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This is a very interesting world here. No way is this story being told in 2 movies (soon to be 2). Has be a few movies for this series. We understand now why some absolutely love this story. The score was awesome! Story was good. We are ready for the next movie for Dune.

**This was watched on HBO Max. If you are watching on HBO Max for sync, we start at 17 seconds.

Hope you all enjoy! Thank you all and enjoy your weekend.




Barbi Duarte

im sooo late to the party hehe, but as the new movie its about to be released i think its important to note that paul went against his vision, the voice was telling him to let himself die and that the friend was the one who was goingt o teach him the fremen way, but paul killed him.

Badd Medicine

Really interested to see everyone's thoughts on Dune. Did we miss anything? What is your rating for this movie?

Graham F

I loved this movie, and I had no idea what it was about going into it. I’d say 4.5/5 and I hope the next movie improves everything the first one came with. This movie reminds me of how good Fellowship of the Ring was as a trilogy starter. Thanks for the reaction!


Three movies are officially planned for now (The first book are the first two movies and the second book is supposed to be just one movie). But the writers said that they are open to produce more dune movies then the three planned ones


So I tried to read the book a few months ago, right after seeing the movie and it was unpalatable to me. The characters were so wooden with no emotions. The writing was also clunky imo. It was an audiobook but I had to DNF at around 1/4th. I also don’t like stories about the “chosen one” but I was pleasantly surprised by the movie. I’m really hyped for the second one and I loved your reactions guys ! About the reason for the betrayal by the emperor, they said at the beginning that house Atreides was becoming too powerful and too well liked across the empire, hence his desire to get rid of their house through an alliance with the Harkonnens. The shield only protects you if the danger is approaching fast but if it comes slowly towards you, it won’t protect you and it will appear red. They filmed the movies in 4 locations: budapest, Jordan, Abu dhabi and Norway. They’re currently filming the second one in Budapest.

Inger Lise

The reason they don't have guns in Dune is because of the shields. It is a really interesting idea. The shield allow slow moving object through the shields, but stops fast moving ones (like bullets)

Jack Burton

1. The Emperor doesn't like how influential Duke Leto/House Atreides has become. So he removes the Harkonens and places the Atreides to 'set the stage for a war'. To get rid of House Atreides. As the Baron said, the Emperor is a Jealous man. Nobody will know about this because 'there are no satellites over Arrakis'. So the other great houses will not know the Emperor is helping the Harkonens. 2. There are no projectile weapons on soldiers because of shields. Only the 'slow blade' penetrates the shields. That's why they only use blade weapons. The reason some things penetrate is the use of drill-like projectiles that slow down and bore into the shield. 3. The Duke and The Lady Jessica aren't married. She is a concubine. Pretty common in other cultures. She's not a queen. She's the mother of the heir. 4. The Bene Gesserit can recall memories of past female members. No Males... until the Kwisatz Haderach or the 'Chosen One'. Which is what they think Paul might be. The male would be more powerful and would control space/time among the other powers. 5. The Cris knifes are made from the teeth of the Sand Worms who the Fremen worship. 6. The book is old. Dune heavily influenced George Lucas when he wrote Star Wars. Like very heavily. The force (the voice), etc. 7. Paul's visions are various glimpses of possible futures... not just exact predictions of the future. 8. The Bene Gesserit serve all the great houses, including House Corrino... the house of the Emperor. Each house has a 'Bene Gesserit' representative. They plan in centuries, not years. They are all women. Hence the Reverend Mother who tested Paul visited the Harkonens to relay plans at the command of the Emperor but the Emperor isn't aware of the Bene Gesserit plans over the hundreds/thousands of years.

