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Bottle episode for Ellie! We get a decent amount of back story as we get caught up with her and Riley. The adventure they take catches us up to "How did Ellie get bit" while giving us more layers of why Ellie keeps a few things to herself. It was great seeing Ellie see things for the first time like, the escalator, video games etc... but it came at a price. Overall, good episode and gave us some needed back story on Ellie.

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**At the time of this upload, HD is still processing. Should be good to go shortly**

Start at 1:50 

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First watch: All

Watched on: HBO Max

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keara king

i’m interested to see next weeks episode and how closely it follows all the crap ellie has to go through while joel’s injured. and i think i’m blurring together part 1 and part 2 but i’m pretty sure this episode is from neither. it’s from the stand alone expansion/DLC of the game with the same title as this episode. “the last of us: left behind”


I wonder if they're going to flash back again and show Riley change and Ellie not.. Ellie would have had to kill Riley right once she turned?? I can't imagine them going their separate ways at this point -- the only way out of Ellie killing Riley is Marlene showing up in the morning, but Ellie did say she's killed/shot someone before so 😭 I agree with you about the wound. If you look at the length of the bat shard, only 3ish inches is bloody with the end narrowing significantly. From a medical perspective, if it didn't nick the stomach or intestines, he could survive it. You'd die from blood loss if anything and Joel's wound was clotted under the pressure dressing when Ellie lifts it (good attention to detail show!). That's probably why they changed things from the rebar impalement, too farfetched -- if you get skewered by rebar you're good when it's in you but once they pull that sucker out you're not surviving without a surgeon.

keara king

and by this episode, i just mean the riley and ellie stuff. the joel and ellie stuff is obviously following the part 1 story still