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Alright folks, you weren't kidding, this going dark we love it! We are hooked and we are excited for number 5! Let's GOOOOO!!!!

As a reminder, we can't show the full movie and sound. This is hosted on youtube which it would get blocked. We also can't show the full movie as there are copyright laws. 

If you have any feedback/suggestion on how we can make the syncing easier, feel free to leave a comment.

As always, we appreciate every one of you and we thank you! Enjoy!


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire FULL REACTION



Me still praying for them to read the books and do book reviews 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


This one makes me cry like a big baby! So naturally, I'm excited to start. 😂🤗

Mac Z

Can Oak stop to watch his Phone 90% of the Time. Ty It really makes me angry


Possibly out of line, but can we petition to rename "The Appleton Oak" into "The Whomping Willow"? 😂


Got my chili cheese corn chips (off brand cause im cheep) and a dr pepper and im ready to watch me some HP :) <3


I was 10 when the 1st harry potter movie came out, I literally grew up with these movies. I obviously read all the books too as they came out. My grandma took me to the 1st three movies, then the 4th I had a friend group who would go and watch them together. I was 21 when the last one came out, as were my friends, and we sat out there and waited for hours for the movie to come out and we sat in the theater after the credits and just cried because this was literally our childhood. These movies and books mean so much and I think it's so special that we have that, that we got to grow up with the HP books/movies.


You’re allowed 10 min or so of full footage, so consider doing a full minute or so every now and again. 😄

Kristin Carter

Same here! I was 11 when the first book came out and had just turned 25 when the last movie came out - almost every year of middle school, high school, college, and grad school I had a new HP book or movie come out. I was one of the ones waiting in line at the bookstore on release day :) I love how dark they get (in my opinion, kids entertainment can still be dark/sad/scary; everything doesn't have to be Barney). The progression seemed natural to me because I was growing up along with the characters.

Carter Rowe

great reactions! very much looking forward to #5! would love to find out what houses you guys would be in?

Kristin Carter

Even though the first two movies are definitely for kids, you still see Harry's mom get murdered near the begining of the first movie, which I think kind of sets the tone and lets you know what you're in for.

Badd Medicine

Thank you! We appreciate it. Good question... I would have to get the guys together and ask. 🤙


I always heard 10 min was okay. Even if you have to cut it to 5 min, it can be 5 min over a 2.5 hr movie. Win/ win for all of us.

Jason O'Rear

I was 6 when the first one came out and 16 when the final came out, so they characters were always just a few years older than me and my friends. Can’t really understate how massive these movies and books were at the time. Still remember seeing this one opening night with my sister. You guys were nail on the head about going through the same things that the characters were. And yeah, Hermione was a huge early crush.

Badd Medicine

We do remember hearing and seeing some of fandom. Cool to see some peeps throw backs on this thread here


What’s the point of joining the patreon if you can’t get the full reaction nor sound ,I didn’t know that before I joined


Its great to see you guys watch the movies and getting more into them with every movie. I totally get your opinion on the first two movies, I generelly skip them, cause they are for children and not to my taste anymore (though I also skip the last two, cause they are way too depressing for me :D - thats all I'm gonna say about them, no spoiler). Also, if you were wondering why those "Ghosts" appear in the end during the duel, if I remember right from the book, it showed the last people Voldemort killed with his wand (Cedric, the caretaker, Harry Parents). I can't wait for the Order of the Phoenix now and you opinion on it. Have a good one!

Badd Medicine

Reel rejects and many others use just time stamps. If some are putting up the full movie and sound, feel free to drop those names and we can look at how they do it, but we don't own the movies/tv shows. By copyright law we can't show the whole movie, but we can do bits of it to make sure people are still synced.


Not gonna yell at you, but can Oak not be constantly checking his phone through the whole movie? I get that this is not your thing. The other two seem really into it. So maybe just don’t be a part of this reaction series?

