's face when Oak brought up Zutara was priceless! Great video, I'm so excited for the finale!


One of my fav lines in the entire series “I love Zuko more than I fear you !” 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


You should get face paint and paint arrows on your heads for the final episodes!!!


I think there's one piece to this that you guys missed in the Ember Island Players episode and that was that the writers were making fun of the show. They completely skipped the Great Divide episode because they know that the fans didn't really like that episode, lol. They had Sokka say it wasn't clear whether Jet had died or not because it wasn't clear in the episode, lol. So I love the fact that they made fun of themselves! And I love that you guys enjoyed it so much! And I will say the play is so much better than the movie, lol!