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Episode 8 picks up where the previous episode left off. However, before that, we are treated to a brief glimpse of Luke and Percy engaged in a training session. Luke is seen teaching Percy the fundamentals of warfare, approaches, and swordplay. Here he teaches Percy the rules of battle, which is a very practical piece of advice As the episode comes to a close, Sally interrupts Percy’s dream involving Kronos. Following that, Percy starts to open up about his feelings for his mum and shows less fear of his dreams.

Poseidon appears at the last minute to save Percy from a swift attack by Zeus. After Poseidon reassures Zeus, the gods decide to gather as a family to talk about the impending war. Following that, Zeus turns and walks away. The next scene is a touching one between Percy and Poseidon. At the end of the segment, Percy asks Poseidon if his mother, Sally, ever appears in his dreams. Instead of giving a direct response, Poseidon tosses him an orb and directs him to travel back to Camp Half-blood

The standout of the episode is the late, legendary Lance Reddick. The actor, who passed away in 2023, gives a powerful, commanding, and intimidating performance as the temperamental Zeus — his barely-contained fury crackling just beneath the surface like the lightning bolt his character wields. The plot concludes on a slightly chilly yet hilarious note, which has us eagerly awaiting the second season.

This finale felt a bit rushed, but overall a fun series. Looking forward to season 2!

Did this meet your expectations? What are your hopes for season 2?


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First watch: All

Watched on: Disney+

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Thank you hope you enjoy!


It’s just me


Ryan Bellefleur

Double reaction to make room for moon knight let's goooo!! ;) jk jk


Well my evening is set!

Angel Griffin

What are your plans regarding the movies now you’ve watched series one? Can we expect them soon perhaps? Loved watching this journey with y’all it’s been great🤘🏻

Jon Kwasny

Its hard to say how Disney will approach this series going forward. In the books it is much more clear the weight and scope of a war between gods. They mention that World War II was fought by Poseiden and Zeus’ kids against Hades’ kids. So the war between Poseiden and Zeus in the books was much worse. Much of the darker themes were overlooked in the show, for example, Crusty the clown doesnt go down like that, Percy actually tricks him then cuts off his head in the book to save the other two. Im looking forward to see how they handle it moving forward

every1luv J

edge indeed tore his Achilles on his left leg lmaooo


Then they can only watch movie 1 since movie 2 would be such a spoiler. Maybe they should wait until they can do both movies together (if they want to watch them)


The girl who was turned into a tree, was Thalia, Zeus daughter. Poseidon and Zeus talked about her bravery in their dialogue since Zeus and Poseidon both have a forbidden child :)

Jack's World

I agree this finale did feel a tad rushed, but I’m hoping we get a 10 ep maybe even 12 season 2 & beyond 🙏🏻

Sydney Wind

If I remember correctly from the book, WW2 was basically a fight between the children of Zeus and Poseidon vs the children of Hades. This is what caused the Big Three to make a pact, because their children were affecting the course of history too much.

Cube Pylum

Something else that makes Luke's sword Backbiter so important is it is made of half celestial-bronze and half normal steel so it can kill monsters, demigods, and regular mortals.

Kyra Brown

Another fantastic reaction I'm so happy you guys enjoyed this fun little series for a person who never read the books I also really enjoyed it alot and as well sees it's possible potential even though this show isn't perfect it's still pretty decent and I do feel it's only get bigger and better in the future just like Harry Potter so that being said love your reaction cannot wait for season 2💖❤️💯

Jack's World

Idk if they should because both give hints towards other parts of the series & I would prefer they remain unspoiled


There's a behind the scenes episode that pretty fun and not too long, maybe check it out?

Lisa - Marie

another great reaction. if you guys haven't already seen haven I think you will enjoy that and the edge is a regular in season 2, 3, 4 and 5 too and is great in it.

