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Reactions library here We know the search function isn't always the greatest. We made a library here for a better search. It provides the title and links for full reactions and YT Cuts.


This is due to copyright laws. We do not own the movie/tv property. We cannot legally show the entirety without permission or without the purchasing rights to distribute. With fair use, we are allowed a small amount of time to show some footage that will allow syncing. 

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This is a watch along format. You will need a copy to sync. You get our full reactions. There is a timer for syncing. We also show the beginning as much as we can for syncing and do show some clips in the movie as well for sync purpose.


We have a great community here and they’ve provided tidbits of information, tips and tricks on how they sync up their own copy of the movie while watching the reaction videos. Click here for the thread 


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BARBARIAN guys. It’s currently on HBO and it’s been one of the best that current reactors are reacting to. I think you’ll have fun with it.


Shera would be good, its a slow start but lots of cool concepts and themes, plus super buff dudes reacting to a show about princesses would be amazing

Lloyd S.

Reacher, the new TV show


Love the reactions! I think Pink the hindi-language indian film might be great to watch with you guys if you haven't seen it :)


The Princess Bride :)


and i thought something was wrong with my eyes when it was blurry, i use a neat picture in picture layout to watch your full reactions the key is getting the playback time synced and your golden, helps that u put audio abit at the start

Val Stewart

Since we know Oak's a huge Harry Potter fan, do y'all think you'd ever watch "A Very Potter Musical"? It's absolutely hilarious and I think you all would get a kick out of it


One thing to improve on: this is really just nitpicking, but perhaps you could systemize your tagging better? e.g. Mcu movies under "mcu"(instead of "mcu", "spiderman" and "thor") and all twilight movies and clips under "twilight" I think the "more tags" section would become more organized that way:) It would also be good with a more systematic way of giving movie recommendations and seeing what other people have already suggested:)


The borrowers is a classic I think you guys would enjoy! if you do so please look into Studio Ghibli* Thank you for what you all do

Badd Medicine

fair nit pick. We do have attached our Reaction library (located above) to help ease that a pain a bit.

White Wind

Hey guys, considering that Attack on Titan is a big possibility in the near future, I was wondering if you were planning to watch it in Japanese with subs? Please say yes D:

Badd Medicine

Last time we tried something like this in an American dub was Squid Games episode 1 and we got mauled for it 🤣🤣🤣 so good chance, yes.

White Wind

Oh god, thank you <3 Please do. There -will- be people to recommend you to watch it in dub, but it's not worth it. The only exceptions are Avatar, cuz that's its original language, and the Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood dub. Anything else that's anime MUST be watched in Japanese. Besides, you'll get more long term views from reacting to it in Japanese than in Dub.


Love your reactions! I don't know how to recommend things, so here it goes! I'd love to see you react to Tropic Thunder. I hope you haven't seen it because I would love to see your reaction! :))


I really, really disagree with this. People need to stop acting like English dubs are as bad as they were 20+ years ago. The English dubs are significantly better especially for people who do not watch a lot of anime. I really do not think they will get more out of these shows watching it in Japanese. Something like squid game dubbed (or anything live action) is a completely different thing. They should be watched in their native languages. Any big mainstream anime that these guys watch in my opinion really should be in English, I think it will be a much better watching experience for them. The English dubs for most big anime in the last 15 years are generally very fantastic. As native English speakers I really dont think there is any reason to not watch them in English these days.

White Wind

Smh. They are bad and it's the same people in every single anime. No, it's not the same in Japan. Dub is not 'better', it's just lazy. Dub was initially created for children who struggled to read at a fast enough pace or didn't know how yet. Subs in any language make a better job at sending the real message across than dub does, because dub implies adjusting the language, tone and overall feeling of complete scenes for the sake of trying to translate things. There are several anime in dub with completely different scenes and dialogues than it was intended originally and sometimes even delete scenes or dialogues from certain characters because the scenes aren't long enough and don't fit correctly. Anime, in particular, is created with the characters mouth's moving to japanese words and sounds, and the scenes are also as long as they are meant to be in the original release. It's not about not giving the voice actors good credit, it's just that no anime, movie, or series is created with the intention of it being Dub later on. The only reason as to why Dub has become popular is because the americans struggle to read and watch the pictures at the same time, and they are the ones with money. (I've heard it plenty of times across youtube with them literally saying so) Sadly, it just takes the real magic away and it's a disservice to the original voice actors. In Japan, people go through years of practice, training and studies to become real proffesionals. Nobody is "acting" like English Dubs are bad, they simply are for the sole reason that they do not have proffesionals like Japan does. Again, the only reason for people being so clingy about them is because they were easier, but they do not carry the same meaning. I'm a translator and it takes magic to make things fit as best as possible when things are voiced. Dub is not worth it.


Again, hard disagree, and to say that the English voice actors aren't professional voice actors is degrading and honestly ridiculous. It's a weird level of intellectual dishonesty that the "SUB ONLY" anime people have saying that english voice dubs are these horrendous unwatchable versions the shows. Its absolutely ridiculous. I can guarantee the boys will not notice this supposed 'bad' voice actor quality when compared to say, avatar last airbender. Especially when we are talking about something like attack on titan. As you say, you're a translator (i'm assuming japanese?) so your experience watching anime in Japanese is not even remotely comparable if you understand the language. I find it to be rather insufferable the crusade to try to make sure everyone watches anime in Japanese only because YOU think its the only way it should be watched. Its all rather gatekeepy and weeb snobbery. I've watched a tonne of anime subbed and dubbed. And you know what the real difference is? I have no idea whatsoever what is being said in Japanese, and half of the nuances of emotion and "magic" in Japanese is lost because I DONT UNDERSTAND THE LANGUAGE. Unless you are super into japanese culture, you wont get anything more from watching something subbed than dubbed. Especially when these guys don't watch anime. Just because YOU have watched anime in Japanese only for 20 years, doesn't make it the only right way to watch it. In the end, they should really watch the first episode dubbed and subbed and make up their own mind what to continue with. If that's Japanese, fantastic, but if its English, then thats also fantastic and they will enjoy the show just as much, or perhaps even more. Gross to be implying that if they watch it in English they are not 'watching it the right way"

White Wind

I don't understand what's so 'gatekeepy' about wanting them to watch the original version and experience the culture as is, instead of a heavily edited version with mouths that don't match the voice, deleted & cutted scenes, and dialogues that don't actually happen in the original version. Anime is already an adaptation and in most cases an adaptation of another adaptation (Novel to manga to anime), a Dub version is just another one that further distorts the real deal. Defend it all you want, but the fact remains it's just not the original.


