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Another poll winner for our Halloween madness! The Conjuring was a good fun scare type movie. They didn't just depend on jump scares and the cheap horror. For the time frame of the movie, it did feel like the classic old school horror film. Again, good film and glad we saw it. Thanks for voting for it everyone! 

Conjuring streaming info - CLICK HERE 

Note: At the moment of this posting, the HD was still processing. We did have it sitting for just over 2 hours and it didn't finish. One of the few negatives of YouTube. Hopefully, by the time you are watching this the HD processing has finished.

As always, we appreciate everyone of you and hope you enjoy. Thank you!




J Knight

I'm starting to run out of things to watch 😢

Marco Gutierrez

This one is a great movie and one of the few horror movies that I enjoy because it doesn't follow the usual tropes and cinematography cues. I know ya'll probably have your schedule set but if there's room for more scary movies this month, you should check out The Summer of 84, Haunter, and Hereditary. They're all really great and just as good as the Conjuring in my opinion. The Summer of 84 in particular is a fun callback to some of the old 80s slasher movies.

Badd Medicine

Might be tough, can't promise anything, but if we get the opportunity, we'll see what we can do.


I know I'll get hate. But I really hate the Conjuring movies. And I'm a former trained actor who loves storytelling. I've even believed in ghosts as a kid. People can believe what they want to believe. And I love stories. But once you have people behind it making bank from exploiting people, no more. The Warrens were and are scammers. They were a relic from the spiritualist movement of the late 1800s. Today we have the ghost investigators. But no one like the Warrens. The Warrens travelled around, half of the time exploiting people and half of the time joining together with families to make bank. Here, this movie, is mostly based on the Warrens own "accounts". Their own accounts. Even though they may not have profited from every case they used the cases to further their careers. They've propt up their personas like a modern day YouTuber does. Ed Lorraine had a relationship with an underage girl. Judith Penney. She lived with them fo four decades. Lorraine knew about it. But they sold it off as Judith being a poor woman, or a niece, they helped. Judith got pregnant with Eds child, but the Warrens made her abort it, all to keep their image clean. Because, you know, their livelihood was the scams. Still is. But, for this movie, who do you think gets the profit? Not just the filmmakers. But the Warrens. The Warrens were hired as consultants on the movie. And the family, the Perron's, Andrea Perron had just released her own book in 2011. "House of Darkness, House of Light".And the family supported the Conjuring movie. Well, the movie will, and has, helped with the sales of her book. And, the Perron family were friends with the producer of the movie, Tony DeRosa-Grund. And he was a producer of the movie. So, call me a bitter old dude at 32. But, I love stories and storytelling. But I hate exploitation and scams. And the Conjuring movies are clearly made to make the Warrens out to be heroes in order to sell their shit. And the families too. The parties in these movies are getting a cut. They are essentially propaganda movies.

James Ventola

So you're saying you don't like that the family, the investigators and the filmmakers made money off a movie? That's just the industry and people make money off it. So if everyone makes money, it's not exploitation. And there are fortune tellers and people who "claim" to speak to the dead that people pay for some in belief and some in good faith. It's not really scamming. From the gGreat Obi-won. Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows it.