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I found it interesting that they commented about the fact that the Portuguese showed them that cannons weren't accurate back in the day. Does that mean they actually weren't as accurate back then when they first showed them, or that they (Portuguese) weren't as well versed in their use (doubtful, I feel they would know a whole lot), OR that they were just faking in order to keep the Japanese from turning the cannons against them? I'd be interested to know the history behind that, just as a little tidbit for myself. I also found the concept of the eight-fold fence to be really interesting. It makes me wonder about a lot of the other scenes in the series so far. There are moments when it seems like a masterclass in acting... to be so subtle yet show just enough. Really great.


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Ullrich Pfeiffer

I mean, an artillery piece today can be very differently effective if it is a few decades out of date. We really know how artillery works, but a German PzH2000 works a lot better than a Soviet Giatsint 2S5. And those are barely a few years apart from each other. And they have an actual war to prove it. Back in the day, it really wouldn't have been any different. New cannons would be as interesting as modern jets or modern artillery. Extremely interesting from a military stand-point, but no one would be flabberghasted by it.