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This was amazing! This didn't even feel like 2 hours at all! J-Law crushes it as Katniss! Very good setup going into Part 2. Can't wait to see what you think and tidbits y'all will drop.

Thank you all for your support here. Means the world to us. Hope you enjoy!


Hunger Games Mocking Jay Part 1 FULL REACTION



Poor Peeta! He breaks my heart. I love himmmm

Third Division

There's something about this movie that does Sci-Fi in such a realistic way. Any other movie would have had Gale and Boggs jump in a jet and have a crazy fire fight in the air while Kat shoots down half a dozen jets when district 13 was being bombed. But the way they stood their ground and problem solved in the bunker was realistic and awesome. The new director for the last 3 movies did an amazing job.


YES!!! Watched this as soon as I could. Well done, lads! 👏👏👏 (fair warning, this will be a long post lmao) Never feel bad for your thoughts on these films!! I do the same where I rank each film of a franchise individually for what it is and then the franchise as a whole in a roundtable (which this would be an awesome one haha). Loved seeing Mason & Answer get *absolute* chills at the "fire is catching" line - and then Oak's slapping of the table 😆 Genuine reactions that are super fun. And we got another wink from Mason - and his Bob Hope reference 😂 Exactly why y'all are the only reaction chanel I subscribe to on Patreon ❤️ Also, your initial thoughts before going into these movies was not wrong/unfounded. These films came right off the heels of two of the *biggest* teen franchises in the world of all time: Harry Potter & Twilight. So it's fair to say that the trailers/marketing picked up a little bit of steam from that, but what came was completely different (and one of the best book to movie adaptations of all time, I might add). Glad to see you guys are getting the soul of this piece of fiction though. The best way I can describe this franchise (books & films) is: RAW. The first film/book was supposed to elicit those feelings of disgust and absolutely hate the capitol so that the devastations / consequences of the upcoming war could be reconciled and justified. Although, I must warn y'all (especially Oak) that the last film is very difficult to watch and digest at times. At the end of the day, the author wanted to write a war story that highlighted that there are no 'victors' in war - as Haymitch said. So many movies and stories glorify war and the hero's journey, but fail in the regard of loss, PTSD, politics, family and orphans...and so much more. For instance, Star Wars (as much as I love the films and continue to re-watch them) are 'fun' and were marketed to young men as thrilling and adventurous. Which, they are, but lack the other aspects of what war can do. These books and films were a direct contrast to all of that to bring the issues to the front lines - like Katniss and her PTSD, propaganda, sacrifice of some for the greater good. The series is meant to allow audiences a better understanding of the devastation of war; its darkness and allow us to think critically for ourselves and recognize injustice in our own society. 13. I just did the math and I was 13 when these books first came out! I remember they were immediately a huge hit and all my friends told me to read them. Coming from a super sheltered and religious upbringing in a small town in Texas, I was appalled when I first heard the premise and refused to read them. Suddenly, all the girls started to wear braids in their hair at school, more books were released, there was whispers of a film being made, and news stations were talking about how archery ranges were being booked out months in advance because of these books! Then came 2012 and I was a junior in high school. Still put off by the premise, I actually didn't see the first film in theaters of read the books. (Plus, the Hobbit was coming out and I'm much more of a Tolkien fan haha). Eventually, the 2nd film came out and, despite the *huge* lines at midnight for 2 weeks (back when we all used to do that lol), I still stayed away. But then, 2013 came along. I had just moved to Arizona for college. I'm not gonna lie, that was an insane year of my life. Having grown up so sheltered, it was all a shock! I started to learn more about the world. How it worked. Its injustices. Its wonders and good. My eyes were finally opened! To everything; the good, bad, & the ugly. I started to formulate my own ideas and think critically for myself, rather than just piggy-backing off of my mom's & step-dad's beliefs. Since I hadn't been old enough at the time to vote in the Obama/Romney election, I started getting more involved with local elections and how it all actually worked so I could be prepared for my first when the time came. And of course, as always with college, I: went to parties, drank and did what kids my age normally did with my newfound, and unsupervised, freedom. I read all the books & watched all the movies my mom hadn't let me. Of course, this included The Hunger Games series. My first introduction into the series actually wasn't the books (unlike how I normally jump into things). Mockingjay Part 1 had just come out in theaters and all of my friends wanted to see it. Hadn't seeing the previous films, I was given a super short summary that was the effect of how y'all went into this franchise: a love triangle for teens with some action thrown in. Boy, I was taken by SURPRISE!! The emotions this film brought out were so incredibly *overwhelming* to put it lightly and very similar to y'all. I remember how much I cried and felt that "if we burn, you burn with us!" line in my bones to this day. Obviously, I immediately read the books and watched the other movies. Personally, I like the films more (which the author did an AMAZING job with the adaptations - basically setting up her prequel book and upcoming prequel movie perfectly). Jennifer Lawrence was captivating and Philip Seymour Hoffman truly sold the role with his impeccable acting skills. And with that, I understood the series for what it was and what it was trying to accomplish with the narrative. It was powerful.