Jack's World

I would say in terms of the tone, it is reminiscent of HP in that they get darker & darker as they go on & the scope of the war is explained far more. We really don’t get much of the gods & the demigods interacting in the first book. BUT, Dave yeah with the long game, it certainly goes that way in terms of they get darker, the first 2-2.5 of the books felt to me like focusing on cunning, strategy, finding themselves. Whereas by the 3rd if feels larger in scope, the tons is darker, the action, fighting, battles, WARS, exponentially increase over time & I believe the rating may increase over time with the key demo. The actor playing Percy has had a fucking insane growth spurt between the filming & now, almost a foot it looks like 😂. So I feel that things will feel more believable as time goes on. Given how this was received, I can almost certainly say they will at minimum give it 5 seasons. The time constraints were definitely noticeable, the internal monologues that give some exposition (also in convos too) we get in the books are hard to translate. I have a feeling that again given their numbers & performance on streaming, we will get longer (or MORE) episodes 🙏🏻 . Criticisms are very valid, I read this when I was in GRADE SCHOOL when they were releasing & it was a bit less dark than HP at first, but I can imagine they will slowly get things portrayed darker. I am unsure if they will explain further about how they played into WW2, buuut I will refrain for now lol. I HIGHLY recommend reading the first book too if possible if you can. Those that read the book were really disappointed with the films because we were expecting a HP type adaptation & it was just disappointing in almost every regard from the age, the skipping of key things, combining others etc.

Elizabeth Gidney

I hope you guys react to the making of the series. If you do react to the movie only watch the first one because the second one has spoilers for future seasons and books if any of you want to start reading the books. Also the second movie is just bad in general.

Danna Radilla

Now to wait for season 2!! about the neckles, it is given at camp and every a new like charm is added, that why Anabeth and Luke have one but not Percy until the summer ends

J Knight

I've been vouching for the first Percy Jackson movie since 2011 🤣 It's not book accurate, but it's fun as hell

Pauline Bäcker

I love you reactions, thank you so much for dropping two at once 💙 If you think the Ares fight was too quick, you have to remember that it's literally the god of war fighting against a twelve year old with about 2 weeks of fighting experience. The books are quite fast paced as well which makes sense if you remember that the author wrote them for his son who has ADHD and dyslexia like Percy and most demigods ; ) Percys powers will definitely develop as the books grow darker, just be patient. It grows with the audience just like Potter or at least I hope Disney will allow it to... And Lukes betrayal is even more heartbreaking when you remember that he took care for Annabeth like a brother. And he kinda makes sense as we learned this season, the gods are far from perfect, but his methods are wrong because of Kronos' influence.

Hayley K

If you guys are considering the Percy Jackson movies- please only watch the first one. The second one is a spoiler for season two of the show.

Hayley K

Also DD- there’s more action in the movie 🤘🏻 the main reason why people dislike the movie is because it doesn’t follow the book exactly- like the show does. I was an avid PJ book fan and I still liked the movie a lot regardless.

J Knight

Actually, there are a bunch of scenes that are more book accurate, like the Lotus Hotel. The show kinda makes Annabeth way more smart at 12 than she should be because they didn't want to shoot longer episodes. Also, Annabeth is pretty much Athena's favorite child, so the portrayal of their relationship is interesting in the show. I wonder how they're going to approach this in season 2...


This eps was a bit rushed, and they managed to leave out some info, such as when Percy bested Ares, he cursed him before he left, that "his sword will fail him when it matters most", which is a pretty important plot device to leave out like that in the show. Also thought they poorly explained Ares' role in the whole thing. The first search he found Luke first getting away, Kronos essentially enchanted him to let him go, and used him as a red herring kinda? Ares was under the influence anyways and didn't know what was fully going on. Its better explained in the books, lol. Also, Percy gave the head to his mom, who used it on Gabe lol. Otherwise, I enjoyed the Season, happy it got renewed, I want to finally see one of my favorite characters in action, having each book a season was such a better choice then making a movie on it. movies I pretend never existed, lol. it does get heavier and darker as the story progresses.