Badd Medicine

That's fair Paula. In fairness, he just had a little one and he and he checks in. But, it is fair. We'll all have a chat about it. 🤙


Well that makes a difference. Not knowing that info, it seems like he is checking twitter or something. 🤣


I watched them from high school age to start and loved the first and second one, because I still felt very young and even now don't really feel like an adult. If you love magic and movies with kids, you just loved these. I was 16 when they came out and absolutely loved them, then read the books to the third was out by the time the first movie was out and was obsessed, still am. So I think it works for like a 15 or 16 year old to binge watch them all and relate to them all if they are young at heart and love magical worlds. The first two are very world building and if you read the books at the same time, you just know so much and the immersion is second to none.

Brittany Lewandowski

More in depth on that, the Spirits (not ghost as we see the other ghosts look very different) appeared because Harry and Voldemorts Wand share the same core from the same Phoenix, the connection from their wands made the spirits appear.

TinCan Cosmanaut

Even tho the oak is on his phone and his eyes look half closed so often, He still has the most amazing wrap up comments. He’s got a gifted 😂😂

Cilla W

The Oak is right about the age thing. I grew up with the books. The author intended to have the story grow up with you. So, if you read the books you'd notice a huge difference in the length, story telling, and reading level of Book 1 from Book 7. It is amazing. Book 1 is for you to read at about 10-12 years old and Book 7 feels more like a young adult book.

Mike Dispo

I don't know, but I personally never critique a movie after watching it as "is this a kid's movie?" or "is this a good movie to see as a kid?". I critique it as a standalone piece of cinema in that I try to evaluate if it's a good movie full stop. Is a "kid's movie" not also a movie for adults? Is "Finding Nemo" a kid's movie or is it a movie about learning to be a father? Is "Hunger Games" a kid's movie because it has a teenager as a lead character? What is a "kid's movie" anyway and why can't a movie be evaluated on its own merits rather than who it may or may not be designed for? You've seen half of the films so, hopefully soon, a majority of your critique wouldn't be hinging on whether the film is "too dark for a kid's movie" anymore.

Badd Medicine

I think perception for him was these are kids movies, but clearly they move along with the actors as they grow and they do become more mature for films. So, yeah, good point.


Can't wait to watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix with you. It's my favourite of all the Harry Potter movies. 😊

Badd Medicine

Thank you, Stephanie! We record Tuesday night and should have to Wednesday. 🤘 Unless something changes the schedule.

Kymberlee Shakoor-Asadi Preston

I can’t wait for Order of the Phoenix. Personally I think it is the best movie! It’s my number one go to when I’m a Harry Potter mood. The 5th book also kills. If you’re still debating on reading the books I will tell you that it is a must read series! I still go back and read them every couple years myself!

Jain Thorne

It's covered more in the books but Neville's parents were tortured with the unforgivable curses until it drove them mad which is why he lives with his grandmother. So, that scene with Neville and MadEye is particularly cruel. As far as Ron goes, that's also covered more in the book. He's the youngest son and always feels outdone by his older brothers. Then he becomes friends with Harry and thinks that Harry is now outdoing him too and believes that Harry put his name in the cup without telling him. He feels betrayed. And yes, you do get a butt shot in this movie...haha. A big part of this movie covers the leap from childhood into being teens and sex is a part of that, too. I think they do a good job of showing it in this movie without overdoing it. Also, about Robert Pattison....he appeared in this movie three years before Twilight so it makes sense that he has a smaller part.

Jain Thorne

When you finish the whole series I highly recommend that you watch the 20th Anniversary Reunion on HBO Max. It's the best reunion special I've ever seen. It gives some amazing looks behind the scenes as well as letting the actors, directors and others talk about the experience of making the movies. It's wonderful.


I believe this to be the best film that sort of stands on it's own, not relying too heavily on the contents of previous films to build suspense or the later films to [redacted]. Not saying the later movies are worse, just that the later ones are a little more like LotR where the context and detail of other installments can really add or detract to elements going forward. I used to resent this one a lot because it did things like remove some interesting secondary characters that pop up, including the reappearance of a free Dobby to work, on salary, in the Hogwarts kitchen and cleaning staff. It also removes a lot of Hermione's more obnoxious busybody-ing and plays up Ron being a tool and a blockhead without some of the redeeming moments to help us forgive him. I've mostly gotten over it as time has gone on, but I do wish they had shown a little more of the World Cup and done the dragon challenge truer to the books, where Harry struggles to bait the mother dragon any distance away from her clutch of eggs and uses a move he lifted from Krum's World Cup performance to grab the golden egg.