I agree with you wholeheartedly. These guys should be able to choose how to enjoy a series with no shame or gatekeeping. White Wind is stating so many falsehoods as fact I don't even know where to start. Long story short, anime isn't edited anymore like you're talking about (this isn't the early 90s on 4kids), dubbing was not started strictly for children- it's just localization and applies to many types of media, series are absolutely meant to be dubbed now (video games, pixar, even re-edit their scenes to match the lip flap to other languages), professional voice acting is absolutely a real profession in the US and other countries with the same training as Japanese actors- the global hub of acting remains to be the US, to say they're not professional or trained is straight up wrong. It's much easier to pick up on nuance and word stressors in your native tongue, dubbing does not distort all meaning beyond recognition, and original is not inherently superior and does not mean you can't enjoy and understand it in other ways. If people in Japan wanted to watch Avatar, Arcane, etc in their native language, they should and more power to them. I'd never shame them for it. Let this channel decide, either way they want to watch would be fine.

Eryn Young

You guys should watch Now You See Me1


watch the 100 and i will make you all cookies or somethin :( (gonna ask every week til it happens lol)


Hey guys, have you watched The Boys? If not, I would highly recommend! It’s also very popular!!


Another great limited series suggestion is Sherlock, with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. It’s really well done!


It‘s the best! You should check it out


I would absolutely subscribe to you on a more frequent basis, instead of one month every now and again when there's something I want to watch on, If you did early YouTube edits. And not just a day or two. I'm not willing to go through the hassle of watching a watch along. If you were more prompt with early YouTube videos, I would have been a subscriber to you since the beginning.


It might be quite interesting to see reaction to "Recasting Harry Potter for HBO Max" from Bryan Seeker chanel on YouTube. He did small videos with suggestions of who might play whom for each Part/Movie . He has videos from 3 year ago. And just did new one for children characters in HP.


It would be so cool to see you guys react to one or some of the Studio Ghibli films! Like Spirited Away for starters if u guys have not seen it!!

Raquel Perodin

Have you guys ever seen epic rap battles of history? They are short rap battles that take popular characters from shows or real life people and have them rap against each other. sounds corny but it’s actually epic and gets vicious with clever bars. I think you guys would really enjoy them.


Just throwing this out there, treasure planet and iron giant are two really underrated movies you'd enjoy!

Badd Medicine

We haven't, but typically with anything musical it's hard to do because of how easy it is to get copyrights or blocks. 😬


Oh awesome! And treasure planet is basically treasure island, in space. With a bunch of great actors. Love the channel guys 🤙

Raquel Perodin

Oh trust me, you won’t get copyrighted with epic rap battles! Nice Peter and EpicLloyd (the guys who run the channel) love it when people react to their stuff. EpicLloyd even comments a lot on other people’s reactions.


I think one movie you guys have to react to is Lucky Number Slevin. Criminally underrated movie

Curtis Rice

Have you guys seen Bad Ass starring Danny Trejo?

Jehan Dahir

Hi guys I really been enjoying your reactions! I wanted to request the show The 100 on Netflix.


Don't know if Badd Medicine seen it already - but the trailer for The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes (2023) just came out !! 🫡✌️🏹


Also exciting, Avatar The Last Airbender 2025 with the original characters ( though a bit older ) ! Image link ( people are saying that this is an image leaked from cinema con - there's not really any verification that I know of though ) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fu0rGpdWYAA4aql.jpg ☁️🔥🪨💧


Glad to be back on the Patreon, something happened with my card last month 😓 I wanted to suggest watching either "Lion" or "Slumdog Millionaire" which stars Dev Patel. Unfortunately ya'll got a bad first impression of him due to "The Last Airbender". But I promise he's great, and he himself he says how much he hated being in the Last Airbender lol


Dev Patel is so amazing! I second Slumdog Millionaire and Lion!


I feel like he's such an underrated actor, and so are a lot of the movies he is in, Lion especially!!


the 100 <3 :)

Curtis Rice

If you guys haven't seen it yet, I would recommend Andor. Can't wait for Godzilla: King of The Monsters to drop.


After a long wait, the 1st official trailer for "Dune - Part 2" has finally arrived !! It's certainly understandable that Badd Medicine ( Oak especially, if I remember correctly ) had some feelings that "Dune - Part 1" wasn't as full a story as desired ( after all, the movie did unfortunately stop itself half-way through the narrative ). About today's trailer, I have to say that it is ( mostly ) just a slow build, compared to the intensity and epic-ness of what will come in "Part 2" ( I know the story from having seen previous adaptations ). Maybe they're saving the more spectacular stuff for a 2nd trailer? Nevertheless, this 1st, 2:23 minute official trailer does bring me back to the world of sand warms 🪱 sand planet 🪐 sand people 🤷 sand mouse 🐁 sand aircraft 🚁 . If Badd Medicine likes a ( mostly ) slow-build kind of trailer, here's the 1st official trailer for "Dune - Part 2" : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Way9Dexny3w


May the 4th be with you all*

Culper (Lukas)

This is not feedback, but rather a question. I am interested in how far ahead you guys are for the Patreon folks. It looks like you guys are 3-4 weeks ahead between Patreon and YouTube. I ask because with all of the planning, editing, and creating you guys have to do (video, thumbnail, changing background, etc etc.), plus having lives outside of Badd Medicine, I would think you would have to be a week or two ahead of even Patreon. Do you guys just binge 2 movies and/or binge 4 episodes in one sitting so it’s easier on the backside?

Badd Medicine

You'll be surprised.... Really the only time we do a binge is if one of us have an extended amount of time out of town. We pretty much do it week by week. I (Diamond Dave) pretty much work 7 days on week on everything back end. Which is why I'm only here and there in reactions. The guys try to be available as much as they can for recording. Plus we all still work are day jobs and family etc. We make it all work though😁🤙


Dang, that's impressive. You're all doing an amazing job! Really appreciate all the work and effort you guys put into this!

Culper (Lukas)

That’s cool to hear. I love learning about the logistics of small businesses, which believe it or not, is what you guys are, lol. Even though we all see you as a group of friends loving what they do. Thanks for replying.

loekie ouwehand

I've been trying to watch the third pirates movie... it is only on vimeo and asks me to log in? I'm sorry for asking if this is explained somewhere...


I would like to suggest 2 stress-reducing comedy-dramas. These 2 movies are somewhat lower-rated on Rotten Tomatoes, but have been audience favourites for having strong charm and entertainment value. Only moderately-rated critically, but good for when people need to relax, not stress too much, and just follow along some likeable characters as they adventure in exotic places: The Devil Wears Prada ( 2006 ) ( Meryl Streep ) ( 75 % Rotten Tomoatoes ) The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel ( 2011 ) ( Judi Dench ) ( 78 % Rotten Tomoatoes )


i would like to suggest a series with Tom Hanks. Tha Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons, Inferno. Great underestimated series!


Here's hoping you try out Amazon's Good Omens! Very funny and very clever! Lot of recognizable people too~


I was wondering if you guys would be willing to watch Bridgerton. It definitely is an out there show but all I can think about is your reactions to it 😂 I totally understand if its not a show you guys would watch!!


Yall should watch Daisy Jones and the Six! It's loosely based off of Fleetwood Mac and 70's rock stars. Bascially sex, drugs and rock &roll. Its a really good show! All the actors actually learned to sing and play the instruments their characters play in the show!