Thank you for uploading both at the same time, it would have killed me to wait another week for this reaction. As a book-reader it's been a blast to watch your reaction every week, already looking forward to watch S2 with you 💙


yes!! huge point as celestial bronze passes through mortals entirely untouched


not sure if you guys will do the behind the scenes, it's a cool watch, but Walker did a bunch of training for that final fight with Edge and there's some fun quotes from everyone on working with him; Leah says "I don't even have to act scared, I am scared in real life of this guy" and Walker says "I'm not even scared of the stunt, I'm scared of Adam" 🤣

Dora Dominguez

Oak and Dave, you guys are right in the fact that the story is "light", but these books are similar to HP in the fact it's a coming of age story so things do grow. The way the books are laid out TLT is essentially used as the foundation in sense. It builds the world and gives you a very small taste of what is to come. I personally would and have viewed this as the start and as the series goes on it will reference things that happened in this season for you and it also foreshadows and creates a ton of parallels in the future so please keep that in mind. Also as an "OG" fan (lol) I totally agree that the episodes need to be longer. But season 2 was announced and hopefully they give us a lot more screen time!!!!

Greg Z

The show has good messages even though its about 30% accurate to the books which was a bit underwhelming. Unfortunately since the show is on Disney+, this is as dark as it will get, or they will not include anything darker than this. I will say though that for people who have never read the books, this is pretty solid show. Definitely read the books.

Morgan L

I know it’s not their typical content but I hope they do 😭


Lmfao it’s like 80% accurate be for real. Way more accurate than the movies, and everything they changed made sense for a tv show.

Raquel Perodin

A sad thing is that in the books Gabe was abusing Percy’s mom and it was a lot worse in the books. She only put up with him because he smelled so bad (that he was nicknamed smelly Gabe by percy) that he masked Percy’s scent so monsters couldn’t find him when he was at home. The ending with Gabe was really a lot more satisfying in the books because he really did deserve it.

Greg Z

Don't get me wrong its a good show, there's just a lot of inaccuracies for what it should have been imo maybe 50% tops

Amanda P

I do hope Disney listens to the criticism of episode length and either give more time or more episodes, I hate what streaming has done to TV shows now only having like 6-10 eps it's so annoying lol like I miss 22 ep seasons!! I really loved the last episode, could feel a bit rushed but even the book was kinda like that. Also I don't think it's too kid-ish I think it's great for all, I absolutely don't mind more adult themed shows but I also hate when it's unnecessary nudity like gen v with dicks everywhere 😅 anyways I really enjoyed your reactions like always! I've commented it before but I really really hope you guys will react to the movie on netflix The Adam Project, it's got younger Walker Scobell and Ryan Reynolds and more cast I won't spoil! It's really good and hilarious

every1luv J

I think your next series y’all should watch should very much be peaky blinders


Another series done! What a fun ride this was. I know a lot of people dog on the OG Percy Jackson movies but as a fan of the books, it was still something I enjoyed. Looking forward to watch that with you guys 😁

Tori Jeri

btw Percy IS Poseidons only son alive at the current time. He wasn’t supposed to have ANY kids which is what makes Percy a forbidden kid. He is the only one he has rn which is why their relationship is a bit different to like Ares and his kids. And why he has the whole poseidon cabin to himself


In the books its pretty heavily implied that the Nazis/Hitler were children of Hades and the Allies were children of Zeus and Poseidon. I'm pretty sure its worded like "Children of Zeus and Poseidon were at war with children of Hades" and the second world war was so bad that it made them make the pact for none of them to have children. I think in hindsight Rick Riordan (The book author) and the showrunners decided that piece of the book didn't age great and it's probably not a good idea to attach a god/his children in a family fantasy series to a real world atrocity. I think they tried to somewhat keep the world-building aspect of it in the show without explicitly attaching it to the Nazi party. EDIT: I found the excerpt from the book. This is Grover explaining it to Percy. also, this isn't a spoiler as it is explained early on in the first book. "About sixty years ago, after World War II, the Big Three agreed they wouldn't sire any more heroes. Their children were just too powerful. They were affecting the course of human events too much, causing too much carnage. World War II, you know, that was basically a fight between the sons of Zeus and Poseidon on one side, and the sons of Hades on the other. The winning side, Zeus and Poseidon, made Hades swear an oath with them: no more affairs with mortal women. They all swore on the River Styx."

