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John Kreese is back and there is one moment in here where did they a good job on making Johnny look young. Not the greatest, but very passible. Amanda does come around and gives her support to help bring down Cobra Kai! 





This episode is so iconic if you're a fan of Chinese kung fu movies from the 70s and 80s, and even just martial arts movies in general, and you see the same kind of thing in a lot of anime that has to do with martial arts.. The music in this episode and when they say they're looking for Silver and the guy's like "What do you want with Sensei Silver?" and he's like "I don't think you can beat me." and then they start fighting, then when Kim Da-Eun comes out with that swagger and when Johnny taunts her the whole "You wish to fight?? Joon bi!" That's like right out of classic martial arts films. That guy Yong Woo when he speaks English. If this was the 80s you'd swear it was dubbed. He's doing a very classic kung fu movie/anime voice. Silver's plan is to make Kim Sung Yung's style famous. That's what he told Kim Dae-Eun in the beginning, and this is something that has been lost with the era of MMA and BJJ and stuff. These people tae their martial arts very seriously. Perhaps moreso in movies. Classic Kung Fu movies and anime are often about one school's master challenging the master of another school saying their style is the superior style and that's pretty much the endgame here. It's a school of martial arts that was very controversial after the Korean War. Who knows what happened to it, but apparently it's not very well known for whatever reason, and Kim Da-Eun's motive is to make it more known. Also I wanna point out one thing. Not a spoiler because it was the first thing that happened-- Notice that she immediately asked why Kreese wasn't there, and was very disappointed to here he's no longer running Cobra Kai.


You wanna see something ridiculous dude.. Check out the anime "Project A-Ko." It's a martial arts/sci-fi thing. It's about these kids in high school. This girl is rich, and spends all her spare time building robots and making schemes to fight this other girl coz she's jealous of her friendship with this younger girl C-Ko. Every day when they get to school it's a whole new fight. New robots. Exo-suits. Coz A-Ko has super powers but the rich girl is normal so she can't fight her. You wanna talk about rivalries taken to ridiculous levels. lol. And in the end the younger girl gets kidnapped and they have to put their rivalry aside to team up to fight an even greater foe. Really awesome fights and action sequences, and a few twists and callbacks in the end to some other characters and franchises that pretty much everyone in the states will recognize.