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Another great showing, fun story. Battle scenes were pretty neat without having to be too graphic. We do think the first was better, but still a fun story. Still looking forward to the 3rd installment. Did we miss anything from the books? We feel that the book was a bit thicker. Looking forward to all the comments and insight you all have.

Watched on: Disney+

First watch: All of us

Narnia Prince Caspian watch options 

Hope you all enjoy and thank you all for your continuous support! We greatly appreciate it!


The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian FULL REACTION


Andrew Hansen

First off, how great is Reepicheep? This might be spoiling a little for the next movie, but as you watch the next movie I'd love you to imagine a crossover movie with Reepicheep in The Pirates of the Carribean and a sword fight between him and capitan jack sparrow. Actually it added a lot to the books. The books are less than 200 pages each. I can easily read an entire one in one evening in a few hours. The attack on the castle wasn't in the books for example. The four children don't get to Narnia till much later in the story. It mentions that caspian's war isn't going well but doesn't give details. The first time the four children meet caspian is Alsan sending them in so they can stop the White Witch from being resurrected. It goes from that directly to challenging miraz to the duel. I'll add anymore think of as I watch the movie and your reaction. You guys' posting habits are super frustrating! I can watch movies at work as I work but you post it now too late in the day. There's not enough time for me to watch before I leave work. So if you could post earlier so I could or later so it's not just frustratingly hanging there lol jk!

Amanda P

Ahhh I can't wait to watch but I gotta wait like 5 hours because I'm at work 😭😂

Brandon Jensen - May the force be with you

Once again the battle music in these movies is incredible and beautiful. Love the tactics in the battles and the comedy overall. Great reaction as always guys!!!!! one of my dream reactions !!!!


Yes agree on that. When you want to get more infos about the story for one exact movie, the books are not the go to because the movies are actually more detailed. When you want to know more about the world, like the background story or other stories from books that didn't get an own movie, the books are the go to in my opinion.

Amanda Logsdon

I really liked this one, as mentioned above the book version is actually very small so the movie did a better job filling in details than usual. And your right this was one of the few fantasy/action movies that our whole family could enjoy at the same time.


I think that Narnia as a whole has a great storyline, great characters and all but I've personally never really gotten into it (not as much as HP or LOTR or Hunger Games, etc.) The first one is my favorite for sure. This one was a little bit of a let down for me. I never really understood the fling between Caspian and Susan, it was mostly just them looking at each others for most of the movie so when came the kiss at the end, I was not really convinced. Leaving it out wouldn't have changed anything to the story lol But anyway, my rating is about the same as you guys 3.5/5 . I honestly don't recall the other movies after these first two so I guess I will be discovering them with you guys! Great reaction btw! The mouse was also my favorite character!

Badd Medicine

I was surprised to see Ben Barnes in this. This movies so far have had a pretty solid cast.

Badd Medicine

Haha it's that dang hd processing. We try to get that as close as possible to it's finish. 😁🤘

Amanda P

I love what they did with this one, all the history from the first one like the broken stone table and the white witch trying to be resurrected. The power struggles definitely make sense, they were in Narnia for like 25 years I believe and grew up then to go back to your preteen\teen body oof I can't imagine how that would mess with your mind. I do wish these wouldn't have been made by Disney (or at least the Disney of 2008) I think it could've been even more epic with the battle scenes. I really hope if Netflix does a series it'll be amazing and not the usual Netflix teen shows that have been kinda crap. I love that Narnia basically gave a huge middle finger to the Telmarines, nature isn't to be messed with. Can't wait for the next one! Wish it was more than once a week haha but it makes the wait fun too

Andrew Hansen

I know you guys are big into the morals of movies, the big one from the book that they really cut out in the movie, is doing the right thing even if no one else is with you. Lucy, tells aslan no one else would believe her that she saw Him and aslan asks "why would that have stopped you?" So the first big thing they leave out is that the tutor is half dwarven, that's why he knows and believes in the stories of old Narnia. I believe it was over a thousand years between when they left Narnia and them returning. The jokes about the flashlight are straight from the book. Edmond in the books was a renowned swordsman during their long reign. In the books it talks about after Caspian wins the throne, him leading wars to defeat the giants. I wish we could have seen this. Wouldn't Reepicheep charging a formation of giants be epic? The bear have a bigger story in the book narnian tradition has the bears as being the judge of games. However the bear couldn't keep his paws out of the honey jar and wouldn't stop sucking on his paws which embarrassed the narnians. Pattertwig the squirrel as well. Trumpkin meeting Aslan happens earlier in the book and Aslan does more, playing with him like Trumpkin is a dwarf, throwing him aroudn and catching him with His paws. In the books there's a lot more half dwarves among the Telmarines and a lot more people who wanted the stories of Old Narnia to be true. I wish we had seen some interaction between caspian and his aunt at the end. Peter does return one more time in the final book at the end of the world of Narnia. This movie is always been very emotional for me. I first saw it at the tail end of the darkest period of my life. The long story short, i had to change schools after junior year of HS that i did not want, it was hell, dropped out 2 months before graduation and repeated senior year back at my old school. So i ended up back at my old school, but all my old friends had graduated and moved on, but I was still there walking the same old halls so returning to narnia without everyone i knew really resonated with me.

