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What is happening? I think we are forgetting something here? Maybe we had too much Lotus????? :) :) :)

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

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First watch: All

Watched on: Disney+

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Thank you hope you enjoy!



LOL love the caption. excited to watch after work! thanks as always :-)

Jack's World

Oh Lordy that caption 😂

Mallika Anand

You guys are always so expressive and interactive with your captions, I love it 😄

Cube Pylum

Grover got his memories back at the end of this episode

Elizabeth Gidney

I can't wait for next episode reaction 😊

John F.

I totally agree. As someone who’s read the book, the episodes are too short.

Cube Pylum

Yeah, the lotus casino played out very differently in the books, as soon as they went in they were given rooms and cards with unlimited funds, and then each got caught up in games meant to keep them occupied. Grover played a hunting game where animals hunted humans, Annabeth played a game about architecture, and I don't remember what Percy played but while he was talking to someone else who was playing a pinball game he realized the pinball guy talked like he was from the 80s and didn't know who the current president was and realized the casino messed with time and memory.


it sucks to not be able to say much, having knowledge from the other books, don't want to say too much that would spoil, BUT, the Lotus Hotel played way differently in the book with no Hermes or the Satyr, but time passing differently in the hotel and forgetting why you were there to begin with is accurate. But, I think I can see the direction they're going with with the change up, if some stuff that happened this eps is accurate, since the Lotus Hotel still has parts to play in the future and I can see how this could work out to bring together some future plot points. just 2 more eps :)

Kyra Brown

Yayy percy jackson is back can't wait to watch this as soon as I get off work 🙌 🤗


You guys should definitely check out the movie afterwards! I would love to see reactors finally compare the show to the movie instead, as it is way closer of an interpretation. It's very cheesy and definitely a product of its time but it has a lot of good nostalgia for the series. The one thing it does better than the show so far is the Lotus casino scene. The Lotus is meant to be mind-numbingly awesome- we're talking indoor water slides, free rooms, unlimited food and for our trio it's the first good, safe sleep (in super luxurious beds) and showers they've had since the beginning of the quest. In that regard, the time doesn't just skip ahead, you just genuinely lose yourself in how amazing it all is. There are people who are literally there for hundreds of years. Rewatching it with you guys, you can see some people with odd clothing choices, very reminiscent of the 70's or even 40's & 20's at some points. Also, there are a few easter eggs in this episode that certainly won't come into play for a long time (book 3), but let us know if you'd like us to point them out to you ;)


I feel like the easter eggs are too spoiler-y probably. They were really meant for book fans to have a fun tid bit to look out for, I think, since we know what’s going to happen lol.

Tori Jeri

yeah the memory loss is only temporary. The point is that the casino does it to trick people into staying there longer. But once you leave, since you’re not breathing it in anymore your memory comes back. But people don’t remember that they need to leave to begin with so they stay for a WHILE. I don’t know if you picked up the different cars in the garage being from different time periods, but there are people still in there that have been there for decades!


thank you guys for this release :) my fav moment also was the taxi driving with that super tension music 😂

Lisa - Marie

I agree that episodes would been better longer and not alot really happened in this episode except alot of setup for the next 2 which thinking about it 🤔 quite alot happens in last 2 episodes. Excited to see your reactions to them.


Can't wait for ur reaction to the last episodes. They r great and so fun. Also I just has to mention about the underwater scenes and how they did construct a massive tank(three stories tall) and the scene with nereid by the end of this episode was actually the last scene that they got to film for the season and Walker Scobell (Percy) and his double spent the whole day shooting that scene. Walker Scobell had underwater training, he got his junior diver's license and trained to speak underwater without creating any bubbles and trained to spend in underwater up to a minute. They mentioned how there might've been some VFX touch ups but most of it was him underwater not breathing and not making air while staying for a minute and a half. I mean we already knew how much of a fan the cast r of the books and Walker himself who read the whole series couple of times at this point and he himself stated that if he wasn't playing Percy, he would've been there sitting in the crowd getting excited for this. I just admire their dedication towards their roles. They really couldn't find anyone better than them.


Not sure if anyone has told you but the episode titles are chapter titles from the book! Just a fun little easter egg for people who read the books


So happy to see all the PJO reactions are up and running. I didn't get to see this episode last week so here I am. I usually comment on YT because I find it either but oh well. "We can a Zebra to Vegas" title of chapter 16. The chapter before that is " A God buys us cheeseburgers". This is the 1st (and only) episode this season that I was disappointed by. Don't get me wrong, this is still a good episode but I wish they had done things differently. Of all the changes they made throughout this season, I don't understand why we spent so much time in the casino. I wish they went the book route and focused on the Arcade completely and we see all them be kids and forget about the quest. I wanted to see that so bad. The scenes that save this episode for me are the scene in the truck when they talk to Luke, the conversation with Hermes and the taxi scene. And as always, the episode is too short (damn Disney), which just makes this episode worse for me, which is a shame! It really hurt to wait a week for this. Quinn, just when you asked "when will Grover remember" he literally said he remembered Percy & Annabeth are his best friends. If you go back to when the animals are out on the streets, you can see a Zebra walking on screen for 2 seconds. I'm not a doctor or anything like that but to me it would make sense the Lotus blocks the connection between your memories and the rest of your brain. So when you stop inhaling it, your memories come back.


No Youtube link for this one?