Helya Kargosha

Highly recommend two very different shows, Jury Duty, which is funny and wholesome, and Band of Brothers, an amazing war drama that everyone needs to watch!


wanted to suggest you guys a series Severance. it's super unique, intriguing and I just could not get enough of it.


Law abiding citizen ^^

Amanda P

Forever recommending The Vampire Diaries for some fun vampire lore and gore after you had to watch twilight 😂


Need a Kung Fu Panda Trilogy reaction from you guys!!!


Hey guys! I know you guys have seen Squid Games and I have some other Korean recommendations! I'll name the show and give a brief synopsis. Crash Landing On You is super popular! It's about this South Korean woman who accidentally ends up in North Korea and this soldier helps her hide as they try to figure out how to get her back home. Hi Bye, Mama is the saddest drama I've ever seen, me and my Mom cried every episode, a mother dies and is a ghost watching after her family and gets a chance to come back to life. And The Glory, it has two seasons and is about a woman who was brutally bullied in school and wants revenge years later.


I don't know if you guys plan on reacting to the teaser trailer Killers of the Flower Moon by Martin Scorcese with Robert De Niro and Leonardo Di Caprio among others, but I hope you guys will watch it I read the book and it is a heartbreaking true story, I hope they do it justice !


Thanks for using the tv screen reflection behind Mason Quinn to synchronize the movie overlay ! 👍 That helps a lot ! Not sure when Badd Medicine started doing it - I've been noticing it recently. That actually helps a lot, because that now I can synchronize your reaction video to my movie player ( and the movie action events ) perfectly !


I was wondering if you guys were still planning on playing hogwarts legacy


Would love to see reactions to these: Princess Diaries 1 and 2, Mean Girls, Spotlight, Hidden Figures, Imitation Game, Coach Carter, Freaky Friday, Treasure Planet.

Sam Harris

i would like to suggest a reaction to merlin, its such a fun tv show and i think you guys would like it. of course im sure by now you have at least 3 years worth of content in queue


You guys should really check out The Boys


How do you guys feel about a somewhat older series: original Pink Panther with comedy legend Peter Sellers? I feel like the times are so grim, we need keep some innocence alive for when times get better again.


I don't know if Diamond Dave would be open to that but I would love to see a BTS for planning the week, filming the reactions and especially editing and everything around posting a video on Patreon/YT :)


I hope you guys consider 1899 (a show on Netflix) at some point. It's from the creators from Dark and I ended up so into it I binged it in 1.5 days. I feel like not enough people have given this show a chance because a few other big shows aired (like Wednesday) around the same time. Use subtitles and buckle up for a crazy ride.


No John Cena images yet, but more of Ryan Gosling and Will Ferrell - Barbie Official Main Trailer ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBk4NYhWNMM


Unfortunately 1899 was cancelled after once season, which might make it an unsatisfying watch for a reaction channel. Dark, from the same creators however, is finished and would be an amazing choice!


I think I've already suggested it, but I can't stress enough how much I recommend you guys The Money Heist series from Netflix. it's just incredible, and I know for a fact, that you will like it a lot!


I would love to see you guys watch love Death and robots. They are short animated episodes with each one being a different story and they are honestly so fun.


Yes, Death Love and Robots is great, really think you would enjoy it.


I think you guys would love a show called The Terminal List. It stars Chris Pratt and Taylor Kitsch. Its about a navy seal who comes home after a mission and begins unraveling the truth behind everything happening to him. Very entertaining. Thriller throughout. Highly enjoyable.


Lol, probably tired of me repeating - Good Omens! Just a few eps long, but with the length of Invincible! A really funny story about the devil's son and an angel and demon trying to prevent the end of the world. Or if you're still in a super mood - The Venture Bros is a really, REALLY good parody show of supers/action cartoons/and spy movies. Very funny and almost a normalized view of what "good" and "evil" people do when they aren't on the job. A long series, but the Finale movie is dropping on HBO soon - so def worth the hype.


Hey guys, have you seen The Bear? If not, I highly recommend reacting to the show. Season 2 drops in a couple of weeks. The series captures the anxieties of working in the restaurant industry while also being a beautifully acted depiction of grief and loss.


Y'all gonna watch the Arnold 3 part series on Netflix?


I'm again suggesting Intouchables, the 2011 movie, based on a true story ! I don't think we have seen any European movies in the lineup and it's a good way to start ;)


I notice you guys tend to stick with pretty short series so If you guys are ever looking for a show, Utopia is one of the most underrated gems out there. It's 2 seasons (12 episodes total) of british conspiracy comedy/drama , and I never see anyone react to it. Heres the opening scene for anyone looking for a good show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01VGtX9xfh0&ab_channel=moofins

Dana Sow

Please react to Matt & Ben's movie, the Last Duel. Its based on a true story and also has Adam Driver in it. You guys would love it.


hey i would like to suggest movie from last year Thirteen Lives. A great reconstruction of a real event. Really worth a look. Its on Prime Video :)


check out Wind River (2017). very serious thriller/murder mystery with some actors I know the boys appreciate (don't spoil the cast list though, there's some suprise faces)


The very first live action Avatar : The Last Airbender photos have been published ! Photos of Aang + Katara + Sokka + Zuko ! Netflix official twitter post : https://twitter.com/netflix/status/1670191089121107968

Joey Patterson

Have you guys seen sons of anarchy


Hello, just joined patreon and happy to be here!! If you guys haven't seen "The Birdcage" yet I think it will be a fun reaction to have. Its a comedy that has Robin Williams and Nathan Lane.


I was rewatching the jojo rabbit reaction and the Hunt for the Wilderpeople crossed my mind. Same director and one I highly recommend if any of you haven’t watched it.


Hey just joined also i was woundering have you all watched “Now you see me” ?


Hey you studs, when are we gonna sit down together for a watch-along of Netflix movies Gray-man and Extraction 2?! Those action movies gonna make Expendables run for their money!

Badd Medicine

Answer still needs to see the first Extraction. You'll see that on the schedule next week. 🤙


I forgot to mention, not trying to overhype, but it's on par with John Wick :D Just saying...


Hey guys, some movie recommendations I think ya’ll would love! All incredible movies imo Uncut Gems (2019) Hereditary (2018) The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) Taxi Driver (1976) The Big Lebowski (1998) American Psycho (2000) City of God (2002) The Irishman (2019) Oldboy (2003) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) Whiplash (2014)


Yes it is, and it is a personal and subjective opinion. Don't have to agree with me 😏


Since you guys are liking animation how about the Lego Movie. It has a pretty good message which I think you guys will enjoy.

Alyssa Dyson

Im just gonna throw The Last Kingdom out there. Not sure if you've seen it.

Culper (Lukas)

I remember asking in a YT live stream last year about if you guys were creating a Discord and you guys said you were in early stages of developing the server. How is that coming along, if at all?


You should watch What Happened To Monday? if you haven't already. Love your reactions.

MJ Eid

Ted lasso?