Kymberlee Shakoor-Asadi Preston

The character that’s in the filming crew that y’all recognized ( can’t remember his name) the one that isn’t speaking. He doesn’t speak because he is what the capital calls an Avox. He is someone that used to work for the capitol and he doesn’t speak because his tongue was cut out for some infraction during his time working for the capital.


Loved watching this. Can't wait for the next film! As for feeling gross watching some of this, that is exactly how you're supposed to feel. The story deliberately puts its fans into a similar role to the in-universe callous viewers of the hunger games- watching kids kill each other for entertainment. It's extremely thought-provoking, isn't it? It's brilliant. The book/film gives commentary on a number of social issues. It only becomes more relevant with time, too. Think of the way the Russian invasion of Ukraine has played out live to an international audience, the way the media has changed the way the war is fought, and the reaction of people at a safe distance. I'm thinking especially of how younger americans started commenting on how heroic and attractive they found the Ukrainian president, calling for Jeremy Renner to play him in "the inevitable movie."


Wonderful reaction as always! The first of these movies always sets the stage and then you can be blown away as everything unveils. I will have a lot to say after the last one but I will hold off to avoid any potential spoilers. Based on Oaks love of WW2 I'm sure he at least has already seen it but just in case Band Of Brothers is amazing and I think you guys would like it. Can't wait for the Mockingjay part 2! You guys have quickly become one of our favorite channels.

Badd Medicine

Thank you, Angelina. Sometimes we feel it goes long lol. Glad to know you enjoy it. Appreciate you sharing this btw🤙

Badd Medicine

Good point. That's good this should make some feel. And aware they really asking for Renner to play that part?

Badd Medicine

Thank you, Midgey! We appreciate that! I am not sure if anyone here has seen. I can check.


Oh bro's, Definately watch Band of Brothers! Its one of the best mini-series there is. It has 10 episodes and its probably the best portrayal of war/warevents that has ever been made onto the big screen. Its pure genius. Any questions about the dutch stuff happening in there I can answer, I live smack down in the middle of all that rich history.


Finnick being forced to sell his body is even more fucked up when you remember that he was only 14 when he won his games (the youngest ever).


are we getting the final today or tomrrow??


Liam Hemsworth actually auditioned for Thor first. Then Chris went in. When his brother was cast as Thor, Liam agreed to this role.


The Capitol knows everything. This takes place after a civil war in America. 13 was where all of the military nuclear weapons were stored during that war. The basically had mutually assured destruction. The Capitol let 13 alone as long as they didn’t attack, and let the rest of the districts believe 13 had been utterly destroyed.


Oh, yes you detect a southern accent in JLaw’s singing. She’s from Kentucky.

Badd Medicine

I thought I heard/read all the brothers went for that role. Either way, they got the right one. Lol. Liam was great in this.


As you said, this movie is not your reality right now. But for Ukrainians and not brainwashed Russians this is 100% present reality (I'm Russian, but living in the US, not entirely by free choice). I had so many thoughts and saw so many parallels rewatching the movie this time with you guys, but as Oak has said, it made me sick and absolutely devastated. The scene of the destroyed district 12 and the burned bodies absolutely resembles so many scenes from Ukraine. The most recent and one of the most horrible being from Olenivka. It is impossible for me to understand the horrors Ukrainian people have to live through, but even for me, these months have been the most terrible of my life. Not being able to do anything to stop or affect the war, but post information and try to change minds of some people in Russia who are supporting the war, is terrible. Not being able to go home simply because you support the innocent country that is being attacked, because you post and say things against the war. As well as watching Russia making more and more laws to silence and imprison any people who are against this wasteful, terrible, pointless war. Probably my comment is all over the place because watching this movie has triggered all the memories of the past 6 months. Just wanted to comment as someone who is going through something very similar to the events shown in the film. Even Snow's weapon of choice being poison is so relatable. With Putin poisoning many of his opponents, but mainly Navalny. The weapon of cowards. Sorry to get so political, but this is the reality we're living in right now, couldn't not say anything about it.

Badd Medicine

We can't imagine what it is like to be in that situation. Just crazy over there right now. Hope all is safe by you.


I have watched the YT version and I had to come and watch the full version. And it's while I was watching this version that I saw something I had never realized before. During Peeta's interview after the rebels blew up the dam, they showed Katniss twice, and it's after the second time that he breaks and tells her about the plan to blow up District 13... What I never realized before is that what breaks him is Katniss singing "When a dead man called out for his love to flee". He knew giving her the warning probably meant signing his death warrant and yet he did it anyway. Even years later, this movie still breaks my heart...