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The King's Man... this movie was good but it’s not as good as the other two kingsman movies but don’t get us wrong this movie is still entertaining and really good but it just does not match up to the others. The previous 2 had the wit, comedy, fun, and cast. This one had a much more series tone and grit of sorts.. Didn't mind that. The story was good, the action was great, and the cast and crew did great in this. Locations looked awesome. As far as prequels go, this was good and more of a realistic feel of sorts. Overall, good film and looking forward to the 4th when that is complete.

What was your reaction? Did it meet your expectations?

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

**Copyright laws. We do not own this movie property nor can we afford rights to distribute**

First watch: All

Watched on: HBO Max

The King's man watch options here 




Blake Thompson

you skipped Golden Circle? It's part 2 of the series, The King's Man is part 3


glad you did this franchise. Personally, this one was my favourite of the films, so a little disappointed you guys thought differently, but that’s what a reaction video is all about. It’s probably because I am english that the historic slant of the film appealed to me more.

Marco Gutierrez

So regarding Rasputin, a lot of what you saw was actually accurate, according to legend anyway. Rasputin was said to drink poison daily to improve his constitution and build up an immunity, he was said to be a womanizer and famously captivated the attention of both the tzar and his wife. The story about the tzar's son also features in the legends in one form or another. He was said to be able to hypnotize, to cure illnesses and injuries, I believe he drank insane amounts of alcohol a day, was constantly having sex with anyone, reportedly had the p***s of a moose which was also supposedly removed on his death and pickled, he survived multiple assassination attempts including at least 3 on the night of his death before he finally succumbed to the 4th, and so on and so forth. The stories that circulate around this guy are kind of insane tbh. Also, for the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, that one is actually very very close to real life. There were multiple people who were lined up to try and perform the assassination but so many things went wrong including other conspirators losing their resolve. Princep made his attempt but missed the timing which resulted in the failed attempt. He ran away and found himself eating a sandwich at a restaurant when a wrong turn unfortunately put Ferdianand's car right in front of Princep, who couldn't believe his luck. Historically, he tried to kill the archduke yet again but his wife got in the way and took the first bullet, with the second finding the right target. His wife was never part of the plan and supposedly Princep felt shame over the fact that he had killed her and I think he hung himself in his cell over it or something like that. So yeah, that day it really seemed like the Archduke was supposed to die.

Badd Medicine

We still thought it was good. I guess our expectations from the previous 2 were still on our heads. Definitely different from those, but still good.


Have you guys seen 1917? If not it would be a great addition to your list

Shane Kolaga

A good series of movies you guys might like (depending on who has seen it) is Kung Fu Panda! It's a VERY well done animated movie with some surprisingly good action sequences with a great cast!

Colleen Morgan

I concur with 1917! One of the best war movies imo

Becky Casey

This is the first movie I’ve watched along with you guys as my first time watch as well. I’ve been putting it off as I’m not a fan of prequels, but you guys inspired me! The movie was fine, but absolutely nothing compared to the first two. I guess the vibe was different, and my expectations were different. I was expecting laughs, and instead I had shock and tears. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s not what I watch a Kingsman film for. Being educated in Europe, we learn all about this subject matter in school, so it was interesting to meet all of these real life people integrated in the Kingsman lore. I like that it cements the idea that the Kingsman do their job and don’t seek the glory, so it’s easy to get into the mindset that the Kingman did in fact win the war for us!


I'm watching this movie for the first time alongside you. About 1902 in South Africa: it was the Anglo-Boer War, and basically the British were trying to expand their colony in South Africa by taking over the Boer/Afrikaans (Dutch) colonies. The British established concentration camps for Boer women and children and black people who were affiliated with the Boers. They were everything you'd expect a concentration camp to be. There was an upper-class British woman who famously visited and protested against the camps so the scene was interesting with that in mind. Thanks for a great reaction!