Christopher Walken! Dune Part 2 Official Trailer 2 ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YUzQa_1RCE


Please consider reacting to MONEY HEIST (La Casa De Papel) on Netflix.💸 This show is so well done; one of my all time favorite Action/drama shows. You'd have to read the english subtitles, but I promise it is worth it! All the best to you guys!! Thank you for all of your Reactions🦋


great reactions ! could you put the movie/series in real time very small on the the bottom for your full reacts that would be great :) thanks

Yenni Huynh

When will you guys be doing the underworld series? You’ve been saying it’s on your list for so long now and I’m so impatient haha 😂 also would really love to see less shows and more movies. I know you guys have a particular schedule but keeping up with your show/episodes watch list is a bit harder than movies- as always I love your content and end up just rewatching your reactions to the movies i like when I’m less interested in whatever you have on your list for the month but I’m just hoping you watch some more movie series or add some diversity into the mix soon! I haven’t been able to tune in as much to the last few months of your reactions because it’s been either all tv shows/episodes of things that i don’t watch or movies that all fall into the same(ish) genre.


Would you guys love to watch 'The Covenant', with one of modern days best actor Jake Gyllenhal and directed by the incredible Guy Ritchie? Based on true-ish story (More like a lot of stories gathered into one to represent the forgotten heroes), it is about a Sergeant in Green berets doing mission in Afghan and working together with an Afghan interpreter. And the story is about their journey and relationship through war, survival, aftermath and life story - and the story of what could and would happen after the US Troops withdrew from Afghanistan and what happened to the people who supported and aided the NATO troops afterward!!

Badd Medicine

Hello. It's definitely on the list, but at this moment I don't know yet. We are still playing catch up which is one reason why we haven't done any polls recently. Best I can say right now is hopefully soon. 🤙

MJ Eid

Ted Lasso?


Ryan Gosling's new power ballad music video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1IgAEejvqM

MJ Eid

That’s the great part about opinions they can be different. I liked season 1 for the humor but I’m glad 2-3 added depth.


Hi Badd Medicine, ever seen Gone Girl? If not, it's a thriller/mystery that would make for a GREAT reaction video! Also The White Lotus please! Got to see that happen!

Alysha Acierno

Would you ever be interested in watching the Insidious Movies?


I just finished your Harry Potter reactions, and it was golden! Based off the review on the lessons of potter; I think you'd enjoy the animated show RWBY by roosterteeth. The animation is more akin to videogame animation for the first 3 volumes but gets a lot better with the more experience the show gains with 9 volumes so far. And they have killer soundtracks. The first 2 seasons have really short episodes in which they can be viewed as a movie in place of individual episodes that act much like HP 1 & 2 in introducing the world, where after Vol 3 it gets progressively darker: much like harry potter.

Alysha Acierno

that's great!!! Take your time, no need to rush :) Been watching your reactions on YT since the Harry Potter series reaction! Great stuff!

robert caldwell

been watching you guys for a bit. I really enjoy your reactions especially with the animated movies, and would like to recommend one of my favorite animated movies "Surf's Up". I believe you guys would enjoy it! I think it is available on Netflix at the moment

Oulianor Timothee

I appreciate that you guys actually reply to our comments on Patreon and YouTube, I like the engagement, you guys are my favorite reaction channel and I'm glad to be back on the Patreon side👍

Yenni Huynh

Not sure if you guys have watched “looper” before but i think that’s be a good one to watch if anyone hasn’t seen it yet! Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon Levitt- awesome movie

Badd Medicine

I don't think everyone has seen that. Ill double check. If some haven't we can throw that on the list.


I just watched your Shutter Island reaction and it was fantastic! Loved your surprise at the twist and turns! If you guys are keen on watching more Leo movies, I highly recommend another Scorsese/ DiCaprio team-up with The Aviator...Leo is phenomenal and Scorsese does things in-camera that are stunning....also if you never saw The Revenant it is truly a wonder to behold. The director only used natural light to film and everything is on location, no studio sets were used....also it is the movie that won Leo an Academy Award! Another stellar Leo film is Blood Diamond, the movie is fantastic but it is really Leo and the relationship with the supporting actor Djimon Hounsou that are phenomenal and the true standout of the film. These films have like no reactions to them, so you might be able to start a trend! :) As always I look forward to more reactions by you guys, always fun and entertaining!


I was wondering, for the full movie & tv reactions, is it possible to put the timer numbers at the very bottom of the screen, so that more of the reaction video ( including the movie/tv overlay ) can be seen without the timer numbers covering them ? If that's possible that would be much appreciated, thanks.

Amanda P

Still hoping the vampire diaries will end up on your list! I know some will disagree, but it's a really fun show and it's got great twists and turns and lore. Could make for some great reactions


It would be so awesome if you guys reacted to Spirited Away (if you guys have not seen it yet)! It's an oscar award winning film by Studio Ghibli and it's one of my favorite childhood films!!


A movie I think you guys would love is The Nice Guys (2021). It's a buddy cop movie set in the 70s with Ryan Gosling and Russel Crowe. This movie had me laughing harder than any movie i've seen in the past few years !

Badd Medicine

Give this a look 🤘😁 https://www.patreon.com/posts/86664454?utm_campaign=postshare_creator


Since y’all are doing Disney, it would be AMAZING if you could fit in some other animated movies like Quest for Camelot, Anastasia, The Road to El Dorado, & The Prince of Egypt. All fun, underrated, or incredible in their own rights 👏🔥


THE OUTSIDERS !! I think everyone will enjoy that movie, if they haven’t watched it already


I really recommend Stand By Me and The Color Purple


I recommend Memoirs of a Geisha, a historical fiction that is very good, with Michelle Yeoh.

Oulianor Timothee

You guys should do The Emperor's New Groove. It's probable Disneys funniest animated film. Also Lilo and Stitch and finding Nemo are great.


I'd like to throw the Pitch Perfect movies into the ring if you guys haven't seen them. Super funny and just fun in general movies.


You guys NEED to react to 2019's Little Women with an amazing cast of Emma Watson, Meryl Streep,Fflorence Pugh, Saoirse Ronan, Timothée Chalamet and more. It's an amazing movie filled with life lessons and one of the best films about growing up and confronting life. Also the way they tell the story is mindblowing.

Ashton D

Pitch Perfect franchise! Pleasee :)


You guys should watch the Outfit (2022). It's a pretty underrated movie starring Mark Rylance, Zoey Deutsch and Dylan O'Brien. It's all set in one location, like a play !


You guys should watch the cyberpunk edgerunner serie. Its base on a video game like Arcane but maybe even better.


You guys should watch Game Night, A Few Good Men, Pixar Coco, and Band of Brothers


Thank you all so much for the work and passion you put into your channel and Patreon! You guys bring humor and thoughtfulness to your reviews, and give me new things to think about for movies I've seen and a good time to look forward to for ones I haven't. I have some suggestions, please! The 13th Warrior (1999), The Road to El Dorado (2000), Kubo and the Two Strings (2016),The Fifth Element (1997), and Quigley Down Under (1990). Thanks for everything, and I look forward to watching more things with you all!!


The fifth element ! HELL YES ! But it's such a classic, I can't believe they wouldn't have watched it already.