The thing that makes these movies memorable/good, is the adult actors. They have some of the top English talent. They elevate the movies to compensate for young actors. And the next movie introduces 2 new good villains


Also Beauxbatons and Durmstrang are both co-ed, I don't know why they opted to make them gendered for the adaptation. Probably the same decision making that took Dumbledore calmly asking Harry if he put his name in the Goblet of Fire and turned it into basically assaulting the child.

Kymberlee Shakoor-Asadi Preston

I love all of the films but funny enough number 4 is actually at the bottom of my list due to how much wasn’t able to be put into the movies. I’m still mad to this day that we didn’t get the sphinx in the maze. I remember that part so well from the books.

Kymberlee Shakoor-Asadi Preston

All of the movies are amazing but if you are like myself and have read the books, the fourth movie is kinda disappointing. Only because of how much is left out. The 4th book is FAT!


Definitely agree with Oak and the rest of the commenters. Regardless of how things have turned out with this franchise, I feel so incredibly blessed to have grown up with the books and the movies and the fandom. It’s truly unlike anything we’ll ever see again. I was 9 when the first movie came out, my parents took me to see it. I immediately came home and grabbed books 1-4 from my older sisters book shelf and started reading and from then out was at the book store at midnight waiting for the book releases of 5-7. It’s really nice rewatching with you guys, thank you for being so open minded!


It's absolutely criminal the amount of content they cut from the end of the book. The graveyard scene, Harry re-telling the story, Fudge's reaction, etc. etc. all crucial. They also axed the single most important conversation in the entirety of the books out of book/movie 5. it's infuriating.

Badd Medicine

Thank you! We appreciate it! And it's really cool to see how much a franchise like this has a long lasting impact on people. To experience this and see you and to see how everyone has such a deep fondness, it's really great to see. Gives an even better experience for these movies.


I am not sure whether you guys noticed , in the court scene they mentioned Snape was a death eater but turned Spy


I was exactly in the age range 😎😎


Had a huge huge crush on Emma till my early 20s🤣🤣


When will be the next one ? Next week or a week later

Sofi Hultin

I tried watching this synched (on hbo max as well) but this version you’re watching is slower than any other version. I tried a dvd as well, but again, your version is slower.

Badd Medicine

Thank you for the feedback, Sofi. I don't know why that is. 🤔 I'll have to figure out why.

Badd Medicine

We typically record Tuesday nights for movies. Next Harry should be up Wednesday! 🤘🤘🤘

Sofi Hultin

Perhaps try watching this video of yours alongside the hbo max version and see if it’s unsynched. Watch for a couple of minutes. It’s possible this is an issue due to the edits.


Also Neville got affected during the curse class for the crutio curse is bcoz his parents were tortured using that to reveal potters location. Barty jnr was part of that as well that's also mentioned on court scene


Thank you for enjoying and investing your time with us potterheads. I was 10 at the time the first movie came out, so it has been a journey and a lesson to grow up with the Potter universe/franchise. Oak is spot on - the lessons of life, tropes of being a kid/teenager, themes of love and friendship. Furthermore general coming of age / growing up through this world has been an inspiration for me personally and I'm sure a lot of others. Fifth installment will be filthy, gritty, dark and heavy/*sirius (wink, wink). At the time the movie released, it really showed how the world and people in it could/can be cruel, unfair and ignorant. It learned the lesson of sticking with those you cherish and hold high above all else - no matter what, with friends and family you can never be alone in your ups and downs. Buckle up, the shit is about to hit the fan!


