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Folks, if you like checking out our reviews, this one gets HEATED!

This movie had a lot of potential, but just something didn't click with some of us. Love all the actors as they did great. We definitely will watch the next Thor regardless of how we feel on this. 

Looking forward to your reactions and thoughts on this one.

Thank you to you all and have an awesome weekend!




Amy Petty

This installment of Thor was a major disappointment for me. I was never particularly interested in the comics character, but I love the MCU, so of course I watched the first Thor movie as part and parcel of that. Even now as far as I'm concerned it's one of the lesser MCU titles - it's primary value is knowing the backstories for Thor and Loki and simply being a chapter within the Infinity Saga. Otherwise I don't think it's all that memorable. But then they gave us Dark World and Ragnarok and I'm mostly left conflicted. Both movies are *better* by FAR than the original Thor movie, but tonally they are all over the map, both in terms of their *own* stories but also in relationship to the greater Infinity Saga storyline. I've enjoyed them tremendously and happily re-watch them as the mood strikes, but nonetheless they're pretty weak installments in the MCU. I've always felt like the issue was taking an otherwise genuinely fun movie with a reasonably solid storyline despite the comedic tone, and trying to make it take itself seriously as part of the Infinity drama. And then they gave us...this. A worse Thor movie than the original. Whatever they did to make Dark World and Ragnarok work despite their tonal dissonance just...did not work for this one. Which is a shame, because Thor's continuing personal story of self-discovery and the hints at the greater MCU narrative arc, were interesting enough. But the tragic narrative beats and darker storyline behind Gorr set alongside the attempts at humor don't mesh. Tonally speaking it's an incongruous mess that interferes with the overall story.


just wanna say its so nice of you guys to reply to everyone :)


I think Gorr makes a better Voldemort. Personally I felt this movie was the same caliber as Ragnarok, I didn’t really care for either movie because I don’t like feeling Thor has been dumbed down from the first movie. I liked the feel of the original movie and do not like the comedy style of the last two movies. I did think Gorr was a great character and deserved more screen time. I also don’t think we were supposed to laugh in the scene at the beginning when Gorr made his way into a garden and met his god. I think the outrage that Oak felt about that scene is what we were supposed to feel. 😎