Yenni Huynh

have you guys watched the newer Jumanji’s? If you haven’t i think those would be good to add to the list

Yenni Huynh

Aww man! I’m glad you all watched them and liked them but now everytime i see a good movie i always have an urge to see y’all react to them 😂 you guys have ruined me LOL


Have you watched Anchorman 1 and 2 or the Rush Hour trilogy yet? If not, I recommend giving them a watch.


To build up the hype for the September 5th streaming release of Barbie ( 2023 ) : released just today - new behind-the-scenes version of "I'm Just Ken" : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ru1LC9lW20Q - video contains full length song audio with mostly behind-the-scenes snippets plus some repeats of trailer & previous snippets - not too spoiler-y as far as I can tell, though individual reactions may vary.


Two top-tier shows you should watch are 'The Expanse' on Prime Video and 'Futurama' on Hulu. The Expanse is a near-ish future show that starts with a seemingly small plot in a detailed universe but continues to "expand" and explore complex political, social, and technological themes. Futurama is the show that never dies. It has been canceled many times and yet always returns; new episodes are currently airing after a ten-year-long cancellation. Both have amazing and dedicated fanbases, and I hope you take a look at these shows.


yo the expanse is sooo goood i wish they hadn't cancelled it. i was so excited for future episodes regarding the "thing" that became A LOT of other things xD

Yenni Huynh

Y’all gotta watch stardust and Hocus Pocus for the month of October! All witchy stuff this Halloween!

Justin Robertson

Futurama is too long I'd imagine. Expanse would be cool. Great show. Especially the 1st few seasons.


Watching Legally Blonde 2 with you guys got me thinking. It could be fun to, every once in a while, run a poll of known "bad"/"so bad they're good" movies to watch. For example, did you know that the author of Twilight wrote another book (about aliens of all things) that also got turned into a movie, called The Host? Would be fun to get your take on that. Legally Blonde 2 wasn't the best movie, but I still had fun watching along and hearing what you all had to say at the end about why you didn't care for it. And who knows, we might get another Twilight series gem of reactions with double ratings for "fun with my friends" & "actual" rating haha


If you guys haven't all seen it, please watch Nacho Libre. One of my favorite comedies.


Firefly SciFi TV show, it's only 13 episodes, one season and one movie. But it's just so epic :D


I would definitely recommend you all looking into the Animated DC movies, theyre absolutely fantastic and theres even a few where you get to see what Rated R DC movies are like! Highly recommend and keep up the amazing work!


Looove firefly. You guys need a show, should give Sense8 a watch!

mariana asturias

Please watch Dead Poets society 💙


I think I've seen it requested a couple of times here— but do you guys have The Big Short on your movie list? For me, it's Ryan Gosling's funniest performance and all-around an amazing movie. Hope to watch it with you guys!


Since you guys are starting to watch the Marvel TV series, I hope you watch Moon Night as well. It's a really well made, and easy to watch without any information!


Hi, will you guys ever consider doing reactions to One Piece on Netflix? It's originally a manga/anime and the live action has been pretty good and fairly loyal to the source material so would love to see what you guys would make of it.

Badd Medicine

We are looking to see how we can fit it in to the current schedule. It's always stacked, so it's hard to find a time. But it will be watched at some point here.


You guys should check out the show Miracle Workers (1st season for sure) every season is different. It is a fun silly watch


Yay, sounds great to me! I look forward to it should you guys pick it up 😊

Laurie Lioux

Probably been mentioned before but The Expanse is an awesome show….as is Black Sails! The Accountant movie with Ben Affleck is one you guys would probably enjoy as well. Love the reactions!


I know you guys aren't massive horror fans, but would you be open to doing any of these horror films from 2022: X (a really interesting and cool film) Pearl (the prequel to X, but hugely superior in my opinion - the performance by Mia Goth is just insanely amazing! You'll be totally blown away by her acting. And the film is a wild ride) Smile (a fun and creepy film) Barbarian (also a fun and creepy film) For Oak's sake, I will warn you that Smile and Barbarian have a few jump scares, but X and Pearl don't use jump scares (at least, none that I can remember).


Hi, i do not know if it was mentioned but Master and Commander- Far Side of the World is awesome movie with Russel Crowe and Paul Bettany.


I know I've already asked but someone else just asked for the same movie so I'll put them here again héhé - Barbarian - X and Pearl (set in the same timeline) - Fury with Brad Pitt - Les intouchables (a french movie with Omar Sy)


Hey you guys said in the Q&A to add some anime movies, here are some amazing ones that are also super popular - Spirited Away (2001), the GOAT animated movie ever made IMO - Your Name. (2016) - A Silent Voice (2016) - Sword of the Stranger (2007) - Perfect Blue (1998) - Wolf Children (2012) - Ghost in the Shell (1995) - Grave of the Fireflies (1988) - Paprika (2006) - Akira (1988)


Seconded!! Spirited Away is a must. And honestly any other Hayao Miyazaki movie would be amazing— I'll add Princess Mononoke (1997) and Kiki's Delivery Service (1989) to this list!


Movies I would recommend: Your Name (Nice plot twist and heartwarming) and Grave of the Fireflies (has very heavy themes).


If you want to watch more 90s films with profound messages, here are some recommendations: Dead Presidents, Dead Poets Society, Boyz n the Hood, Set It Off, Blood In Blood Out, and American History X.


I think you guys should absolutely react to the 1993 Brahm Stokers Dracula if you’re up for it!


and as for anime movies, I recommend a Silent Voice and Wolf Children! Both are ones I rather adore

Toan Toan

Have you guys watched "Immortals" with Henry Cavill?


You guys should make a tier list of all the movies you've watched this year (tiermaker website). Lots of YT used it for video ideas and I think it would be cool to make it with the movies you guys have watched on the channel (for exemple, "amazing", "really good", "ok" ...)

Anton Agassi

Hey guys huge fan! I found your YouTube channel a couple months ago and have been binge watching all your videos ever since haha :) Anyway I thought I would drop a quick message to recommend a film I think you'd all appreciate if you gave it a chance. The film is called "Les Intouchables" (The untouchables). Now I know what you might be thinking yes it's a french film but as someone who isn't even slightly French it's defintely one of my favourite movies, dw it's easy enough to follow with subtitles. It is truly an inspirational story that is even based on true events! Would love to see what you guys make of it! P.s The film was soo popular amongst non french speakers that they decided to make a knock off English version starring Kevin Hart called "The Upside" in 2017. Don't watch it by accident, trust me XD anyway sorry for the long message, keep up the great work!


My one suggestion comes from another patreon page. They have an option for members to pay 25 or 50$ (I can’t remember the exact price) to unilaterally pick a movie for that month. I think you should add in that option. You can tweak the policy to ensure it’s something you all haven’t seen before. Just a suggestion.


Youhouuu, I've been asking for this movie for a few months now 😍


That would be cool! There are so many films I love which are not popular enough to win polls, so a direct request would be great. It would also make sure that there is something for me to watch each month, especially if I'm not a Marvel/Avatar/Korra fan (no offence to anybody).


