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The 2nd installment of Hunger Games... what a cliff hanger! lol. Things are picking up on this. Definitely a different vibe from the first and the tension keeps building. We can't until the next one.


Hunger Games Catching Fire FULL REACTION


Amy Petty

The Oak is right to feel gross over the storyline in Hunger Games. I'm pretty sure that Suzanne Collins wanted folks to feel that way. She's said that her aim in writing the books was to explore the effects of war on kids; more to the point, her inspiration for the concept was the Greek myth of youths and maidens being sacrificed to the minotaur, and reality television as modern mass entertainment.


💃 🔥


When Gale was injured on the table after getting publicly flogged, and Peeta took Katniss' place to watch over him, the comment Answer said made me cackle. It was such a Slytherin thing to say, the nonchalant dark humor lmao. 😂😂😂 I'm glad you guys noticed the growth in Effie's character (Banks). You totally understood what was going on with her. She'd always lived in the Capitol, was raised to praise and ''worship'' the Games. To her, and most of the people living in the Capitol, the Games are just like a reality show, where you can root for a participant and cheer them on. Being the representant for District 12 and the victors, following them around on tour, prepping them, witnessing the uprising and riots with her own eyes instead of on TV; Effie realizes that the things she idealized before are wrong. Happy you guys liked the movie! This one is my favorite one in the series, it just brings so much to the plot. The characters that are introduced are all unique and it's easy to remember them. They all play an important part in the story. EDIT: I forgot to mention! I'm also with you guys when you were saying Katniss had to make a choice between Gale and Peeta. The way I see it with Gale is that she's known him forever, he's her friend, took care of her and her family, there is affection between them but I personally don't think she 'loves' him the way he loves her. Gale is the representation of comfort, he grounds her, he's familiarity, which she clings to whenever she feels lost. While Peeta, she doesn't really know him personally but grows closer to him with time. Grows to truly care for him. They get closer because they are on the same boat, understand what the other is going through, the nightmares. That conversation they had on the beach is one of my favorite scenes. The small attention Peeta does for her (the token being a necklace to hold the pictures for Katniss, the little pearl, the night where he stayed with her when she couldn't sleep), always having her back and caring for her, is what led Katniss to give him a REAL kiss on the beach. If you noticed, the kisses all have different intensity, she is never truly passionate with Gale, they always felt hesitant to me. And yes, she never said she loved him. And yes, I'm team Peeta lmao


Wait, where did my comment go? :( There were no spoiler beyond what you guys already saw...

Badd Medicine

Hello... We don't delete comments. This has happened before to others where the comments disappear. Not sure why Patreon does that.

Andrew Hansen

Wanted to share some thoughts last time but I'll share them here now before i watch this reaction (this is my favorite movie of the series) to just thoughts on the premise of the movies compared to stories that have great attrocities in them. Am i understanding right just from commentary that you guys have seen Game of Thrones? In my opinion there is a huge difference in value/values between this and GOT, between the story event of the Hunger Games within the story universe and things in the GOT universe like the red wedding, and why i think, even setting aside the incest and sex gratuitous violence etc of GOT, there's a lot more value in watching/reading The Hunger Games than there is doing GOT, which i have watched and read. Let Me explain how. We all know there's evil and atrocities in the world, this isn't a criticism that GOT isn't all sunshine and daises, just look at what's going on in Ukraine. I'm half Ukrainian, all four of my Mother's grandparent's came here from Ukraine in the Early 1900s, and given our heritage, we knew about their long atrocity filled relationship long before most people. Few people know of the Holodomor, which is when Stalin, a decade before The Holocaust murdered 10 million Ukrainians in A SINGLE YEAR, by intentionally starving them to death. He thought they were too independent and seized their grain to force submission. We know these kinds of evils exist, but we need hope, redemption, etc that GOT doesn't offer, going instead for subverting expectations, because GRRM has a very nihilistic worldview. He questioned whether or not Aragorn in LOTR was really that good a king, because it doesn't say what Aragorn did with all the Orc babies, and did he slaughter all those babies? I recently read a book where this guy and went and interviewed anti-soviet dissidents who were instrumental in toppling communism in Czechoslovakia, and their kids. What they talked about was how important reading Lord of the Rings was to getting through living under communism, because in their own words, "We knew Mordor was real," and i forget exactly how they put it but how they needed stories and characters like Frodo and Sam to encourage and motivate them in their own trying times. I would to an extent characterize The Hunger Games similarly. Even though i would characterize LOTR as a tragedy, especially the ending of the books and similarly the Hunger Games overall (I'm not giving anything away) come back to this comment and save it for after you finish all the movies, you'll see what i mean.


Awesome reaction!, since I heard you guys question where this all takes place in the world if you watch closely during the first time Katniss looks into the control room on the train where the peacekeeper is working you can see the map of the entire Panem on the monitor, a post apocalyptic North America partly flooded with all the districts listed. Im a sucker for these things and seems like you guys are intrigued by the world as well, catching fire also had me wanting to see the exterior of an arena more so badly haha

Nakia Smith

Yes. I love the growth and development. Not forced. Just natural. And Peeta is such a nice kid. You can’t help but root for him.


Omg my comment had mysteriously disappeared and now it's back!! Whaaat!?


Don't worry Oak, this story is meant to be disturbing with the whole Let's Put Kids To Murder Each Other And View It As Entertainment idea. I personally think that's the main point. I really love the Mockingjay movies, can't wait to see what you'll think! p.s. The new movie coming out tells the story of President Snow and how he got into power

Ryan Chan

Wanted to share that district 3 is the district where there are electronics are made to the capitol. So all the tributes in that district are techies. Hence Bettee (Jeffrey Wright's character) and Wiress know a lot about electrocuting their competition. In the first movie the boy that Cato snapped his neck, was from district 3 and he was the one that actually moved the mines around to surround the supplies. Just wanted to share since the movie didn't really give a clear background to that. Underrated actor/actress, is the Lynn Cohen who played Mags the old lady that sacrificed herself to the fog. Really puts a ton of impact in the few scenes she was in. Actress for Johanna (district axe girl), was really good as well. She was exactly who I imagined the character would be in the book.


13? ..13..yes.... sometimes timing is just perfect lol

Ryan Chan

Also, one of the subtle moments was when Plutarch asked the headquarters to spin the hub. But if you notice, once you see Katniss falls, Plutarch asks his team to stop. When he easily could have kept the hub spinning, so Katniss and others would have drowned.

Badd Medicine

Love that Jeffrey Wright is in this. He's a great actor. Yes, Lynn does. I would agree!



Jack Burton

Jesus, Oak. The guy with the biggest muscles giving me the biggest analysis of the Hunger Games I've ever heard. I know it's not Citizen Kane but you got some insight muscles too, brother. All you guys are good at this and I'm really glad I subscribed. I can't wait to see the rest of these and see where you guys go with movies and shows. Great stuff. Keep it up. Anyone notice Oak didn't give a rating? He was so into the analysis and symbolism that everyone forgot. (Unless I missed it)

Badd Medicine

Thank you, Jack! We really do appreciate the kind words here and the support here on Patreon. Lol... You know, Im not sure if he did? 🤔😂

Lloyd S.

The last scene .. watching the emotions of Katniss solely shown on her face without any dialogue. Jennifer Lawrence is an incredible actor.