Maren Trümper

So personally, I watched the first movie before knowing anything about the story. I liked it a lot, enough to then read all the books. And that's when I started disliking the Movie, because it really messed up the original Story xD


I really loved your guys reaction to this show and I’m actually excited to see your reaction to the movie although I would only recommend watching the first one. Anyways just for you guys to have any frame of reference when it comes to how accurate the movies are as a book adaptation its safe to assume at anything thats done differently from the show that the show was the book accurate version of the event (Especially when it comes to the character’s personalities and ages!!) The fact that Percy and his friends are as young as they are makes the whole series more impactful in my eyes when it comes to how little the gods actually care for their kids, the fact that they have twelve year olds do their quests and fight their wars for them without hesitation shows that its all just about glory for them and not family. To be fair the rushed ending is partly due to the ending of the book because it is rushed too, this whole ending only takes place in about 30 pages, thats kind of just the way Rick Riordan writes his books for the most part they have a lot of build up and the final battle mostly takes place in a very short time frame.


Yes the show made a few changes but it was VERY book accurate, to say it‘s only 30% accurate is ridiculous I would even credit the movies to be about 30% accurate because thats only like using the bones of the story and changing everything else. Also I think people forget that the books belong to Disney and that Rick Riordan has been publishing his books through Disney for years already when they are complaining that Disney won’t go that dark because Disney evidently already went that dark with the books?!


About the conversation between Poseidon and Percy, it's kinda that short in the books too from what I remember, and is even worse because Poseidon says to Percy that he should never have been born in the first place. He doesn't says it to be malicious but to let Percy know that he regrets everything he puts him through but yeah, he is kinda mean to him. Poseidon in general is much less caring about Percy and Sally in the books and I'm kinda glad they changed it because it gives Percy more motivation on why he is fighting for the gods instead of Kronos.

Thine Tiny Equine

If I remember properly, in the book Percy's mom gets the head, and slams it on the table while the guy is doing something. Sells him off as a 'stroke of inspiration piece' called The Gambler or something... But it's been a decade since I read the books, so I could just be remembering a fanfic.


Great video guys. I love these books and I can’t wait for season 2! There were some issues with this season but overall it was decent for an adaptation. I’m not a die hard fan so I wasn’t too upset over the changes except for the lotas casino episode. I will say on the books getting darker, there is a lot more death. HP was kinda light but later in the series this goes heavy into it. It gets as dark as HP for that last book in other themes but the other series are even darker. I don’t want to spoil so that is all I will say, but this first book was my least favorite and my hope is that they take in criticisms for the show into consideration for season 2 and on. Also something I want to add is Percy Jackson is sooo tame in this series. In the books he has no fear and straight up threatens people who could easily kill him. That is what makes him Percy. I highly recommend the books just to see what I mean. Along with how the gods don’t seem as powerful as they felt in the books. A lot of the people have talked about these issues online and I am sure all the actors are more than capable of fixing these issues. I hope they fix the issues I’ve mentioned and again im sure season 2 will being amazing.

Alexiani Gollarza

Amazing reaction, as always. To answer a question you all had, the tree is Thalia, Luke and Annabeth's friend, that Thalia is Zeus' daughter, the one Poseidon says "he is brave, like your Thalia".

Alexiani Gollarza

Important information here: you can only watch the first movie, the second will be spoilers for season two.