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28\06\2023 - additional variations



Kirito Yuuki

another amazing piece keep it up

Futa Lord

New model?

Khaki Chan

Wow the balls with that cock looks fantastic


I have to say I prefer the original cock. It has a much more unique shape.


Probably gonna start a war here, but uncut cocks just don't look anywhere near as good as cut cocks 😅

Conscious Gentile

This is amazing. The realistic proportions are a WELCOME CHANGE. Huge improvement. Fantastic progress in your skill and vision


The new cock model and texture look great, it makes the old one look clay-like and fake in comparison.


They both look good, I'm a sucker for uncut but have to admit that uncut makes for great pics like this


Is it just me or does the texturing on the right arm look a little strange?


I roughly understand why this problem is present, but I have not tried to fix it. I'll try to pay attention to this in the future, or fix it later if I'm not too lazy

Khaki Chan

The dick is half the thickness of the character's thigh and the boobs together look nearly half the size of her entire torso if not bigger. "Realistic proportions" doesn't accurately describe reality does it? You're certainly welcome to like it all you want but you're outta your mind if you're calling that realistic my dude

Futa Lord

For me it's more that this one's texture is really bad like a low quality dildo, even the urethra is clearly solid. The old one was really good and super realistic, though Seong Hui didn't have a particularly good shape out of the girls imo. Jill, Triss, and Saeko probably have the best cock size/shapes.

Futa Lord

I agree with that. I actually unsubbed to Salamandra when he started doing almost exclusively uncut futas when he was formerly doing exclusively cut stuff.


Woot for pussy variety. it's weird when everyone has the same style body/genitalia


Love the new realistic cock texture, those soft, saggy balls look great.


my favorite is back! (one of my favorites)


I liked the penis texture you used before a lot better.