It's highly possible due to buffering of the video, which qualities you and Badd-boys are running the movies on and/or youtube being generally a slow streaming service.

keara king

not sure if you’ve already watched #5 but it is my absolute favorite. i’ll watch that one alone randomly and not the whole series. just wanted to give a suggestion that these last few movies have a lot of VERY important dialogue to listen to, to get really good story information. so even though the dialogue isn’t always the most entertaining parts to watch for new watchers i just ask that you really listen !! the story telling is so good and you’ll be able to piece together SO much


You are definitely right. The books and movies were that of a generation. I believe that the movies were released in a span of 10 years! I was 15 when the movies first came out. The books show a lot more detail, and really shows the whole immersive world. That people, even today still feel involved in. From what house you would be placed into, to learning more about the House Elves, and more about the personalities of everyone. So many important scenes that there wasn't room for in the movies. As the series goes on the books get bigger and bigger in pages.


Completely right about the movies growing with the audience! First one came out when I was 6 so I was around 12 when this one did and the tone of each movie was always familiar and made complete sense to me. I never considered how weird the changing dynamics would seem to someone who didn't grow up with them lol


@kymberlee, but that is the essence of my point. The large amount of my complaints about this movie in particular are issues with the adaptation process, leaving out sections and tie-ins. If I put the book out of my head and focus on the elements that a pure movie-goer has put in front of them i.e. the core story structure, cinematography, the way they craft the suspense, and the character themes presented it gets elevated. 3 is the best adaptation, 4 is the best individual film when it look at it on its own without the context of the book or other films, and the most entertaining film is yet to come up.


Even more in depth than that, there is a spell, Priori Incantato, that shows an echo of the last spell cast with a wand. In the book Harry 'lost' his wand during the Quidditch World Cup, Barty Crouch Jr had stolen it from him, used it to cast the dark mark, and then it ended up being found in the possession of the Crouch family house elf that is absent from the movies. Priori Incantato is introduced to us when a ministry wizard (Mr. Diggory?) casts it on Harry's wand to verify it had been used to summon the dark mark. The beam struggle thing happening produces that same effect, called Priori Incantatem as Dumbledore says in the movie, but continues past the most immediate spell used. When Harry was losing the struggle in the book, his own wand was showing off a compass rose, etc. - representing spells he had been using to navigate the maze.

Amanda Sottani

it's because is not a kid move, not anymore haha I see this happen with many stories that come from adventure books, including lord of the rings, since the book the hobbit is a story that precedes lord of the rings, and is directly related to the story, the book the hobbit is much lighter , that the book of the lord of the rings ... the books of Percy Jackson I felt that too, and many others that I read and unfortunately they are not movies yet lol


lay off the oak guys they’re long movies give the man a break!! plus the end reviews are super enjoyable too and they’re clearly paying attention w how articulate their thoughts are…let’s chill..relax and just have fun people 😁

William Smead

Doesn't bother me, he seems to catch everything that goes on which is the point,

Melanie P

Fantastic reaction. The coming of age story is so well done in this series that it is so relatable. Sooo relatable. You remember the feeling of that blush rising from your chest, up your neck and into your cheeks when you get embarrassed, etc. It’s universal.

Pierson Keefe

I was 5 in 2001. I grew up literally with these kids. By the time DHp1 and Dhp2 came out we were adults with these guys who were adults and we were kids when they were kids it was honestly an AMAZING experience.

Badd Medicine

Really cool to see the mont lasting impression this series has. Everytime we see something like this, it's super cool to read. 👍🤘

Kunzite Blossom

Owls are incredibly smart. They know how to find who they need to. As for Ron...hes the youngest son in his family, he's over shadowed by his older brothers, and even his younger sister. Being friends with Hermione, who is the smartest witch in their class, and Harry who is famous, he's even overlooked by them. So this just shows Ron being mad. He doesn't feel good enough and when Harry got picked, Ron did feel betrayed. Not sure if you noticed during Harry's visit to the memory, but Barty Crouch JR was said to have been apart of the capture and use of the Cruciatus curse (one of the unforgivable curses) on Frank Longbottom and his wife, who is Neville's parents. It's why when Mad Eye Moody (Barty Crouch Jr) used it in class it affected Neville so much.


Thank you so much for reacting to a lot of my favourites ❤️ I am SO looking forward to watch you react to number 5.

