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Here we go! Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince! Wow folks! This movie was amazing! Looking back at the beginning to where we are now, this has progressed amazingly! And you weren’t kidding! Like… at all! This movie has us amped up for the final 2 movies and honestly, we aren’t ready for the journey to end!

We appreciate you and the support you give us! We can’t thank you enough! Hope you enjoy the reaction!


Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince FULL REACTION



10 months later and I'm still coming back to these reactions ❤️


Narration throughout the entire movie is NOT reacting guys! If a person is watching the movie for the first time, it’s truly hard to follow the dialogue with so much talking. Remember, you guys have on earphones so you can still hear the dialogue but those who watch with you, the constant reading everything, guessing what’s about to happen or foretelling events are VERY distracting! It’s not as bad when the movie is a re-watch but you have to know that just like you some of us have never seen the movie. If you speak between the dialogue would help but just know that when you say what the characters are feelings, thinking, it interferes with the viewers imagination! We want to think for ourselves as we follow the story. Giving an idea before we can figure it out (BTW) sometimes you’re wrong … and sometimes a lot…it makes the viewer have to either tune you out, turn down your volume,etc. … then, how can we enjoy you? There’s got to be a happy medium so first time viewers of movies can enjoy the movie and the gang…don’t mean to complain but maybe I don’t know the rules…should I have already seen the movies before watching with you. Mr. Oak especially talks a lot about things not even related to the movie…love you man but golly gee…you say you don’t know what happening or that you’re lost…but that’s only because you’re having a conversation about another movie across an important line. I say it in love and I value your comments as well as Mason’s and Answers…I WANT to hear your thoughts but it’s hard to listen to you and follow the movie…


I loved watching this with you guys. This and prisoner of Azkaban are my favourites. There’s something so great about watching a movie you love with someone who’s never seen it. I felt bad for Malfoy in this one. You could see the emotion about the decisions he had to make. Can’t wait to watch the next one with you guys ❤️


My first comment on Patreon, and yes, I'm aware that I'm one year late, but I joined Patreon especially for these HP reactions after binge watching your reactions to Hunger Games and LotR. I can now spoil anything since everyone watched it. Snape has always been my favorite character, and he's probably my favorite character of all time. I remember your reaction to Hunger Games, when you said that Philip Seymour Hoffman couldn't be cast as a one-dimensional villain, well it's the same thing with Alan Rickman. I love Snape, so much. But back in the day, when Book 6 came out, Snape was HATED. And I mean, HATED. Very few people sticked by him, but I was one of them. I got insulted on the internet, on forums (yeah, forums at that time), I got bullied because I tried telling people that there was more to the story, that there were many hints that Snape was complicated, but ultimately good. Fans were mean to me, I got out of the HP forums. I was older than the average fan (around 20-22 years old at that time), so perhaps I was more mature and I could see and love the morally grey side of Snape. Anyhow, it's refreshing to see you see the good sides of Snape and Malfoy. I remember also that, in your reaction of the third movie, you really loved the fact that Sirius tell Harry that he is a good person to whom bad things happened. It's the same with Draco and Snape, in the end :) Anyway, off to bed, it's midnight. Can't wait to see your reactions to DH parts 1 and 2 :)


I was just thinking about something. Now you'll see all over the internet and on Facebook that when an actor dies from the HP franchise, there's this gif of the students raising their wand, with the light at the tip, everywhere on social media. On their birthday or on their death anniversary too, as remembrance, a tribute. It's kind of a memorial. It's awesome, and very touching.


He still hated by a lot. I wouldnt say snape was necessarily a good person. he played on the right side and did good things but I would not say a good person. He would have stayed a DE if Voldy never targeted Lily. He was a miserable person in the books and was a bully to children and obsessed with a girl who stopped being friends with him for good reasons. From a young age he was interested in the dark arts and became a DE as a teenager. He was okay with a baby dying but only wanted Lily spared. Hes a very gray character. As for Draco he has more leeway being a child but he was still very blood racist and proud to have been chosen to be a DE. It is very split in the fandom when it comes to Snape. Alan made him more sympathetic than he was in the books.