Andrew Hansen

The short answer is to the question about why Aslan didn't intervene earlier is He is God, and He knows what will happen

Sly Dakota

I really think you guys would like ‘Stardust’ if you haven’t seen it. It’s like the following generation’s ‘Princess Bride’. It’s just altogether great


There is a cut scene where Susan and caspian relationship is expanded more to where you see the relationship kinda of build. It didn't make the movie though.


I enjoyed this movie. C.s Lewis made the narnia books kinda of like a kids version of the Bible but in a fantasy storyline kinda of way. Each one has their own meaning and life lesson in each. In prince caspain it was Peter and Susan time to grow as adults at this point in one final send off. Sadly only one truly returns out of the two of them at the end of the entire book series. Also the director went more real than cgi in the movie. There still is cgi but most characters were real people. Everything he wanted to feel real not a computer. In the army scene there is one scene where there is literally 1200 people in that shot real live people. Also the main actors where from everywhere Italy, Poland, Czech, French, American, etc. He want to diverse the characters to show narnia at how it grew after the kids left. Also In the behind the scenes footage the director talks about how they went to I think 6 or 7 countries to get the movie just right in terms places and scenes. This movie was good but you are correct it took some needed parts out to make it full circle. But loved it anyway. Keep the movies coming


I really like that they touched on "nothing lasts forever" topic

Kunzite Blossom

That is true, I remember my 5th grade teacher reading us the books in class after lunch. It was always our "relax time" to calm us down from lunch before getting back into learning. I don't remember the books well but I remember the movies being more detailed and honestly better. Which is rare for a movie to be better then the books, but I feel this is one series that accomplished it well.


Why can’t I see the movie well

Badd Medicine

Hey Thomas, as mention in the tier and the beginning of the video, this is a watch along format. This is due to copyrights.


Prince Caspian was only 13 years old in the book. The same age as Susan and one year younger than Peter. In the book, Edmund was 11 and Lucy was 9. A year older than they all were in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe book. The actor playing Caspian in the movie was in his 20’s. The four Pevensie kid actors were all older than the characters in the books. The actor playing Peter was 21 when the movie was released and the actress playing Lucy was 12. Yes, I’m being a nerd. 🥸 I agree that the movie was enjoyable but not as good as the first and in my opinion, better than the next movie which departed a lot from the book. My favorite story in the series is The Silver Chair, but to my knowledge, only the BBC made that into a movie back in the 1990.


Genuinely loved this reaction! Cannot wait for the third movie! And the divergent series 🥹


Actually, half the book was missing and half the movie was added and not in the book. The book is literally 12 chapters of hiking and talking, lol. About chapter 12 is when we really start to see the two parties meet (Peter's group and Caspian's group). The battle at Miraz' Castle never happens in the book, either. This movie was very well done, but it was not the same story as the book. It had the general idea of the book but a lot of changes. I prefer the book.

ZJ Johnson

Best line in the book has got to be Peter screaming at Reep that he’s gonna get himself killed when Reep is running around stabbing Telmarines in the foot during the final battle “REEPICHEEP! This is no place for mice!!!”

Lena Herbert

You guys are right in that a lot of detail and context and lore from the book was cut, however, what they did do with the movie was correct because the book is actually really short on action and would have been super boring. Like the whole fight scene at Miraz's castle was totally made up for the move. The book was good, but there definitely isn't enough action material for a movie. Also, I don't know if you guys are getting the vibe, but Lewis was very Christian, and a lot of Christian lore is represented here, i.e. Aslan sacrificing himself to save his people = Crucifixion, Aslan is the son of the Emperor Across the Sea and was sent to save his chosen people, the Narnians = Jesus sent by God to save the Isrealites. So Lewis is making the point that Aslan/Jesus is only able to work in the lives of his followers as much as they believe in him, so he was only able to help once they stopped trying to control everything and turned back to their faith in him. And that's why he tells Peter and Susan, and eventually Lucy and Edmund, that they have to rediscover him by his other name in their (our) own world. And little bit of trivia, Reepicheep and his tribe of Talking Mice are direct decendants of the non talking mice that chewed through Aslan's ropes after he died at the Stone Table in the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. He blessed them and their decendants to be Talking Animals to thank them. Narnia trivia over lol