This! I'm not a big fan of the TWD and all its spin-offs so im just grinding through cause I love these guys. I would love to see some Studio Ghibli stuff on here or even Violet Evergarden. It might look a little girly at first glance but the animation is top-notch. *** I would love for you guys to react to some Apple Tv shows like Ted Lasso and Severence. Both are astonishingly good.

Gabriel P.

Movies ~ Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (2022/Stop motion) ~ CODA (2021) ~ The Fallout (2021) ~ All Quiet on the Western Front (2022) ~ Pacific Rim (2013) Shows (These are more of "would be nice" if you guys watched them, but I would be okay of they dont take priority) ~ Altered Carbon (2018/S2 is not worth the watch though) ~ Money Heist (2017/What makes S1 great, can make the other seasons feel a bit repetitive) ~ The Sandman (2022/Mostly several small stories rather than one overarching story) Anime Series (Don't consider myself much of an anime fan, but there some stories worth watching) ~ Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (2022) ~ Erased (2016) ~ Your Lie In April (2014) Some notes - On your podcast you mentioned planning to watch the Percy Jackson movies. Not sure if I would recommend watching them, since they arent the most accurate representation of the books (to put it kindly). I would suggest reading the books and/or watching the new show instead. - Can't wait for you guys to finish Korra, because Attack on Titan (aot) is something else. Funny enough, while binging your Avatar videos and seen how you guys reacted, I just kept thinking to myself "Yeah these guys would love aot" without knowing it followed Korra. This was my introduction to anime after a friend kept recommending it, and I haven't had such a memorable watching experience like watching S1. Every episode left me screaming "what!?" and clicking next. - Not sure if you guys know, but for anime the general consensus is to watch them with Japanese audio and English subtitles (format referred as "subs" rather than "dubs" which is English audio). This is because the translation to English could defer from what it was intended to mean in Japanese. - A content suggestion for shows is to do Season Reviews after finishing each season. Would be a great way to give your review and general thoughts for the season as well as your predictions for the next season. This could also include rankings like favorite characters, episodes, moments, etc.


Just watched the Brave reaction video and your reactions to Disney/Pixar are some of my faves. I would suggest you all react to Onward. Disney/Pixar movie released in 2020 right before the pandemic shut everything down.

Gabriel P.

Saw the Inside Out reaction, and Diamond Dave mentioned he hasn’t watched the Incredibles. Definitely should be added to the list if it hasn’t already. It would also be cool if we could see the (I imagine very long) list of pending movies/shows that are pending.


Is Now You See Me 1 and 2 still a thing ? Would love to see you guys reactions to both of them


Would love to see a reaction to Pleasantville with good ol’ Tobey Maguire. Saw a bit of the Barbie reaction and was reminded of it.

Sophia Eunice Mattice-Aldous

Hello! I know you have requests coming out of your ears and I don’t mean to be pushy. Just another vote for LA Confidential and Sicario. 😊 I also think you guys would get a kick from watching the new TMNT movie, Mutant Mayhem. The art is captivating and it’s just a fun time. As 80s/90s kids I would be interested to hear your thoughts. I really enjoy your reactions; thank you for your time!


Red 1&2, Expendables1-4, Much Ado About Nothing [1993], The Selection [TV; History Channel], *** THE CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR *** <--- These were some of the ones that I've thought would be fun to see you watch...!


I want you guys to try out Sherlock series with Benedict Cumberbatch from the Doctor Strange series. It’d be a pleasant surprise I think.


Can I do a few recommendations that will not be too heavy for Halloween or any time in the future list? :) Warm bodies - Nicholas Holt and John Malkovich. Not many have done it from what I see, but its seriously underrated as Zombie movies go imo. The man in the iron mask with John and Leo Di Caprio. Features the 3 musketeers. Hell House LLC. Its a ''found footage'' type trilogy, but the directors cut. Grave encounters. Extended cut. I'm unsure, have you done the Blair witch project? Dracula untold. Luke Evans. RED. Too many big names to mention. Its an action movie, not Halloween or horror. Just friends. One of Ryan Reynolds earliest comedy movies and speaking of Ryan? Deadpool :)


Ist there maybe some sort of list of recommendations so i can put a "+1"/ add my vote on some or is only through comments and hoping you guys see it and consider it? With a list i maybe could like some suggestions which aren't currently on my mind but other people recommended it already and i would like you to react to. Otherwise woul like to recocmmend "Schindler's List" - a heavy one but very good, important movie. Then "Lego - The movie" and "Butterfly Effect"


Having one place to put recommendations would be a good idea - maybe a weekly/monthly recommendations post? 👀

Gabriel P.

I was thinking about this too. I know this can be possible on Discord with a personalized bot. People could suggest something, vote on those suggestions, and/or receive automatic feedback if that particular title is on the list/already been done. But not everyone uses Discord.


Have a public list of movies that you have been recommended (possibly 100 entries) and another one for shows (possibly 25 entries) each cycling in and out options as ones get reacted to, let each patron vote on a single movie and a single show at a time and react to the movies/series with the highest votes first, that way when a top voted movie gets reacted to. Then all the people who voted for it would sprinkle down the list and vote on their next favorite as they wait for it to get reacted to. I think this would help make patrons feel more involved in the process as well as benefitting the channel as the most sought after reactions get done first.


🤔 Just an idea: I know you guys said you list down the stuff you are planning to watch, but would you consider making that list (or some of it) accessible, maybe as a pinned post? That way, people could check occasionally and see whether their recommendation has made it or not, so they know they can stop recommending it. It also might stop recommendations from getting buried among all the normal comments. 😁

Artem Dmytrenko

I'm sitting and waiting for the winter. Hope that after Korra there will be Attack on Titan :)


It probably won't happen because I don't think enough people watched it, but...would you guys ever react to Hell On Wheels, which is currently on Amazon Prime? It was a 5-season TV show set in the Wild West, about gunslingers and railroads and all that jazz. And it's genuinely SO under-rated and under-appreciated considering the high quality of its acting and characters. I swear to god it did NOT deserve to fly under the radar like it did. And Anson Mount is just ridiculously and criminally handsome in it. Like, jeez, dude.


Would you guys ever be interested in watching band of brothers?

Kayleb Patel

I thought Hell on Wheels was a Gordan Ramsey Kitchen show like Kitchen Nightmares


Heh not quite, "hell on wheels" is what the railroad builders call their shitty portable town, which moves as they extend the railroad further and further.


You guys should watch No one will save you and Talk to me. Two horror movies dealing about a similar theme that I think you guys would love (as in, you guys will love analyzing and talking about the theme, one of those movies might be a lot to watch ^^')


Hey Guys!!! I just want to recommend 'Hereditary', 'Talk to Me', 'Guy Ritchie's The Covenant' and 'Lone Survivor'

Hayley K

I am holding out hope for Tron:Legacy or Megamind!!


Have they seen Tron? I'd say watch that first, then Legacy, just so they can compare how far the technology has come!


I don't know if you guys saw, but the trailer for Invincible season 2 got released ! It's set for November 2nd !