One more before bed 🤗 ty guys for reacting to these! I love that you're open to doing anything on the channel as someone who enjoys basically all genres lol


all i want to say is i love the oak! and please please feel free to have long discussions at the end - honestly more interesting than the reaction itself in a way :)

Dara Jeeling

Since thankfully I got this week of - I am here. I am stoked to watch you guys watch this. God I can not wait!

Dara Jeeling

Nobody told Alan Rickman how to do things. It was the other way round. Alan Rickman had a vital piece of information on his character and he used to act on it - even tellinf the directors "I am doing it this way. you'll find out why - once the series ends" sort of. He never revealed the piece of information, since hepromised JKR not to and even after the films were all out he stated that there would be kids readin/watching and if he told he might spoil it for them. I think it's just his very unique way to talk. Altough...he talked different as Sherif of Nottingham


💛Hello guys, you're on point with the historical references to racism and that specific time in war history. I remember interviews where JK said yes, the story is like a metaphor for racism, but only because she once  worked in an international hub where she saw it all the time. It's not a bad thing, as art always tries to work out real problems and find solutions to social and personal problems. I get the feeling that many younger viewers don't get that it's okay for fiction to tackle tough issues, even issues like slavery. (I'm black and writing fiction is really the best way to explore issues in a risk-free way.) Marketing and commercialism did its best to present the books in prepackaged, child-friendly wrappings. However, that was only the surface of the water, and publishers didn't quite know how to foresee the depth and seriousness that JK Rowling would go, by the series end. This was Mrs. Rowling's therapeutic way of dealing with conflicting cultures. She worked out her frustrations through fiction. It's the ultimate life lesson to be tolerant and accepting of other cultures, so it's not as creepy to venture into the subject of racism as it might first seem.In this age where people are so easily offended, we must keep in mind serious pain gets exercised and lifted off when writers work it out on paper. For some it's called journaling, for others, it's making up stories about the things that bother them.  Good job on your reactions. You guys were so quiet and into it this time around. I love how you're all so enthusiastic and won over. All of your commentaries are fun. I must say, I really listen for the new perspectives that come out of The Oak's commentaries. He's always so shocked at the quality and maturity of this story and that reminds me of my own lessons to not let society structure how I see something I've never been exposed to. Labels are useful, but we all get misled by them. So Oak's revelations are our revelations too. Also, I'm not sure if it's been pointed out to you but elves in Dobby's world love working for people who are kind to them (unlike the Mafoys). In the book, Hermione tried to free them and they didn't want that at all. Thank you guys for a great show! I can't wait to watch the final movie with you. ❤💛☺🌹


hey is the download option available ? It was in order but i cant find it for half blood.. Thanks


just listened to Oak's wrap up about how people can change...when talkin about Malfoy .. and I got instant Rocky 4 ending vibes with the everybody can change speech !

Third Division

Never has a series capture my attention quite like Harry Potter. Sure LOTR is great, Star Wars is cool. But hogwarts is where every kid that read the books and watched the movies has wanted to visit. You guys should check out the trailer for the New Hogwarts legacy Video game, it was mind blowing to watch as a hogwarts fan.

Badd Medicine

Hello. In the tier we mention it's a watch along format. 🤙 Due to copyright laws, we aren't taking the chance of losing our Patreon.

David W Richards

The ONLY reason I knew the proper pronunciation of the VERY English name Hermione Granger is because TWO of my FAVORITE British comedic character actresses from my childhood in the 60s and 70s were Hermione Baddeley and Hermione Gingold.

James Ventola

I joined this patreon just because of these reactions. Really enjoying this


It was torture after I read the book to have to wait for the final book to understand why Snape killed Dumbledore. You guys had it easy with a quick jump from movie 6 to movie 7 and 8!