Roxanne LIL CRIP Kemmerer

I read Dune when I was 15 and back then it went WAY past my mental capabilities, I thought it was dull lolol. I then re-read it in my late 20's and have been obsessed ever since. I recently listened to the audiobook, which I highly recommend to anyone wanting to dive into the series. It is extremely dense, but the political sci fi of it all is well worth pushing through for. This movie is a 4.75 for me, easy! Villeneuve stayed so true to the source material and as a master filmmaker, truly translated that material flawlessly. Hans Zimmer, he certainly outdid himself with this one. Seeing this in the theater (Dolby) was quite the experience, I CANNOT WAIT for Part II! So glad y'all enjoyed it.🤘🏻 Oh and FYI.... Production on Dune Part II started mid July, and as of now it has a November 17, 2023 release date. And they've added even more epic actors to the mix, like Christopher Walken, Florence Pugh, and Austin Butler (among several others). There is also an HBO series in the works called The Sisterhood, that is supposed to show the origins of the Bene Gesserit while also following a group of Harkonnen sisters. Idk about you guys but I'M HERE FOR ALL OF IT! 🤘🏻

Chase Gardner

this is an awesome sci-fi epic for a movie. the music hans Zimmer maybe his best work outside the dark knight trilogy and the lion king music. the cinematography is beautiful to look at. i cant wait for part 2. the creativity from the director denis villeneuve is so cool i might have to watch the behind the scenes of dune. this is my third time watching dune.

Badd Medicine

Awesome. Good that they planned 3. Seems like there's a ton of layers they could go with

Badd Medicine

Oh so next year release? Sweet. Good to hear it stay close to the material. And loved Hanz on this score.

Rasgriz Rising

The backstory of the world in Dune is pretty interesting, at some point in the past basically skynet happened. Humans had to fight back and defeat AI robots, so after that they banned all smart machines so no computers of any kind, this forced people to rely on developing their brains more, you see this with thufir when his eyes go all white he is a mentat which is basically a human computer he can solve extremely complex math problems almost instantly. Also the reason they use knives and swords is because of the shields, shields made guns obsolete only slow moving objects can pass through a shield, the movie used red to show when the shield was passed through and blue when it reflected. Paul's visions show all possible futures and the future is always changing his visions kept showing jamis teaching him the ways of the desert but since he killed him that future is no longer possible


I liked the book more than the movie. There is so much internal thought process of the characters that you only get from facial expressions in the movie. Politics, motivations, doubts and suspicions and Paul/Jessica's mental abilities on full display that just didn't translate to the film. The subtleties which this story really relies on didn't come across in the movie. That being said, I thought the Movie was fantastic, it really brought the immersion in with full force. The visuals and scale really strike true and of course hans zimmers (sp?) score just set an amazing tone.


I can see why other people might like the book better since there are more details, which was one of my gripe with the book ^^. I felt like everyone knew everything about everyone (especially Jessica and Paul) and the princess at the beginning of each chapter was basically spoiling the whole book for the audience. I like books where people are playing their cards close to their chest and where it's hard to pinpoint exactly what they want (and not them having an inner monologue detailing exactly what their plans are) Ofc, it's just my opinion but I'm still glad that people who liked the books still enjoy this first movie :)


I 100% get that. I think for me it was just a different experience, and I enjoyed that element of different. I can totally see those elements being off-putting . cheers!

Marco Gutierrez

I'm so excited to watch ya'll react to this. It was this reaction that got me to join ya'll here. Dune is such a great series and I feel the movie did the book justice in almost every way.

Łï Tîáä

It’s not letting me see your reaction and I don’t know how to fix it

Badd Medicine

Try a different device. I believe Vimeo was difficult for some on phones. HBO encoding might be a tiny bit off.


I never read the books, but I grew up watching the 1984 Dune movie (thanks to a dad and older brothers who all loved sci-fi). I think that really helped me to understand the plot because this movie very much follows the same plot. And it’s interesting to me you feel they need more than 2 movies to tell the story. I was surprised when I heard it was more than one movie because the 1984 version was just one movie. The graphics are obviously way better in this version and the baron did not gross me out in this version like he grossed me out in the 1984 version. I wonder if they were trying to make this movie more family friendly or if it will worsen in the next movie. Since you guys have not seen the 1984 version, would you consider reviewing it?