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Well folks.... We definitely see why you didn't like this one. If you did, we understand as well. We really didn't get to see much of the cast beyond Shailene Woodley. This movie had moments, but overall it was a miss for us. Oak needs to know if the books had a huge drop off like the this movie? Oak feels they had a brilliant plot and they just totally blew over it. This feels like it had potential, but they missed. Really looking forward to all of your thoughts on this one. 

Watched on: HBO MAX

First Watch: All

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Rewatching these I realized I only ever watched this one once, I don't remember crap 🤣🤣


This is only half the final book. There was supposed to be a 4th film, Ascendant, but this one did so badly that they scrapped it. Yes, IMO, the 3rd book is majorly the problem here. They didn’t have a good base to go off of, so the film suffered as a result. They tried, but sometimes you just can’t polish a turd. 🤷🏻‍♀️ MAYBE if they hadn’t tried to pull a Potter/Twilight/HG and split it into 2 it wouldn’t have been so bad. On the other hand, the end of the book is worse. So, maybe not.

Badd Medicine

Ok. So the book wasn't as good. This would make sense to the mess they had for 3 and 4.


I personally only read the first book and remember loving it. But as a curious person, I couldn't help myself but read some spoilers about book 2 and book 3 and I really didn't like the ending of book 3. So I decided not to pursue reading this series because of that. Can't wait to get home to watch this reaction!


The third book is tough to adapt, let alone two movies from it. The ending would have been mehhh. There is a scene I wish I could have seen though, with the zip line returning again.


The books had a similar problem - it felt like the author rushed to get the sequels out and didn’t take the proper time to craft stories that measured up to the first book. I thought the hunger games suffered from that same issue - the third book felt rushed. It’s one of many reasons I’ve always been a massive Harry Potter fan - it seemed like JK Rowling really took the time to craft her stories and that’s reflected in the quality - and she did that over 7 books!


Yeah, that’s the only thing I would’ve liked to have seen. Theo James killing those scenes.

Graham F

I saw this in theatres and I am going to be honest I seriously cannot tell you one scene that happens in this movie. That's how good it is right? Well time to re-experience the horrible mess with you guys. Haha

Choux D Bruxelles

When it comes to these kinds of books, you need a good screenplay writer ... someone who knows how to transfer the book to screen and feel in the plot wholes where needed. A good screenwriter would have done wonders for this series. Without a good screenplay, it isn't easy to do much with the plot/storyline. I also believe the producer and directors could have stepped in and demanded better writing for the story/characters. Sometimes I think the movie studios see shortcuts to profit and don't care about the product as long as the money comes in. Which is a shame ... I loved the first movie.

Sarika H

this movie is why I keep my opinions to myself and recommended in live chat not to watch the series ~ they could have done so good but didnt and wondered why it wasn't popular


I liked the first 2, I don't know exactly how I feel about the last one, it's full of plot holes, I think they should of done just 3 instead of splitting the last one into 2. I hate that it wasn't finished. And I must agree with every one that the material from the book wasn't that great to begin with. If they did revive this series I really don't think the original cast would be up for it , so I'd be mega cautious about the cast .

Angela Solano

Honestly, the last book ended really badly, and many fans were not happy with it. The movie is really different from the book. It didn't have near as many "futuristic" scenes in it like the movie. I feel like maybe they made the movie like this in hopes that it would be more appealing to a broader audience? I don't know, but this movie went so far off the rails that it feels like it has nothing to do with the book.

Kunzite Blossom

See the thing that always got me is book 3 is literally a page longer then book 2. They only tried to do a split ending because of everything else that did. It just didn't work for them because it wasn't needed. Potter and I believe Twilight had much longer books and needed it. Can't say for hunger games cause i never read/watched them. They tried to stick to the "trend" and that failed them. I get the final book had 2 POVs and maybe thats why they wanted 2 movies but there wasn't enough information to do so.

Kunzite Blossom

The thing about the final book is that it was split into Tris and Four's perspectives. Each chapter went back and forth. I feel when they decided to split the film this was meant to be focused on Tris then the next movie would maybe focus on Four? Sadly we never will know.

Badd Medicine

Crazy to hear the books ended bad. I don't think I've seen people say they about books that go to film.