Kevin Zhang

Why not upload the video file with the movie overlaying instead of this version on Youtube?

Katherine Rodriguez

It's so fun watching you guys react to these movies! I was about Harry's age when they were coming out. It was always such a hype at the time and so amazing to go watch it in theaters with my cousins. You guys are right growing up with the series was just incredible, we would relate to it and also it took our imagination to another level. I am just so glad that I got to be part of it and even when I get older it'll be my favorite movie series ever! Thank you!

Badd Medicine

Thank you, Katherine. We appreciate it 🤙 Really cool to hear how much this franchise has had an impact on you and many others. 👍😁

Ori_gina_lart (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-14 11:22:13 exactly...i have read the book as a kid and then i grew up with the movies...had to wait 2 years between every movie....so harry potter really is my childhood i`m 31 now and still love it. its a big part of my life. its really amazing to let the movies grow with the kids &lt;3
2022-05-11 00:59:42 exactly...i have read the book as a kid and then i grew up with the movies...had to wait 2 years between every movie....so harry potter really is my childhood i`m 31 now and still love it. its a big part of my life. its really amazing to let the movies grow with the kids <3

exactly...i have read the book as a kid and then i grew up with the movies...had to wait 2 years between every movie....so harry potter really is my childhood i`m 31 now and still love it. its a big part of my life. its really amazing to let the movies grow with the kids <3

Dara Jeeling

Book 4 was so good and they had to cut so much for the movie - Inever enjoyed the movie. Firstly Ceddric Diggory (Robert Pattinson) s character is already in earlier books, as is Cho Chang (the girl Harry asked out, but got rejected by.) If I remember correct she is the Ravenclaw seeker and during a match she flirted with Harry,maing him miss the snitch. Also.. The book describes at least hiw the other champions did their tasks And Rita Skeeter gor massivly cut out You just get a glimpse of her nastiness in the filem and you totally i´miss out she is an unrgistered aimgus and turns herself into a beetle (threby bugging Hogwarts) talking to Slytherins in beetle form. Hermione catches her and keeps her in an unbreakable jar for the rest of the year and even blackmails her into giving an unbiased report in the next book. Also... Dobby is back in the books and we get introduced to Winky the House elf of the Crouches (who drinks butterbeer) Also... I enjoy your reactions especially the after show discussion!

Badd Medicine

We wish they kept big Rob. Lol. Dobby is an intriguing character. They could've had a spinoff for Dobby We appreciate you sticking around for the review.

Kevin Zhang

I mean maybe include the movie playing in your reaction unblurred with audio the whole way through and just upload or give a link to the video file directly? That way you wouldn't have to worry about copyright.


"I don't wanna be a pirate!" just about killed me.

Tara L

I'm really late, but thought your last thoughts were so accurate! I'm 26 and started reading the books when I was 10. I remember being 11 and wondering whether I'd get my Hogwarts letter because it felt so real. I basically aged as the books and movies came out in that precise age range, could relate to them so deeply. I went through an entire cringe teen fanfiction phase :) And now I can appreciate them even more with the nostalgia and timeless themes.

Badd Medicine

Thank you for sharing this. 🤙 it's an experience that do many won't be able to experience again, so it's cool that you did. 👍😁🤙

Sangria D.

Aww he just had a little one? That's awesome. Congratulations!


kinda new here and been loving watching with the gang. But I do have a question…been noticing that some of the gang will have a conversation about something that has nothing to do with the movie… then turn around and say, What…what’s going on…? As I said, I’m new to this channel’s reactions but I enjoyed them enough to join the Patreon. It might help to NOT have a full blown conversation about some non related topic. during the middle of a sequence and then maybe you’ll know what’s. happening on screen. I try to follow the movie and your reaction but some of the conversations are distracting and then we all are trying to figure out what’s happened. Please, I mean no offense but come on guys… this happens a lot…especially with my main man the Oak! Love ya…but some side conversations are poorly timed! I still want to be a part and don’t plan on going anywhere but you said we could share some tidbits that would help the channel improve….