Since you guys love the Flanaverse, as coined by our one and only Mason Quinn, you guys should watch Hush, an horror movie by Mike and also starring Kate Siegel ;)


I'm manifesting a Captain Phillips reaction into the universe 🤞🙏


Ah OK! That's totally fine. I have other requests for the future anyway.


😁😁 I would say my most "urgent" one is Room (the Brie Larson one, not the Tommy Wiseau one...) just because I love that movie so much. The rest can wait.

Oulianor Timothee

I'm back again with probably the same requests. From the Coco reaction I think Oak has seen Toy Story, but I hope you guys can go through the series I esp love TS 1&3. The Incredibles is another great one, and I know you guys will like The Iron Giant. Thank you guys I enjoy these reactions with you guys.


Hope you guys add Pluto to your list of possible anime to watch. Just came out on Netflix. I just finished episode 1 and it was incredible. Another one of those shows you guys would never watch unless recommended, think it would make a great reaction


Yall should watch Primal, so underrated and no body knows about it


Hey guys! I noticed the topic of mental health has come up recently in a few reactions. I have recommended this a few times, but will continue to do so because it is such a great movie! But the movie Perks of Being a Wallflower is wonderfully made, and discusses different mental health topics, especially in relation to young males. I really hope you give it a chance!


Hey guys! After 'Fall of the House of Usher', would you guys consider continuing the Mike Flanagan journey with "Doctor Sleep"? it's adapted from Stephen King's sequel to 'The Shining" and features some familiar faces from the "Flanaverse". Even if we're leaving the spooky season now, I hope you guys can get to it eventually! Thanks for all the content!


Not sure if this is the best place to put recommendations but a few: jungle (based on a true story) now you see me 1&2 don’t worry darling (not the greatest but a good one to watch reactions to) perks of being a wallflower swish army man (definitely an interesting one) room ratatouille


The Expanse (as a series)… The Magnificent 7 starring Chris Pratt, Denzel and Ethan Hawke,… Dracula (this is the scariest Dracula and the BEST one ever done) starring Gary Oldman (Sirius Black from HP)… any of the Disney real action releases! We’re repeating Scott Pilgrim with SO much more content out here! Sense and Sensibility (another Jane Austen novel), The Blade Movies would’ve been good for Halloween. It would’ve been a hoot to see some of the old horror flicks with Sir Christopher Lee playing Dracula (you’d also know him from playing Saruman in LOTRs or Boris Karloff as the Mummy and then Brendan Gleason in the more recent Mummy and even Tom Cruise’s version of the same. LET’S GO!


You should check something about Jake Gyllenhaal(Nocturnal animals or Nightcrawler are 10/10)

Alex Boatman

Trailer for the latest Planet of the Apes movie came out today! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ_HvTBaFoo


You guys should watch Shrek

Isaiah jaramillo

Any update for the second episode of season 2 for invincible


I would love to see you folks react to the new adult animated Netflix show "Blue Eye Samurai". I binged it in one sitting, it's so good and I think y'all would love it!! No one is talking about it and it's such a shame tbh. 😅 The first episode is available for free on the Netflix YouTube channel. 👀

J Knight

Captain Fall on Netflix is good. Trust me. I'm an expert.


Highly recommend the movie Room with Brie Larson and Jacob Tremblay

Andrew F

I highly recommend Attack on Titan to react to. I am sure countless people have recommended it and I recommend watching it in 2 episode segments at least


I just thought this was cute and wanted to share: My 4 year old just watched the new Paw Patrol Mighty Pups movie and wanted me to play it again. I did but she paused it to say that she wanted the people to watch it too, and it took me a sec to realize that you guys were who she was talking about lol. Sometimes she'll watch the kids movies and Korra with me while I have y'alls commentary up and I tell her "They're watching what we're watching." So yeah, that's her recommendation lol.


You probably have but have y’all seen toy story? if not i recommend it obviously!


I know you guys enjoyed Invincible and it's heroes and how they're like twist versions of DC and Marvel heroes and with their own depth - but you guys have gotta watch Venture Bros. It's an amazing show! I swear you will not be disappointed.


Are you guys going to react to the director's cut of rebel moon?


Please watch Saltburn, just came out on Prime Video and is trending!

Mikayla Williams

Would love to see The 100 reaction it's one of my fav shows, and really dystopian plus I haven't yet seen a reaction channel watch it yet. Another really good one is The Shack, it has Sam Worthington, and Octavia Spencer. Its super intense and a real tear jerker.


Would be fantastic for you guys to go through the epic series that is The Expanse!

C. J. Ramirez

React to gran turismo on Netflix


Merry Christmas everybody! 🎄🎄🎄

Abi P

Do react to elemental (pixar) and moving (korean) at disney+!


Have you already had Black Sails suggested? It's an incredible show, the prequel to the Treasure Island book but you don't need to know anything about it. Really clever dialogue, great action, I think you guys will love it


🙏 Guys, I was just wondering, do you already have Peaky Blinders on your list? I don't know how famous it is in the US, but it's a highly acclaimed and award-winning, British gangster show starring Cillian Murphy. The acting, cinematography, and music are masterful. It's set in 1920s Birmingham which is near my home-town! Each season is only 6 episodes long, so you could take a nice break between each season!! 😁😁


Badd Medicine Arcade channel suggestion: Can you create playlists sorted by game? I want an easy way to watch the videos in order!


I second this, Peaky Blinders is a fantastic show!

Amanda P

Please do Percy Jackson (the show on Disney+, not the movies) reactions!!


I LOVE the gaming channel! I'm so excited for Detroit Become Human!


Right?! I can't wait for them to see what happens. And the fact that they might do Red Dead Redemption at some point...idk if I can handle it 😂😂

Gabriel P.

Regarding Aot viewing: Attack on Titan also includes 8 special episodes called OVAs (Original Video Animation) that provide extra content on characters or worldbuilding. Some are optional, while others are highly recommended. A viewing order that includes these OVAs is: After Season 1 A Sudden Visitor: The Torturous Curse of Adolescence (Optional) Distress (Optional) Ilse's Notebook: Record of a Fallen Soldier After Season 2 Lost Girls 1: Wall Sina, Goodbye: Part One Lost Girls 2: Wall Sina, Goodbye: Part Two After Season 3 Part 1 Lost Girls 3: Lost In The Cruel World A Choice with No Regrets: Part One A Choice with No Regrets: Part Two Viewing Notes: - Episodes officially end once the "to be continued..." end card is displayed, otherwise there can be extra content. - Every opening theme contains several spoilers for their respective season/part, that's just how most animes do them. Since you don't know how things arrive to those outcomes, it is still relatively spoiler free. Its up to you guys whether you watch the opening themes or try to avoid them. - The show can easily be spoiled, especially after the manga and anime endings, so be really careful if/when searching anything Aot related.


really recommend heavy rain and beyond: two souls for the gaming channel. they come from David Cage, the creator of Detroit game. Those are a level lower than Detroit, but I still think they deserve your attention!


