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Uh, hey guys. so i have good news and bad news.

good news is i'm finally feeling normal again, my new meds have been an incredible help. i feel motivated and happy and energetic, its great.

the bad news is i'm still facing a bit of an art block, and for over a week after my new meds started i was getting headaches too strong to do anything, which has left me still quite behind on art. i'm upset about it but i know the light at the end of the tunnel is coming!

but that leads me to this: i'm going to be taking another break from the Patreon in July. as a birthday gift to myself, to allow myself to catch up and get the heavy weight off my mind of owed art. i will not be pausing payments, but i will not be doing the patreon activities for the month. i will be using July to catch up on owed art and do personal work to try and break through this art block and regain my love for art that i've been struggling with for months now. I hate owing art for people, its important to me that i give people what they paid for in a timely manner, and the past few months hasn't allowed me to do that. I want to fix it. I wanna catch up.

There will be no patreon polls, or suggestion box draws, or any of the other stuff. I'm really sorry but I can not keep going like this, as behind as i am. i can't keep drowning myself with more work. however, any personal art i do, any art i do for the month of July just for fun, will be exclusive to the patreon for a month.

 i'd be extremely grateful to anyone who subscribes, or stays subscribed for July. but there is absolutely no pressure to, and i'd never guilt you or shame you for it! not during any month obviously, but especially not during these month breaks that i occasionally need. i'm dedicated to getting back to normal this month, and for the first time in a long time i'm feeling really good. remember you can unsubscribe before July 1st if you don't want to be charged for the month.

thank you guys, genuinely. every patron, ex-patron, anyone who's ever shared my work or commissioned me or even just liked my tweets. thank you.


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