Thankyou. I was posting that the intros/openings do spoil a lot too. Especially the second and third one. They show several new characters way before he/she appears in the anime.


Meet the Robinsons. Its my favorite Disney movie & Oak will 10000% love the message. Its def his kind of movie


Will you watch the 2nd season of "Reacher"?

Badd Medicine

Eventually, yes. Answer hasn't seen season 1 so he will do that as a reaction. That way everyone will be caught up for season 2.

Curtis Rice

I would recommend August Rush, too. One of my favorites.

Kenneth Garner

The legend of Vox Machina! They absolutely smashed their kickstarter goal in just a few days and the community is very supportive! Show based on a dnd campaign with famous voice actors on the biggest twitch channel. Very funny, very intense

Kenneth Garner

Bojack horseman for another show, Movie wise - ive never seen a reaction channel check out wet hot american summer. One of my favorite comedies with a STELLAR cast


I know y’all did one piece on Netflix and it’s a tall order but since you guys entertained the idea of anime’s with Aot one piece or jujitsu kaisen?

Dana Sow

I would really love for you guys to react to i, Tonya and the Last Duel. Especially the Last Duel. I know you guys really enjoyed AIR which was done by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. They also did the Last Duel and its another amazing movie by them.

Hayley K

would you guys consider doing some classic challenge videos again? I just recently watched your old challenge videos and they are awesome!! I really want to see ya'll do the beanboozle challeneg or the banna and sprite one.


I'll never stop laughing at Oak accidentally roundhousing Answer in the face.

C. J. Ramirez

You guys should watch the purge movies


there is a series airing now, called "death and other details" which I think would also be a fun watch!


Guardians of G’ahoole is a good movie too


you guys should watch the greatest showman


You guys should check out Hazbin hotel

Zara Abenemi

I don't even know if the guys would like it but I need to see them react to Derry Girls lol I loved that show


I can't believe Perks Of Being A Wallflower hasn't been watched yet! You guys would absolutely love it, set in the 90s + an incredibly heartful coming-of-age story


I kninda want to watch you guys react to your own trailers. I mean, february trailer was masterpiece. 😝 It would be fun


would you guys ever watch ted lasso or succession? would love to see a reaction!


Yooo Bad Medicine crew, when will the polls be up for March films?


Gonna throw out a bunch of recommendations just to see if any stick: Paranorman (by laika, the studio that made Coraline), Perks of being a wallflower, society of the snow, monster house, Spirited Away (or really any studio ghibli movie), The lovely bones and Death note

C. J. Ramirez

Guys should react to the never back down movies


The mystery show 1899 could've been a good reaction for you guys, but unfortunately it got cancelled by Netflix after just 1 season, so there'll never be a resolution to its cliffhanger. I hate these premature cancellations so much.


Season 2 of Squid Game coming this year, hope you guys react to it! Loved the reaction to the first season! Have Answer and Oak seen season 1?


Same thing happened with me and Carnivale. Lore filled, depression era, traveling carnival. All I have is the future clips of the season they never released, and had to piece together my own resolution... Sorta...


I don’t know if you guys have seen the animated film The Incredibles, but it’s an awesome superhero movie !


Can you react to the Prince of eygpt dreamworks animation


if you guys didn't go see it in theaters, you should watch the iron claw! it's available to buy but not to rent. i went to see it knowing nothing about it and literally walked out in tears. so so so good.

J Knight

I'm taking a break from asking for Spiderwick Chronicles and switching to Shrek the Musical 🤣


Did you guys see Handmaid's Tale? I'd like to rewatch all the seasons as reactions 👍🏻


You guys should watch newsies 1992 and newsies the broadway show they are both on Disney + I think you will enjoy the broadway version they shot it like Hamilton and the original 1992 movie has a young Christian Bale in it


You should watch District 9 from 2009, it's an excellent science fiction movie


You guys should watch "The Brothers Sun" on Netflix! It has Michelle Yeoh, is 8 episodes long and is action packed!

Kelly Melvin

Y'all should check out The Green Mile starring Tom Hanks!


Guys, there is a new 10-episode Hulu/FX series coming out, Shōgun, starring Hiroyuki Sanada (❤️). It's an adaptation of a novel. So far it's getting rave reviews. Could be an interesting one to check out! 😊

J Knight

Y'all should watch WRECK IT RALPH


This isn't really the type of shows you guys watch but I'm curious on how you'll react to Bridgeton 🤣 Also would like your opinion on some more musicals (into the woods has a live performance recording on YouTube and so does legally blonde). In the heights, hairspray, west side story. Still holding out for the lego movie or rise of the guardians.


I don't know if it's ever been suggested before but I hope one day you guys will check out Teen Titans (2003). It's the same type of anime inspired cartoon as Avatar: TLA, only coming out 2 years beforehand. I think it leans a lot more into its comedy, but there are some seriously great character moments and intense villians. It's a balance between comedy ,lessons, and story with each episode. There also might be a few voices in the cast that you guys already know.😊


Have yall looked into starting a Discord? It can allow for the community to communicate directly. You can create a channel and/or polls for recommendations for new shows or movies. It also can have yall directly interact with people if you're interested in that.


Also, I think yall would LOVE the Starz show Spartacus. It's a fantastic series with great character arcs and amazing RAW combat. To be honest w my recommendation, it would also require occasional censor bars for the YT cut. But trust me, this show goes HARD. Violence, intrigue, drama, romance. All of it.


I know I may get heat for this but can you guys react to BTS? They're music is very deep and their message is awesome. I feel like The Oak would really love them


I'm so loving all these movies were going through. Maybe if you guys can add it into your schedules, more shows? Like not anything super popular cause I know it's a lot of episodes and stuff. But say The Queen's Gambit for example- 7 episodes and it's an amazing show?

Badd Medicine

Thank you, Jorreca. We can definitely add that to the list 🤘 Aug and September we have a good amount of tv shows coming 🤙


Would love it if you guys could react to some older movies too! Childhood nostalgia and all :D I'd recommend Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron!


If you're watching shows, there's Chernobyl on HBO. Would recommend.


You guys should react to Outer Banks on Netflix!


Maybe a weird suggestion but if you guys haven’t seen it. Maybe check out the hogwarts legacy state of play. I think you guys might enjoy that!

Markus X.

You should try to sort the reactions with the right tabs. it is really hard and annoying to find stuff like the Lord of the ring

Badd Medicine

Thank you for brining this to our attention. We will definitely work on that. LOTRs has been updated.

Markus X.

For reactions you should try different stuff which is not on every reaction channel out there. I personally would like to see: -Riddick trilogie -Transporter trilogie -Wanted -Sucker Punch -Crank -Triple X trilogie -Death Race trilogie -The Mechanic -R.E.D -The Book of Eli -Chappie -Gamer -Ninja Assassin


Not that they are amazing movies, but I could throw my hat into a reaction of : riddick, wanted, and sucker punch for sure. They are all interesting movies at least worth seeing a few times.


Have you all seen Pacific Rim? If not, it would be worth the review.

Ahmad Zain

Please watch Mission impossible movies